Thu, 11 February 2016
Noted author and former Reagan Political Director Jeffrey Lord joined us today. He was the only one smiling on CNN Tuesday as Trump absolutely crushed the competition and Hillary got a true shlonging compliments of Bernie "the aging commie" Sanders. None of this comes as a surprise to Jeff. He's been around the block and sees qualities in Trump that others have missed. While there's still a long way to go, Trump certainly has the in wind at his back at this point in the election.
Wed, 10 February 2016
Eric Hadik of joined us today. While he's entitled to take a victory lap for forecasting in 2014 that 2016 would be gold's year. He also called the decline in the stock market that we're now seeing. Eric shares his views on a number of topics and makes some bold statements about the future of oil prices. Of all the people interviewed on the show, Eric's forecasts appear to have been most prescient.
Wed, 10 February 2016
Wayne Allyn Root joined us to discuss the Trump victory and the Clinton defeat. Wayne is hoping that Bernie Sanders will never be allowed to be the Democratic candidate. He's so way out that the leaders will not allow him to be the nominee. That would insure Trump's election. After his victory last night, he becomes the frontrunner and likely candidate.
Wed, 10 February 2016
According to recent research, by 2020, more than 40 per cent of the US workforce will be made up of contingent or freelance workers. Maria Matarelli is one step ahead of the trend. Several years ago she gave up her cubicle and her apartment and started traveling the world, going wherever her freelance assignments took her. She hasn't looked back. While she might not do it for the rest of her life, she's quite content traveling to numerous gigs around the globe. Right now it's working great and that's all that matters.
Wed, 10 February 2016
Wipeout Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman: As Andy has been predicting for months, Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen has started doing the inevitable, walking back on future rate hikes. Right now she's talking about slowing the rate hikes down, but as Andy has said many times before, she will soon have little choice but to start cutting rates and begin yet another round of Quantitative Easing. She's running out of choices and she has limited alternatives. What will be the effect on gold and precious metals and will The Powers That Be lose control of the markets?
Tue, 9 February 2016
Daniela Perdomo saw a need for off-grid communications and founded By simply using a smartphone, a device and an app, it allows people to set up their own communication networks, even when there's no cell tower or phone service available. The device is inexpensive and allows users to text and call each other, wherever they may be. The range is currently limited to several miles, but it can be a lifesaver for skiers and hunters, who have gone outside the coverage area of their cell carrier. It also works for those seeking privacy from snooping governments. She's sold thousands of the units and is foreseeing further growth as word gets out.
Tue, 9 February 2016
Obamacare is in bad shape. What are Hillary and Bernie running on, keeping Obamacare safe from the Republicans and making it even better. Frank believes that eliminating down state barriers that prevent insurance companies from competing in other states will be a big help. In addition, tort reform is a must. Malpractice insurance costs are prohibitive and there's too many frivolous law suits. Finally, mandated coverages by state regulators has driven up the cost of health insurance. Requiring carriers to pay for expensive fertility treatments, overpriced drug treatments, etc., has increased the health insurance costs.
Tue, 9 February 2016
Mish Shedlock joined us today for an unvarnished look at the US and World Economies. And it ain't pretty. European banks are in a world of pain, with non-performing loans out of control and getting worse, especially in Italy. Employment numbers are weakening as we speak. We might very well be in a recession now, but we probably won't know for another year, when the powers that be tell us what we already know.
Tue, 9 February 2016
A new banking crisis is upon us. From China to Canada to Italy to Germany, the banks are under major stress and you can guess what's coming next. The Wall Street Journal's apologies aside, the banks got us to where we are now and they're helping to take us down the drain yet again. Where will it stop? How will it end? It won't be long now.
Tue, 9 February 2016
When it comes to selling your house, creativity always helps. Cast your net wide because you never know where your buyer will come from. Facebook campaigns emphasizing the weather, getting a chef to prepare some interesting tidbits to eat can all help. The more websites your house is listed on the better. One time Dale put up so many signs that he had over 35 people at the open house and sold it within a week! The more who look like they might want your house, the better the chances of a sale. Sending out cards to neighbors that are higher end along with relevant statistics. Always put up as many pictures as possible. The more things you try, the more likely it is that something will work.
Mon, 8 February 2016
When Comrade deBlasio was elected, I predicted that he would shortly drive the City down the tubes and eventually bankrupt it. It was inevitable. He proudly honeymooned in Havana and was impressed by the all that Castro had accomplished. I'm sorry to say that he has more than lived up to my expectations. Crime is up, there's a slasher(s) running loose on the subway, my daughter describes 14th Street as scene out of a Zombie Apocalypse and homelessness has risen to epidemic proportions. Marcella Sills, the worst school principal in New York City, and there's loads of competition for the title, has finally been fired. She's emblematic of the government's failing efforts to get anything important done. Shout out to Frank for sending it to me. Gold is up and closing in on $1200 the ounce. Silver is over $15. Will it last, I won't feel confident till it is closing in on $1300. But keep your eyes on the shiny metal. And more...
Mon, 8 February 2016
Who is the worst president we've ever had? I'll give you nine guesses… or you could just read author and historian Brion McClanahan’s controversial new book, 9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America—And Four Who Tried to Save Her.
Among the things exposed in 9 President Who Screwed Up America:
Mon, 8 February 2016
Italian Banks are in big trouble with a non-performing loan ratio at 16% with one bank hitting 33%! And they're not alone, other banks around the world are nursing impaired balance sheets that are probably just as bad. And that probably doesn't include their government bond portfolios which haven't been marked down nearly enough. If you think it's bad now, just wait for China to start facing reality.
Wed, 3 February 2016
The Street finally found out it was wrong, imagine that? They woke up last week to the reality that the Fed is finished raising rates and meaning the Dollar is going to drop. The stock market is in a bear trend and the Street is translating the stock market's behavior into Fed action. The Dollar has broken the trend line. Gold has rallied this week past its 200 moving average. How long will this move continue, look for a correction once it hits $1150. Then it will back down to the moving average and then it's on to $1184. And silver won't be far behind.
Wed, 3 February 2016
Did you ever wonder how entrepreneurs got started? Did great entrepreneurs like Walt Disney, R H Macy, and Mark Cuban take special risks and fail before success? People who create businesses create change—and in the process make life easier, richer and better for millions. If you examine the stories of great entrepreneurs, some themes recur. All of the founders had vision and earned capital at crucial points. But the thread that stands out is the ability to absorb failure and turn it into success.
Wed, 3 February 2016
Wipe out Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman: BOJ NIRP - already a failure, and Kuroda promised MORE today! Fed "policy error" - Bill Dudley essentially admitted it today! Tightening physical gold/silver fundamentals; The relentless, expanding, historic deflation tsunami.
Tue, 2 February 2016
Stock markets were down again in January. This followed a down month in December. Two down months in a row have been very rare during the past 4 years. Oil was also down, Natgas was up, Precious Metals had an up month, yields on Treasuries fell and Bitcoin took a hit. Listen to the report for more interesting items.
Tue, 2 February 2016
Wayne Allyn Root was expecting a Trump loss in Iowa. Wayne recounts a story about his career as a professional public speaker. He brought down the house in every state he appeared in except one, Iowa. When he got back the audience evaluation forms, the reason was quite a shocker, seems the Iowans don't like fast-talking New Yorkers! Ring a bell? Wayne still believes that Trump will prevail, but New Hampshire is now a must win.
Tue, 2 February 2016
Mr. Moneyball Economics Andrew Zatlin spoke with us today. While he believes that the stock market advance is over for 2016, he doesn't a major down trend in the general economy. While other countries are certainly having their problems, in the US the service sector is still doing fairly well. Also, while new claims for unemployment are up, they're not out of control at the present time. While he doesn't see gold taking more big hits, he's not bullish about it either. Perhaps it will remain in a holding pattern.
Sun, 31 January 2016
John Rubino visited us today. Japan finally went negative, cutting their interest rates below zero. They followed the example of the European Central Bank and no doubt the rest of the world will follow their example. Will it really solve the problem, John thinks not. The world is still taking on record amounts of public and private debt with no end in site. We've still got a major debt problem and nothing will change until that's solved.