Wed, 23 March 2016
Rick has been trying to figure out the current market. It's almost counter-intuitive. Things that would historically make the market tank seem to have the opposite effect now. Prosperity and wealth cannot generate prosperity. Funny money is not the answer. The real economy is still in the dumper as Rich put it. China has 10 years of adjustment before it's economy becomes more balanced, but it could take 20-30 years for the world economy to come back.
Tue, 22 March 2016
When it comes to self-defense, just buying a gun is not enough. While it may improve your odds of survival, there's no substitute for planning and training. Bob Owens was a techy and then found his passion, which is helping people to defend themselves against threats to their safety. Now he's out there training people and has a site, Get his free eBook and learn the survival skills that might save your life!
Tue, 22 March 2016
Danielle Park joined us to discuss the rampant criminality of the financial sector and the government's willingness to turn a blind eye to it. It's clearly a case of the inmates running the prison and hiring the warden. The country is much worse off for it, but Danielle believes that a day of reckoning is coming. The current system can't go on much longer. Something's gotta give and it will. So get ready!
Mon, 21 March 2016
Joe Messina came on again. He's convinced that something really insane is happening around the country. The Trump Rally Riots are clearly manufactured and have not resulted from the attendees, but rather outside agitators from the Soros backed forces. Protesting is one thing, but blocking highways. It's just another example of free speech for me, not for thee. When was the last time anyone on the right right to stop the insane rumblings of Bernie Sanders.
Mon, 21 March 2016
Jordan Goodman joined us today to share his views on the effects of a possible Trump presidency on the financial markets. Jordan believes that a crash will result due to the increase in the deficit, increased social unrest and the inevitable trade war that will happen. I forcefully pointed out the opposite case and that if Trump delivers on even a fraction of what he's promised, we'll wind up with a financial boom.
Mon, 21 March 2016
Amir Adnani is the Founder and Chairman of Brazil Resources. During the bear market it acquired 10 million ounces of gold. His last company delivered 2800% returns coming out of the 2008 decline. Amir is the 2nd largest shareholder so his interests are aligned with the public's. And the icing on the cake is a promising uranium project that was incidentally acquired.
Mon, 21 March 2016
Over the past few weeks the BOJ and ECB both eased. They were hoping for economic jolt caused by their currencies declining. But the opposite occurred. Their currencies went up and the Japanese yield curve inverted. The indicators are all pointing towards recession. Their over indebtedness makes handling a recession a possible near-death scenario. Has monetary stimulus run its course? Perhaps, as now we’re hearing the clarion call for universal fiscal stimulus.
Wed, 16 March 2016
2016 will go down as the most unpredictable, shocking and perhaps most consequential election of modern times. So far it looks like it's all coming up Trump. He's done the almost impossible by capturing virtually complete media attention and fixation, he's made bold and nasty comments about all of his adversaries and he's shown the parties and everyone else that it's not necessarily about how much you spend, but rather how you can master and ride roughshod over the new and old media. And so far it's paid off big time. Will the country tire of Trump and his antics prior to the election, it certainly doesn't look that way now, but who can tell?
Wed, 16 March 2016
Ned Schmidt has been bullish on Gold since last summer. He says that the dollar is broken and that's what will lead to the next phase of the emerging bull market. For the same reason he's bullish on ag commodities as well. He's often said, "You should be buying corn, not Apple." He's also hot on animal based drug companies, a sector that has seen increased M&A activity. It's always interesting with Ned!
Wed, 16 March 2016
John Crestani attempts to answer one of the most burning issues of the day, the rise of the robotic workforce. Many jobs will be affected and or eliminated as a result of this coming revolution. Now robots are invading the white collar world and will be erasing well-paid middle and upper middle class jobs. What new opportunities will emerge that will hopefully more than make up for these losses? It's just another trend that we'll have watch unfold to know these answers.
Wed, 16 March 2016
The groundswell of support behind Donald Trump shows the mass dissatisfaction of the populace. They're even supporting Bernie Sanders in the misplaced hope that he will get the government off their backs. The school/indoctrination system is working its way through and is almost complete. China and Russia continue accumulating precious metals and the trend is firmly in place. Can Trump really do anything?
Wed, 16 March 2016
Whatever it takes Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman: Horrible state of the global economy, pre-FOMC (and post ECB last week, and BOJ yesterday)
Tue, 15 March 2016
Michael Stumo believes in free trade. However, it must be free for all participants. At the present time, Michael says that the US is getting a raw deal from so many of its trading partners. The trade deficits can only continue for so long and then there will be a day of reckoning. Are we there yet? How much longer will it be? TPP is just another example of a bad deal in the making. Michael says that when it comes to trade this election year, only Sanders and Trump have it right. It's time to start pushing for fair and equitable trade for America.
Mon, 14 March 2016
Ask any budding Internet entrepreneur and he/she will tell you, building a better mousetrap isn't enough to become successful in the Internet Age. You need a strategy to get your message out to your target market. And that means using various tools at your disposal, like social media, new media and the press. Megan Megale, a seasoned PR professional has started the Minnow Project to help aspiring entrepreneurs do exactly that on a very limited budget. The Project takes on just a few lucky clients each month, and so far it has been a complete success. Which just shows, when you have the right tool in your pouch, the job becomes so much easier.
