Since 1995, Mark Campbell has been trying to get Egypt to rationalize its mining royalty system. Now it looks like his efforts are about to pay off. Rather than the old 50-50 model, which couldn't work for miners, Egypt will be shifting to a much more advantageous tax system that should be a boon to gold miners like our sponsor Aton Resources. Things are about to get very interesting at the Company's Rodruin project. And Mark shared with us some highly positive drill results that were just released and could mean there's a mountain of gold just waiting to be tapped. Exciting times for Mark and Aton!

Direct download: Mark_Campbell_12.Nov.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:37pm EDT

Our go to person for all things medical, Dr. Elaina George believes that Obamacare is now officially permanent, thanks to the democrat takeover of the House. They're looking for single payer panacea which clearly doesn't exist. It's now more important than ever for you to become an empowered patient and opt-out of the system. It's later than you think. And start leading a healthier lifestyle today!

Direct download: Dr_Elena_George_12.Nov.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:27pm EDT

There's wildfires in California, disputed elections all over the map, and panic all over the place; will it lead to a Wall Street Meltdown? It's often said that stocks climb on a wall of worry. If that's the case then the market should be booming now. There's enough worries to go around all over. More and more people keep moving to geographically and financially dangerous areas, knowing that the government will be there to bail them out. Our ability to properly govern ourselves is diminishing daily and there's few bright spots on the horizon. How much longer can the economic system hold out for? 

Direct download: John_Rubino_12.Nov.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:53pm EDT

Kyle Olson has just directed a funny but tragic movie, Dummycrats. In it, Diamond and Silk travel to Maxine Water's poverty stricken district and to her out of district mansion. She's always voted one of the top corrupt members of congress, but the system keeps her in place. Then they travel up to San Francisco to check out the state of upcoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district. The view from the street is appalling, with rampant homelessness, out of control addiction and the much vaunted poop patrol. You can't make this stuff up. 

Direct download: Kyle_Olson_12.Nov.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:33am EDT

According to the good rabbi, the solution to so much of what ails us can be found in the Jewish Book of Wisdom, The Talmud. From Cannabis legalization to the welfare state to protecting personal rights, it's all there. Rabbi Ganz believes that the Talmud encourages government to get involved in civil issues and stay away from persona matters. The government is responsible for protecting us against external enemies and should not get involved in our eating or drug issues. Sounds almost Libertarian. 

Direct download: Rabbi_Ganz_07.Nov.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:56pm EDT

Christian Toto is a rare breed, a film critic who's extremely critical of Hollywood. From their demonization of the right to their treatment of minorities to their attitude towards Toxic Masculinity Hollywood has lost its way and its mind. And it's costing them on the bottom line too. What other business can afford to alienate half their market? At some point their business model is going to fail if they keep it up. 

Direct download: Christian_Toto_06.Nov.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:12pm EDT

We reconnected with our old friend Gary Wagner. He’s been a long time Hawaiian resident. Understanding the gold market is simple he says. It’s all about the dollar. Right now everything is coming up roses for Donald Trump. The greenback is staying strong and he’s having his way on trade. He’s locked in a battle with China which will eventually be resolved. And the dollar will peak and then the fun will begin. 

Direct download: Gary_Wagner_05.Nov.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44pm EDT

When it comes to government incompetence, few places can match New York’s. Corrupt labor laws, rapacious unions and bought and paid for politicians have led the CIty and State into a death spiral. It’s just one of many cities and states facing the burden of retiree pension and healthcare benefits. It’s underwater to the tune of $150 billion and counting. Get ready for the next meltdown. 

Direct download: Joh_Rubino_05.Nov.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:42pm EDT

Stewart Thompson has been a student of markets since he was a child. He believes that to prosper, you need to follow the banksters. They’re usually right and they have a completely different perspective on the markets than the public. Stewart has called numerous market tops and bottoms, such as $50 silver and Bitcoin’s peak. He believes that much higher inflation/consumer prices are on their way and that it will take the investing public by surprise. A lot of other good info in the interview. 

Direct download: Stewart_Thompson_31.Oct.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm EDT

David Horowitz has been calling out the left’s playbook for decades. He believes that they are hell bent on the destruction of the USA. And he’s doing his best to stop it. Recently he became ensnarled in the Florida Governor’s race. Racist Andrew Gillum accused Horowitz of being a racist. Anyone who knows David understands the absurdity of the allegation. But the best defense is a good offense. Or so the left believes. But with David Horowitz they’ve met their match. 

Direct download: David_Horowitz_31.Oct.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:28am EDT

George Matheus joined us to discuss survival strategies during a mass shooting event. As you know George has had a long career in law enforcement and has trained swat teams. Of course being armed can be a lifesaver in certain scenarios, however, there’s a lot more to survival than that. First and foremost you need situational awareness whenever you’re out in public. Have an escape plan for any possible emergency. Scope out the exits and if you’re with family, have a plan to find each other if you get separated. If there’s a shooter, keep moving and stay low. A moving target is much harder to hit than a stationary one. And unseen target is even harder. And finally, be prepared so you avoid panicking. 

Direct download: George_Matheis_31.Oct.18mp3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:24am EDT





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