David Ackerman lives and breathes compliance and administrative law. He's been following the Fiduciary Rule recently passed by the Department of Labor. Finally some department has taken a stand that the client's interests trump everyone else. However, this brings up the concern about the way governmental agencies function and do their jobs. David believes that it's high time that the government agencies do business must be completely revamped. Perhaps Donald Trump understands this too. 

Direct download: David_Ackerman_22.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:51pm EDT

Richard Groden's company IslandSky has plans to change the way mankind gets vitally needed water. Richard was on a trip to South America and hit upon the idea of simply extracting the airborne humidity from the atmosphere. It would be an inexhaustible supply that could be harvested in humid climates as well as arid climates. Thus was born the line of SkyWater machines. From a household unit to larger commercial machines, his dream has become a reality. They're very economical and they produce higher quality H2O than many municipal water systems. Something that the world has been waiting for. 

Direct download: Richard_Groden_21.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:05pm EDT

Kirk Du Plessis is a full-time options trader, real estate investor, and stay-at-home Dad. Option Alpha, which started as a small blog has quickly grown into one of the industry's most respected authorities on options trading with more than 5.4 million visitors each year and 30,000 active members representing 42 different countries. Each month Option Alpha coaches thousands of people from all over the world. Kirk and his team shows them how to consistently make smarter, more profitable trades while also boosting their confidence.

Direct download: Kirk_Du_Plessis_21.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:42pm EDT

All of a sudden Facebook, Google and Twitter have found religion. They're going to eliminate Fake News. But seems like the definition of fake varies, depending upon your political persuasion. The Left views all conservative news sites as fake. Sites like Breitbart, Drudge and others. Will they succeed? I wouldn't count on it. 

Direct download: James_Hirsen_21.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:17pm EDT

How do you rescue the economy? Well John Rubino knows that it will take way more than an election. The debt is still out there and only going up. With the infrastructure bill that will certainly be passed and expanded military spending, the debt has nowhere to go but up. Until the new economic system is implemented, there will be no relief. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_21.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:03pm EDT

Our old friend Joe Messina joined us for a look at the election and the resulting pop-up riots that are taking place. For the peaceful and tolerant left, what can explain their anger and the ir violence. They're in denial over the election and why they lost. They have no desire to accept the truth and therefore will not be set free!

Direct download: Joe_Messina_16.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:56pm EDT

Ed Martin joined us to discuss the significance of Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton and the political establishment. Ed is highly hopeful and optimistic that Trump prevailed and has a vision for the future. Will he be able to drain the swamp, that's an extremely difficult task that will take an incredible effort and a realization of what he's up against. Our thoughts are with the president-elect on this one. 

Direct download: Ed_Martin_16.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EDT

What a difference a day makes. We went from the possibility of the election of Trump being the end of the world to instead being a major catalyst for a major stock market advance. Did anything that major really change? Craig Hempke thinks not and that you still need to be prepared. The debt is out of control and shows no signs of being tamed. And are the Chinese dumping US Debt? What's next for gold and silver? 

Direct download: Craig_Hemke_16.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EDT

What's Happening Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

  • America being torn apart politically, economically, and socially
  • Economic destruction of post-Trump markets, and impossibility of Trump making good on promises
  • Indian cash ban, extremely ominous
  • Monte Paschi bail-in, Italian referendum, etc.
  • PM smash, outlook
Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_16.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am EDT

Lew Weiss is a long time manufacturer who still puts in 70 hour plus weeks. He's involved in forging metals, a lost art in America. He's all for Trump's efforts to bring back manufacturing jobs to America, but isn't too optimistic. There's many reasons why these jobs left the country and until they're addressed, nothing will change. He does believe that drastic changes in tax policy, regulations and Obamacare would make a big difference as far as getting new businesses and jobs started. Hopefully these changes will be forthcoming shortly. 

