What do college students really learn these days? Answer, not much according to David Horowitz. They're indoctrinated in anti-American, anti-Capitalism among other things. What value does a degree in Women's Studies really have? Or any other degree with an "ism" attached. Not much according to David. It all goes back to Vietnam and the desire by many to avoid the draft. Now they're the ones teaching at our colleges. 

Direct download: David_Horowitz_11.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:44pm EDT

Adam Mesh is the first to say that he doesn't understand Bitcoin. Join the club! However, he does understand markets and trading, that's what he does. While he has no idea whether Bitcoin will go to $1 or to $1 million, he sees many opportunities in trading. And as far as Bitcoin futures are concerned, Adam says, "How could anyone go to bead at nigh holding a Bitcoin futures position?"

Direct download: Adam_Mesh_06.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:59pm EDT

According to Harlan Ullman, the tax bill pending before congress now is a loser. It won't accomplish what it's setting out to do and will not right our listing economy. It will just result in more bonuses and stock buybacks.  Rather Harlan believes we need a huge infrastructure bill, by forcing repatriation of overseas corporate profits into an infrastructure bank to get the country going again. 

Direct download: Harlan_Ullman_06.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:44pm EDT

Ty Crandall is an internationally known speaker, author, and business credit and nancing expert. He is the CEO at Credit Suite where he oversees the biggest business credit coaching operation in the United States.

With 16 years of nancial experience, Ty is widely recognized as an authority in business credit building, business credit scoring, and business nancing. He is the author of two popular books, Perfect Credit and Business Credit Decoded.

Ty is a frequent contributor to radio and news shows, TV programs, and magazines including Entrepreneur, Inc, and Forbes, as well as the host of the popular podcast The Business Credit and Finance Show.

Direct download: Ty_Crandall_05.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:14pm EDT

Abby Chao is an expert in helping you save for your child's college education. By creatively using the existing 529 program, her site collegebacker.com will also help relatives and friends contribute to the cause. It's very innovative and easy to do. Definitely worth a look and there's a special offer for FSN listeners. 

Direct download: Abby_Chao_05.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:12pm EDT

Dan Kurz is an FSN community member who's out to make a difference. He worked in the corporate world until it was no longer an option. Now he run DK Analytics where he addresses issues such as, “Reversion beyond the mean” which lies ahead. Everyone talks about reversion to mean, but you often have to go through a lot of pain to get back there. Nice to see people growing. 

Direct download: Dan_Kurz_05.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EDT

Andy Schectman runs one of the most trusted companies in the bullion space. He's confident that the numerous anomalies popping up in the metals markets spell big profits down the road. Things like Palladium selling for more than Platinum. Numistmatic coins selling at par to bullion. And many others. Markets tend to normalize over time and that means profits will result. 

Direct download: Andy_Schectman_04.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:58pm EDT

Bix Weir has many non-traditional views about many topics. And often he's right. Now he believes that the sex scandals are about to really hit the fan. What we've been seeing is just a foreshadowing of what's really about to happen. There have been many rumors and who knows, they could all be true. 

Cryptos are going much higher and will save man from a global economic apocalypse. That's why Venezuela is about to go full crypto at least as far as their currency is concerned. Will it make a difference? 

Direct download: Bix_Weir_04.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:56pm EDT

According to Lew Weiss, manufacturing makes up 20-percent of the nation's GDP. In many ways it is the engine that drives the economy. So, it is with concern, that manufacturers watch the new tax overhaul bill making its way through Congress.

"This is a tax overhaul measure that is being change almost on a daily basis and we want to make sure Congress knows we need further incentives to grow and protect our industry," says the co-host of 'Manufacturing Talk Radio' and CEO of All Metals & Forge in NJ Lew Weiss (see short bio below).

Key Senators from Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Oregon have expressed concern tax reform could chop away at manufacturing incentives and further weaken the industry. They have made clear current tax incentives, which could be eliminated, are vital to job creation.

"Congress needs to understand that our industry is quickly evolving and only protections and incentives can keep it moving in the right direction," says Weiss.

Direct download: Lew_Weiss_04.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:52pm EDT

John looks for the little things to get an idea of where the economy and by extension the markets are headed. Right now RV sales are through the roof. But that's not necessarily a good thing. RV sales usually pop at the end of a market run up. People are feeling good with money in their pockets and they splurge. And what better toy than an RV, at least to some? Will this time be different or will the RV indicator kick into high gear and show us what this economy is all about? 

Direct download: John_Rubino_04.Dec.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:48pm EDT

Mickey Fulp reports that November kept up and added to October's pace! Major stock markets in the US continued their ascent with the DJIA up nearly 4%. Emerging markets were flat. TSX and TSX-V were up a slightly. Bitcoin the always volatile digital currency it was up 51% for the month after being up 54% in October. Gold was flat and Silver down 1.6% for the month. Pt  and Pd were up around 2.5% widening the premium of Pd to Pt. Copper down a mere 1.4%. Energy again rallied, WTI up another 5%, Brent up 2.8%. Natgas jumped 9.7% on cold winter weather to $318. Uranium spiked 16%. Currencies saw the Greenback weakened 1.6% and the Euro rose 2.2%. Rate on the 10 year T Bond up a bit more to 2.42. See you next month!


Direct download: Mickey_Fulp_30.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:40pm EDT

According to Craig Hemke, the only trade you need to watch is the Dollar-Yen. As long as the Dollar stays strong, gold and metals are going nowhere. Craig, a/k/a Turd Ferguson made this startling discovery several years ago. And it has predicted gold prices like a charm. Nothing else in the world seems to matter these days. Whether it be North Korean missile tests, higher debt and deficits, scandals or anything else for that matter, gold is trapped by algorithms and will stay that way until it doesn't. How long is anyone's guess. 

Direct download: Craig_Hemke_29.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:45pm EDT

Naresh Vissa is a long time friend of the show. He's written a new book, TrumpBook: How Digital Liberals Silenced A Nation Into Making America Hate Again. It's an interesting look at why Donald Trump won the presidency and how liberals are making hate great again. Naresh does a number of verbatim compilations of people blaming Trump for the damnedest things. Like their headache, flu, the weather and many more things he has absolutely no control over. It's entertaining and at the same time very disturbing, but definitely worth a read. 

Direct download: Naresh_Vissa_29.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:58pm EDT

Technology can be a beautiful thing, especially when it acts as a force multiplier for people already doing a good job. Benjamin Bressington's brainchild is Hello.io and it has the potential to shake up the moribund real estate industry. It handles an amazing array of tasks that can greatly increase an individual's productivity and income. We're excited to help spread the word about it. 

Direct download: Benjamin_Bressington_29.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:15pm EDT

Jason was an early investor in Bitcoin and first recommended it to his subscribers around $100. He has 10 cryptocurrencies in the GSB model portfolio and a developed an ICO tracker to review and assign ratings to upcoming initial coin offerings. He's well versed in blockchain tech, current news, the various contentious forks, etc.

His latest articles: Why I am not Buying into the Bitcoin Cash Hype and Why Litecoin is Massively Undervalued vs Bitcoin.

Beyond the incredible investment returns, Jason also believes in the moral case for investing in cryptocurrencies and published an article about it here: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrencies/@jabha/the-moral-case-for-investing-in-cryptocurrencies.

Direct download: Jason_Hamlin_28.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm EDT

John LeBoutillier as a former congressman is only too aware of the goings on in swap. Now, scarcely a day goes by without someone on Capitol Hill being unmasked. You can expect more of the same for the indefinite future, no doubt. 

Who's running the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a governmental entity that should not exist? Well the court has now decided and we'll have to wait for the appeals, but our money is on Trump's appointee. 

Direct download: John_LeBoutillier_28.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:44pm EDT

Though Mosher believes President Trump is doing an incredible job dealing with China—and it’s tributary state, North Korea—he say’s there is still much to fear.

In his eye opening new book, Bully of Asia: Why China’s Dream is the New Threat to World Order, Mosher exposes Chinese president Xi Jinping’s dreams of overturning the current U.S.-led world order and replacing it with one dominated by China. He argues that now, more than ever, U.S. foreign policy must be consistently and resolutely directed at curbing the power-hungry People’s Republic of China.