Mon, 14 March 2016
Not so long ago, a big Chinese currency devaluation seemed both inevitable and imminent. The story went like this: China had borrowed tens of trillions of dollars in response to the Great Recession and squandered much of it on uncompetitive factories and ghost cities. The companies and governments that own these worthless assets were about to go broke en masse. China would, as a result, have no choice but to cut the yuan’s value by as much as 40% to make domestic debts manageable and export industries competitive. Hedge funds, led by Hayman Capital’s Kyle Bass, were gearing up to bet billions on this event. There’s much, much more in Bass’ letter, all of it pointing to an epic crisis in which the exposure of China’s fake growth numbers, historically-unprecedented levels of malinvestment and evaporating foreign exchange reserves combine to force a devaluation. But apparently not quite yet as the Yuan just hit its highest level against the US Dollar since December.
Mon, 14 March 2016
Famed Vegas Odds Maker and author Wayne Allyn Root has made no secret of his pro-Trump bias. He's been behind the billionaire since The Donald announced his candidacy. Wayne believes that this is probably America's last chance to save itself from the globalist establishment, which has done so much to damage the country and drive us into the current crisis. The violence that has taken place at recent Trump rallies is clearly organized and pre-planned by the Soros-Establishment Republican confluence. If all of the country's enemies, both internal and external, are against Trump, then he must be doing something right!
Wed, 9 March 2016
Sprott Resource's Jason Stevens has been a big resource sector booster. Now his support is paying off. Since January 1, everything has changed. Major gold miners have gone up substantially and the juniors won't be far behind. Jason is also bullish on agricultural fertilizer companies. Simple matter, we all need to eat. There's still value out there, it's just not as obvious as before.
Wed, 9 March 2016
Dave Kranzler believes that the 7 year old bull market is over. We're now left with a huge amount of debt and it keeps on piling up. Dave has started the Short Seller's Journal to identify opportunities. With the extreme valuations Dave believes that there's no to place to go but down. Witness the example of Amazon, which Dave had been writing about for months, it's taken a huge hit. And Dave believes there's lots more coming in the near future.
Wed, 9 March 2016
Robert Bakke was running a multi-million dollar company by the age of 24. He is also a jet captain, a black belt, a NASCAR driver and the author of the Amazon #1 Best-Seller, “Prayer at Full Throttle.” So, what’s Bakke’s advice for people looking for generating more revenue? “Stop complaining about the wealthy and start following their example.” Bakke has spent the last several years listening to the Class Warfare message and is quick to point out, “Success is available to everyone in America’s free market economy, so dream bigger and get to work.”
Wed, 9 March 2016
Wipeout Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman: Historic ECB decision tomorrow
Tue, 8 March 2016
Bill is watching the games that the Saudis and Russia are playing with prices. Any affect they might have upon prices is not going to be long term. Oil stocks are overflowing and US oil production continues at or near record rates. Bill believes there will be a major oil price collapse within the next month. The unfortunate part is that where declining oil prices used to be a stimulant for the economy, it's now the opposite. Mass jobless in the oil patch and the elimination of high paying skilled jobs is bad news for producing states and their economies. And the consumer is hardly going on a spending orgy because they're paying less at the pump.
Tue, 8 March 2016
During the mortgage meltdown, a small number of outlier hedge fund managers and other dubious financial types made a killing shorting the housing market. Michael Lewis immortalized their tale in his book and subsequent movie The Big Short. However, while the housing bubble was in its final stages, The Real Big Short was actually under way. Around the world, individuals and companies believing the end of the US Dollar was imminent, bet accordingly. They borrowed huge sums denoted in dollars, figuring that they could pay them back in drastically depreciated currency units in the future. Effectively, the entire world went short the Dollar and now the folly of their actions has become clear. No one could have foreseen the Dollar would dramatically appreciate, thus causing a massive short squeeze and costing trillions as a result. Perhaps one day, Michael Lewis will write a book about it and document another small group of fund managers who saw it all coming and profited accordingly, if he can find them!
Mon, 7 March 2016
James says that we are truly in uncharted waters. The Media, Republican Establishment and Hollywood have all united against the insurgent campaign of Donald Trump. Will it work? Does Rubio have a chance? How about Ted Cruz? And why has Mitt Romney stuck his nose into it? He was roundly rejected in 2012 and now he thinks he has a shot? James believes that it's a suicide run for the Republican Party if they actually deny Trump the nomination. There's much uncertainty and craziness in both parties this year. It's definitely one for the books.
Mon, 7 March 2016
Nick Santiago has been an astute market observer and trader for many years. Now he's guardedly optimistic about precious metals. He'd like to see gold trade sideways for a while, which he believes will set up the next advance. He's thinking that $1400 by the year's end isn't unrealistic. But either way, Nick will be trading a downward trending stock market and he doesn't see much good in the offing for oil either.
Mon, 7 March 2016
John writes, "The Bank For International Settlements just released a report stating that the spread of negative interest rates hasn’t caused the world to end. From this morning’s Bloomberg: