We touched base with Avi Gilburt, an expert cycle trader. He's adamant that the market is headed higher, as high as 2600 for the S&P and even more so for the Russell 2000. Gold is facing one more test/shakeout, perhaps very shortly and then will begin a major new move upward. Oil is going to shock the experts and could hit $60 a little later in the year. Finally, the greenback is in a multi-year consolidation period. It's gone about as high as it's going to for now. An exciting forecast for exciting markets. 

Direct download: Avi_Gilburt_24.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:09pm EDT

When Puerto Rico went bust last year Uncle Sam was there to give PR a temporary bailout. Can the all of the states' chronically underfunded pension plans expect the same? Illinois and NJ are getting close to the tipping point, so something will have to be done sooner rather than later. 

Playing the downside on these bloated markets will eventually reap huge rewards. But can a non-professional investor win big? Probably not as much as the real pros. There's nothing worse than being right at the wrong time. We've all been there. 

A note about those leveraged ETF's. They can hurt you big time due to their reliance on options, which lose value and become worthless over time. There's no clear disclosure on the topic so you need to know before investing/gambling. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_24.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm EDT

The behind-the-scenes heroes of America’s military will surprise you… did you know that war dogs have been a major asset to our brave troops overseas?
These untold stories of these four-legged soldiers have finally been revelead in Regnery History’s latest book K-9 Korea: The Untold Story of America’s War Dogs by Rachel Reed, which debuted.

This heart-wrenching story shows how soldiers work alongside loyal animals who make an incredible sacrifice for the freedom we enjoy today.
In a time of a negative news cycle, it’s time that we shed light on America’s unsung heroes.

Direct download: Rachel_Reed_24.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:02am EDT

Bill Tatro is skeptical about Trump's ability to get his agenda through Congress. It's not like running your own real estate empire. You've got to get people to do things for you and vice versa. Is Trump going back on TPP? What about all these jobs, are they real? And Syria is a mess and the chem attack could very well be a false flag. And look who Trump is taking advice from, his liberal son-in-law. Bannon looks like he's on the outs. But it's early and you never know what could happen next. 

Direct download: Bill_Tatro_20.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm EDT

George Matheis, Jr. has trained policemen and swat teams, so when he speaks I listen. There's been a recent outbreak of snowflake riots. They block highways and often attack conservatives at random. George explains that you have the advantage as long as your car is moving. Keep adequate distance between yourself and the vehicle ahead, which will give you a way out. We talked about tactical pens. George favors carrying a metal pen that doesn't look tactical. That way you can easily go through airports hassle free. The key is to always have a plan and be aware of your situation--situational awareness. 

Direct download: George_Matheis_20.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:26pm EDT

Michael explains the golden rules of reality-based investing in his new book, Common-Sense Income Strategies. He offers a step-by-step plan of action for those looking to build their retirement income.

Common-Sense, Purpose-Based Investing for Your Retirement with Steps and Strategies to Help You.

This book begins with the idea that when we reach the age of 50, we need to change from a portfolio filled with stocks and growth investment strategies to step-by-step strategies to build out your retirement income. Eastham's book is based on the golden rules of reality-based investing; complete with helpful tips to help you reach your retirement goals.

Direct download: Michael_Eastham_20.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EDT

Wayne Allyn Root joined us today. He believes that Trump's first 100 days have been a resounding success. He cautions not to believe the popularity polls as they are the same organizations who were shocked at Hillary Clinton's resounding loss. They just don't learn. Trump's had major victories in regulatory roll back, immigration enforcement and national defense. Wayne thinks that the Obamacare repeal effort was a temporary setback that will soon be corrected. The snowflakes will just have to learn how to adapt to the new paradigm. 

Direct download: Wayne_Allyn_Root_19.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:39pm EDT

One of the nation’s most successful and respected independent financial advisors, David Scranton has been specializing in the universe of income-generating savings and investment strategies for over 15 years. Prior to that, he followed a typical business model based heavily on stock market-based investment strategies. But in late 1999, Scranton’s knowledge of stock market history enabled him to foresee the coming 2000 stock market collapse and the onset of a new 20-plus year secular bear market cycle. Since changing his business model, Scranton has built a thriving personal practice based on “defensive” income-based financial strategies designed to help protect clients from the dramatic stock market fluctuations and economic uncertainties of the past 15 years. He’s also taught hundreds of advisors nationwide how to do the same for their clients.