Direct download: Steven_Mosher_28.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:18pm EDT

Todd Bubba Horwitz is concerned about the country's future. There's no longer good paying jobs for the middle class. And Trump has been stymied at every turn. Unless the country gets its act together, there's major trouble ahead. Bubba's been doing his show for years and knows that the Austrian way is best, but who's listening? 

Direct download: Todd_Bubba_Horwitz_28.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:45pm EDT

To Daniel Greenfield it's very clear, the democrats have not rediscovered morality, but rather their apparent desire to banish the Clintons is all about political self-interest. The Clintons are yesterday's news and they are holding the party back. So now is a very convenient time to be outraged over Bill's treatment of the fairer sex. But don't believe it, the party could care less.

And if you're a liberal who needs a safe space, there will soon be a hotel in Washington DC catering to your sensibilities. Owned by liberals, for liberals with a completely liberal staff. Talk about an echo chamber. 

Direct download: Daniel_Greenfield_27.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:39pm EDT

John Rubino is watching the stock buyback frenzy being replaced by retail investors joining the fray. Does that mean that a top is getting close? Makes one wonder. He's thinking that the large economies will do their best to outlaw crypto-currencies that are not directly under their control. Imagine a crime, possession with intent to distribute bitcoin. Seems far-fetched, but then people smoking marijuana in the early 1900's never saw prohibition coming either. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_27.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EDT

Financial advisor Anthony Saccaro joined us for a discussion of markets and the economy. He's skeptical of the exalted state of the American Economy. He sees many areas in which it has not recovered. Like employment, high levels of benefit recipients and the escalating debt. Where's it all heading and how can you avoid the fallout? Listen on and think about crypto-currencies. 


Direct download: Anthony_Saccaro_27.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm EDT

Andy is moving on. Nothing matters but crypto-currencies. According to Andy, everything changes and monetary systems are no exception. Cryptos are coming to dominate the world and everything else in it. And Andy has a point. Intangible property such as brands, trademarks, patents have become worth many times more in value than the world's tangible assets. The question is, "Will it continue on in the form of crypto-currencies?" Andy is convinced. I myself believe that the final chapter has not been written. In the meantime, Andy won't be on the show for a while. As you are well aware, he became a Bitcoin believer while being a bullion marketer. This led to an inevitable conflict, which ended several months ago. Now he's free to pursue his heart's desire. 

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_22.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:05am EDT

Peter Spina has been running Goldseek/Silverseek for nearly 20 years. He was early to the internet and has been running strong ever since. He's a free thinker and a libertarian. He's managed to keep his sites relevant for nearly two decades, which is no mean feat. He moved to the Czech Republic, partly to connect with his heritage and also because he sees Eastern Europe as a freedom loving place. He shares with us his experiences and how he got where he is today. He is someone who is making a difference, for sure!

Direct download: Peter_Spina_21.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:34pm EDT

Mickey Fulp was at the Gold Silver Summit in SF. We talked with him about the uranium's prospects. For years, we've followed its travails in our monthly market reviews. Just when you think it can't go any lower, it never fails to disappoint. But now, Cameco has closed its major mine and plant, temporarily, driving the price of uranium to $26, a price that is still unprofitable. But as they say, "The best cure for low prices, is low prices."Let's see if this holds true yet again. 

Direct download: Mickey_Fulp_20.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:33pm EDT

I bumped into Sprott Global's Rick Rule at the Gold-Silver Summit in San Francisco. Rick is extremely bullish on cryptos. There's still great potential here, but it's also a younger man's game. That doesn't mean that us older investors can't make money, but rather that the 20 plus year olds are where the innovations in the space are coming from. He's impressed by the brilliance of the block chain technology and sees many more huge and profitable innovations coming down the road. But of course there's going to be bumps, so don't sell your tulip bulbs just yet, you might them. Rick is always full of great views on things. 

Direct download: Rick_Rule_20.Nov.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:30pm EDT





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