Direct download: Lew_Weiss_15.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:36pm EDT

Our resident expert on self-defense, George Matheis Jr., joined us today. His family has been involved in law enforcement since the late 1800's. He teaches courses in self-defense and preparedness. Everyone is concerned about these manufactured riots that have been sweeping the country since Trayvon Martin. They're obviously fraudulent by nature and bought and paid for by George Soros. Before going to an unfamiliar city and taking a chance on stumbling upon a riot, do some research. Find out where the unsafe areas are, where a pop-riot could occur and plan accordingly. Remember that your vehicle is much better off when moving than when standing still. Better to flee the scene than to have to make a stand. There's lots more common sense tips here. 

Direct download: George_Matheis_Jr_15.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:56pm EDT

Ivan Eland is guardedly optimistic on the coming Trump Administration's foreign policy. The conciliatory signs with Putin's Russia, other countries getting over the election upset and Trump's desire not to get involved in Syria all point to better times ahead. In addition, Ivan's also hopeful that China will force North Korea to start acting sanely. 

Direct download: Ivan_Eland_15.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:31pm EDT

Jordan Goodman has changed his view on President-Elect Donald Trump. The stock markets are partying like it's 1999 and it's blue skies ahead. Trump will reform the tax system bringing in trillions from overseas, he will abolish Obamacare, free business of unneeded regulations, reform government, drive out the corruptocrats and make America safe for capitalism once again. Well perhaps he's not the Second Coming but at least he has an idea what to do, unlike all the others. Interest rates will be rising, but that's necessary for a growing economy. 

We're a little skeptical. Remember, the song Happy Days Are Here Again was written for the inauguration of FDR. It took WWII to get us out of that one. What will it take now? 

Direct download: Jordan_Goodman_14.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:12pm EDT

David’s book Return on Principle: 7 Core Values to Help Protect Your Money in Good Times and Bad made Bestseller status on Amazon on Day 1. Dave originally planned another book but tore up the manuscript because he realized that this is the book that investors need right now. The timing is right…we started January as the worst stock market in history and have experienced many ups and downs since then…Dave often says,” it looks like 2007 all over again.” Is it really deja vu all over again or is this time really different? 

Direct download: David_Scranton_14.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:33pm EDT

John Rubino joined us today for a look at Trumpian Economics and Trumpian America. Making America great again is all well and good. But there's a number of problems standing in the way of that lofty goal, $20 trillion of them. How will Trump handle the debt? Is there anything he can really do? Where are we heading? 

Direct download: John_Rubino_14.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:17pm EDT

The "OJ" murders took place June 12, 1994. Then there was a low-speed car chase and finally a trial and an acquittal. Ret. Detective Tom Lange was there for all of it. Over 22 years later they're still doing TV specials about it. As Tom says, "As long as they can make money off of it, it will never go away." So if you're still interested, Tom has updated his book Evidence Dismissed to reflect that latest off the wall theories and pseudo-documentaries about the case. You'll get the inside scoop on what really went down and how Judge Lance Ito allowed a true miscarriage of justice to occur. And you'll get Tom and his late pattern's take on all the players. And you'll find out about that glove that didn't fit and led the jury to acquit. 


Direct download: Tom_Lange_09.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:37pm EDT

Nadine LaJoie immigrated legally to the United States. It was an extremely difficult arduous task, but she insisted on becoming a legal resident and was eventually successful. Now she's concerned about the lawlessness on the US's borders and is advocating that the rule of law be restored. Imagine how unfair it is to people who have done everything right and honestly to become citizens? They see illegals being pandered to and a blind eye turned on criminal behavior and they wonder what has become of our once great nation? 

Direct download: Nadine_Lajoie_08.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:36pm EDT

Bix Weir believes that everything in our country is rigged, so why not the election? His theory is that once Comey re-closed the case against Clinton that was the indication that the good guys had won and Trump would be selected as the winner. Is he right? 