Direct download: David_Scranton_19.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:32am EDT

What's Happening Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

The 200 week moving average war  and now, the bigger 5 ½ year "Downtrend line" war;

Today's article - "an all-out assault on lies; propaganda; and generally speaking, BS";

Collapsing economy;

Collapsing dollar;

Collapsing Trump Presidency;


The French election "BrExit times 100";

Government shutdown, debt ceiling;


Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_19.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:28am EDT

Chris Martenson joined us today for a look at the gathering war clouds. He believes that Trump has gone to the dark side, after the Syrian Attack, the Afghan MOAB and the North Korean show down. Time to become a free-thinking critical-thinker. There are no systemic solutions, only personal ones. The sooner we all realize it the better. Let's welcome the change instead of fearing it. 

Direct download: Chris_Martenson_18.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:20pm EDT

We all think about the destruction of the financial system, which will no doubt lead to war. The Bad Guys are being thrown out, i.e., the Military Industrial Complex. They’re playing out a secret agenda behind the scenes. Trump hasn’t gone to the dark side. The tide has changed. No one is saying that Trump is an agent of Putin anymore. Trump turned the cards on them. 

Direct download: Bix_Weir_18.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:16pm EDT

It''s no secret that the state of California has been in a downward spiral for many years. From crumbling dams and infrastructure to tax-crazed ideologues driving the producers from the state. There's no hope which is why as was said during the Vietnam War, "We had to kill the village to save it." California is in exactly the same position, it must be killed to save it. Its pension plan is drastically underfunded, its governor has long since detached from reality and no one is facing up to its long/short term problems. A major fiscal disaster is all that can save the once Golden State. 

Direct download: Joe_Messina_17.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00pm EDT

One of Donald Trump's major issues raised during his run for president was to reform the trading policies of the US's major trading partners. Overtime, the US has lost jobs and prosperity to countries that provide protectionist advantages to their local industries, such as Japan, Korean and China. While nothing definitive has yet happened, Michael believes that Trump is on the right track. Present diversions with the North Korean situation are making it a little difficult to focus on the US-China trade arrangements, but clearly it was discussed in the recent meeting between Trump and Chinese President Xi. Michael favors some type of border adjust tax that would be levied on important and would replace the FICA Payroll Tax. What a great idea. 

Direct download: Michael_Stumo_17.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm EDT

News from China says that the world's largest aluminum producer, China Hongqiao Group,  is on the brink of insolvency. This is a company that's nearly twice the size of Alcoa. It's been showing amazing growth and profit numbers for year. Now it turns out that they've been relying upon Chicom accounting and the profits were fraudulent and illusory. The company is begging for a government bailout to avoid civil unrest. Have we reached the point where everything is too big to fail? Perhaps, but then eventually the party that bails everyone out will wind up failing as well. Get set and buckle your seatbelt for that day may soon be upon us. 

Especially if Marine LePen triumphs in the upcoming French elections. The same people who said Brexit couldn't pass and were all in a lather about President Hillary Clinton are saying LePen's an outside long shot at best. But the communist party candidate has been rising in the polls as well, now sitting at 19%. This is shaping up to be a battle of the extremists and whomever wins will immediately go after the Euro. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_17.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:54pm EDT

How do you deal with an erratic dictator who has nukes? As with so many other issues in China is the key. Ivan believes that China has a built-in incentive to help remove the North Korean threat. Trump has changed his tune on China trade, and in return he's getting cooperation. China's massing of troops on the NK border and reducing trade and rejecting coal shipments. Is Kim Jong Un crazy or crazy like a fox? His people are starving and his economy is bankrupt. The next move is China's. 

Direct download: Ivan_Eland_17.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:24am EDT

Jim Walchuck of Zinc One Resources joined us today to discuss the company's amazing prospects. The Company just started up in 2016. They are rapidly acquiring companies and getting ready to explore and develop promising projects. Worldwide, there's only 29 days of zinc inventory. New sources must be developed and there's very few companies as well positioned as Zinc One to do the job. Zinc is vital for many different industrial processes, such as the manufacture of galvanized steel. The opportunity for the Zinc One is clear. Seasoned management is the key. Jim, a life long mining engineer, has designed and developed mines in the past and is quite excited by his new company's future. We wish him the best and have high hopes for this new FSN Sponsor. 

Direct download: James_Walchuck_13.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT

The Senate's filibuster device took a big hit the other day with the confirmation of Justice Neal Gorsuch. Professor Sanders believes that the filibuster is going the way of the buggy whip, the incandescent light bulb and so many other dated concepts. Its history is fascinating. It's not constitutional and it's become an anachronism. It's making the country harder to govern and less responsive to modern world conditions. It also allows Senators to take unrealistic positions that they know won't pass into law, thereby making them less accountable and responsive to the electorate. Perhaps as Prof. Sanders says, it will simply fade away once the decision has been made to declaw it. 