But what will Trump do when he takes office? Can he really Make America Great Again? He certainly has his work cut out for him. However, the Donald Trump that I know is a workaholic and will spend all his waking days to achieve his goals. He will surround himself with other workaholics, such as Rudy Giuliani who share a similar vision. He will certainly have his share of failures, but successes seem inevitable too. Obviously, fighting corruption is a major goal and test of his leadership. Repealing Obamacare and replacing it with something better, building the Wall and regaining control of our borders and wholesale reform of taxation and the ghastly IRS Code are definitely on the drawing board too. 

Knowing his work ethic, and his family's, his close associates, my guess is that his agenda for the next four years will be completed before he files his change of address form at the bankrupt US Postal Service. The first 100 days are the key to a successful presidency and his honeymoon promises to be unlike any other. He will bend the Congress to his will, certainly in the beginning and get things done. Deals will be made, but when The Donald negotiates, he always comes away with most of what he wants. 

And if Bix Weir is correct, that's exactly how he won this election. 

Direct download: TLR_408_10.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm EDT

Bix Weir joined us for a discussion of the Good Guys' election victory. Bix knew that a Trump victory was inevitable after hearing that Comey had dropped the renewed investigation into Hillary's email server. He's of the opinion that the Clintons will get a pardon and their cronies will be fully prosecuted. It was all done in the name of a smooth transition of power. It is just a matter of The King is Dead, Long Live the King, or is there more going on? Will the next crash occur before Trump is inaugurated or after? Many interesting questions for which the answer will soon be known. 

Direct download: Bix_Weir_09.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:42pm EDT

CEO Murray Nye has big plans for Winston Gold Mining. He's put together a world-class team who have done it several times before and is seeking to replicate past successes. They've acquired two high-grade gold projects and plan to quickly advance both of these assets into low-cost, profitable mining operations. And it looks like they're well on their way, with their recent private placement being oversubscribed. Drilling is underway and Murray is hoping that the results will follow. Since the areas in which their projects are located have a rich history of producing large quantities of the yellow metal, the odds are good that new discoveries will be forthcoming. 

Direct download: Murray_Nye_09.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm EDT

What's Happening Next Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

It's over! Now we can all get on with our lives, as if we haven't been already. While the establishment elites have been defeated, the market rigging continues unabated. Last night gold was up $60 the ounce. This morning, after almost going negative it's up $12. The Dow has turned positive. The King is dead, long live the King! Nothing really changes, until it really changes. And we're a while away from that. Massive change and disruption are on the way, be prepared!

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_09.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:56am EDT

When does your financial advisor work for you or for someone else? That's an important question that not enough investors ask. It would be nice to know if your advisor is getting paid to put you into certain investments that might not be in your best interest. There's no free lunch and either you pay your investment advisor or someone else will. You just just need to know whom. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_08.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:50pm EDT

Former Congressman John LeBoutillier hasn't been a Trump loyalist from the beginning of the election cycle. He was bothered by a number of Trump's off-putting qualities. Now he believes that barring some last minute miracle, it's going to be Hillary Clinton. We'll know this evening is he's right or not. 

Direct download: John_LeBoutellier_08.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32pm EDT

Best selling author Ed Klein was back. His new book, Guilty As Sin, has hit the top of the best seller list. Ed was the first person to break the Hillary health issues in his last book, Unlikeable. Now he details the corruption and law breaking with many tales from many different observers. He admits he made a minor mistake about misnaming a restauranteur in Chappaqua, but stands by everything else in the book. Serious reading for a serious time in history!

Direct download: Ed_Klein_07.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:29pm EDT

We're one day away from the Election. John says the markets are calling it for Clinton and barring a Brexit type upset, she will be the next president. Is it just another example of market rigging to help support the current meme or are the markets functioning properly and actually discounting the future? Let's stay calm, sit back and watch what unfolds. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_07.Nov.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EDT





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