Direct download: Alain_Sanders_12.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm EDT

While much has been written about the massive retail decline in America, Charles sheds interesting light upon another core cause of the retail apocalypse. Namely, Millennials, due to staggering student loan debt, have lowered expectations and are staying close to urban downtowns. They have smaller homes, less need for expensive furnishings and have often shed the shackles of the automobile. When combined with ease of online shopping and their inclination to save more than their Boomer parents, this makes for a fascinating lifestyle trend. 

Direct download: Charles_Hugh_Smith_12.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:53pm EDT

Two developments in recent days provide an early indication that the Trump Administration is determined to take a new approach to international trade. And it looks like this new approach is aggressively focused on trade agreement reform and policies that could lead to higher U.S economic growth.

Direct download: Jeff_Ferry_12.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:49pm EDT

What's Happening Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

Winning PMs' 200 week moving average war;

-today's Audioblog; "Watch out Cartel, the physical market is now wagging the paper market dog";

Marine Le Pen, the potential BrExit x 100 (yesterday's article);

Trump taking us to war;

Government shutdown, debt ceiling;


Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_12.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:49am EDT

It's no secret that massive financial fraud has been taking place in the US, Canada and the rest of the globe. What's surprising is how the cancer has spread. From shady reverse mortgages, to subprime mortgages, to sub-sub-subprime auto loans. We recently learned the truth about garbage student loans that are designed to fail. Imagine taking on $150,000 in student loans to become a failed photographer? This example is by no means unique. It's happened 10's of thousands of times. Promise them the moon and exact a pound flesh in return. Modern day banking, something to really be ashamed of. A recent NY Times story blows the lid off of yet another scandal. Read it here!

Direct download: Danielle_Park_11.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:46pm EDT

Mish was on talking about the impending GDP numbers, coming out April 28th. While guesstimates are all over the board, most likely it will be closer to Mish's .6 percent than the 4 percent that more optimistic analysts are forecasting. Earnings are down and eventually that should bring the stock market down, at least it always has, eventually. It's certainly bad news for the nation's pension funds. They're behind the 8 ball to the tune of trillions. What's going to blow the lid off this sad state of affairs and who's going to bail them out?  

Direct download: MIsh_Shedlock_11.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EDT

Chris Vermeullen, one of the savviest market technicians around, is bullish about gold, but not too bullish this time. He's seen this pattern many times before. Last week it broke the $1260 resistance point intra-day, only to retreat back before the close. Today, it's over $1270, but will lose momentum once again? While the long term chart is bullish, he believes that gold will truly shine in the 2nd half of the year. The stock market is due for a breather and this may very well be the time. Oil is poised to go higher. The VIX while shooting higher will pull back shortly and provide and excellent short. Much more here in this interview. Don't be fooled by the headlines. 

Direct download: Chris_Vermeullen_11.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:04pm EDT

While the Left’s power to attack and block President Trump might seem formidable at the moment, look closer and you will see that it’s about to collapse. In fact, later this year, you can expect the Left’s power to shrivel up to a more typical level of opposition seen during other administrations. You probably will ask: Why will the Left’s power collapse? The truth is President Trump won the election fairly in the Electoral College. And it’s within the realm of possibility that Trump also won the popular vote because there might have been millions of votes cast for Clinton that were questionable. And the truth is coming out about Obama's surveillance of Trump. The recent Syrian Missile attack should convince everyone but the most hardcore conspiracy theorist, of which the left has more than its share, that Trump is not Putin's pawn. 

Direct download: Gerard_Lemaro_11.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:59pm EDT

Trying to figure out what's going on in the Middle East, why Trump did the cruise missile attack, is a lot like trying to understand why your spouse is upset with you. There's many potential reasons and causes but you can never be sure which one tipped him/her over the edge. So it is in the Middle East. What's coming up next, probably more of the same. Was it to show North Korea the US means business? Who knows?

But whatever the reason, life carries on. Technology is moving on as well. John believes that renewable energy will play a bigger and bigger role in America's energy outlook. That may be the case, but it's going to take decades to upgrade the country's energy grid. It will require wide swathes of urban America to be ripped up so new cables can be installed. It's a transition, the likes of which we have never seen, excerpt perhaps when we went from animal horsepower to mechanical horsepower. Either way, it's going to be a 20-30 year transition. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_10.Apr.17.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm EDT





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