Wed, 18 March 2015
What Won't They Try Wednesday:
Collapsing global economy -IMF reduced global GDP forecast, World Bank warned of global jobs crisis -China, worst GDP growth since 2008, worst capex growth since 2001, negative yoy electricity outpout -Japan, all economic data dramatically revised downward last week, Abenomics to end in April with Japanese economy/inflation (i.e., the "Misery Index") at multi-decade lows- -Europe - QE set to start next month and NIRP expanding to the point it may catalyze bank runs (i.e., backdoor bail-ins) - Article - "WE ARE AT THE LOWER BOUND"
Secession - - 1.8 million Catalonians rallied Friday for secession, 25% of Spanish tax revnues -Majority of Venetians favor secession, 10% of Italian GDP -Scotland 50% odds of "yes" vote Wednesday, would destabilize all of Europe (and Scotland would own 90% of North Sea oil revenues) Articles: "SECESSIONIST MOVEMENTS GAINING MOMENTUM"; "WEST TO EAST, GLOBAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE"; "COMMODITY CRASH"
-"Strengthening dollar" fallacy, as emerging market - and ALL - currencies plummeting, per the expansion of the "FINAL CURRENCY WAR" circa 2011-12 that keeps gaining momentum. Articles: "THE LOWEST INFLATION IN FIVE YEARS"; "THE SINGLE MOST PRECIOUS METALS BULLISH FACTOR"; "IF A NUCLEAR BOMB DESTROYED EUROPE…" (publishing today)
-COMEX manipulation, as silver open interest explodes despite plunging prices - Harvey Organ believes Chinese no longer able to source metal, end is nigh
-Russian sanctions, upcoming blowback (especially with Ruble at all-time low)
-FOMC meeting Wednesday, ECB TLTRO uptake announcement Wednesday, Scottish vote Thursday
Wed, 18 March 2015
Sean Caranna of Executive Director of Florida Carry, Inc. joined us today for a discussion of the state of gun control in Florida. Contrary to what most people believe, even though Florida is a "shall-issue" state, open carry of hand guns is prohibited. It some other quirky regulations designed to trip up law abiding firearms owners that Sean is working hard to have overturned by the courts. Still compared to New York, Florida is a haven for Second Amendment adherents. But there's still more to be done
Tue, 17 March 2015
Dave Bego joined us to discuss Wisconsin's passage of their Right to Work Statute. They are now the 25th state to pass such a law. This is great news for the working man, despite what the union thugs might tell you. States that have right to work laws are growing much faster than non-right to work states and their citizens are enjoying faster growing standards of living.
Tue, 17 March 2015
Rick Ackerman joined us today and his charts are saying that he wants to see higher highs in the market. However, with the market swinging in a violent range it just feels like a top. From a purely technical standpoint, his hidden pivots aren't getting hit. Clearly profits down due to the dollar's strength and the decline in international profits when adjusted for currency translation. Caution is the byword. You can't underestimate the power of the dollar's move.
Tue, 17 March 2015
Chris currently concentrates his practice in real estate, foreclosure defense litigation and mortgage loan modifications. Therefore, he's uniquely situated to observe the latest developments in the real estate foreclosure mess. He believes that there may perhaps be a light at the end of the tunnel. This may partly be a result of loosening lending standards that's making it possible to new borrowers to get into the market. Whether this will make for a healthier market long term remains to be seen.
Mon, 16 March 2015
Kyle Simon, Director of Policy and Advocacy at the Center for Lawful Access and Abuse Deterrence (CLAAD) sees an alarming trend spreading from the UK to the US. Just last week UK police can now conduct mouth swabs to determine if motorists are driving under the influence of drugs. Kyle sees issues with the tests as they only detect the presence of drugs, not whether the individual is actually under the influence. Many people who suffer from extreme pain need these drugs to carry on any semblance of normal functioning. Unfortunately any test on the market cannot make such fine distinctions. And that's where wholesale injustices can arise.
Mon, 16 March 2015
John Rubino joined us for our Monday chat. Looks like the US economic juggernaut is coming to an abrupt hault. The fracking boom has fracked out and with it the one bright spot in the US economy. There's really not much picking up the slack. With the Euro plunge and other currencies doing the same, US goods have gotten much more costly around the globe. This is leading to decreased exports and decreased economic activity, a la the reignition of the currency wars. How far can QE be when the US Dollar index breaks 100?
Thu, 12 March 2015
Lowell Ponte talks about the true goals of the Middle Eastern fanatics and why the West is at such a disadvantage. What do the Iranians really want and why Israelis are perhaps the last hope.
Wed, 11 March 2015
Sometimes you just didn't have a chance to save up for your children's college even though you really wanted to and had your kids' best interest at heart. Sandy goes over a number of strategies to get the job done and still save on your taxes. This show is must listening if you've been too busy living life and now junior is about to start college and you're coming up short.
Wed, 11 March 2015
What Else Can They Do Wednesday? --Grexit coming to an EU near you. --Currencies collapsing. --Mining industry implosion taking place now. --China lowered rates and industrial production plunging. --Yuan depegging coming for certain. --Andy is doing audioblogs because he can't write fast enough, so subscribe today.
Wed, 11 March 2015
Martin Armstrong has always been controversial, but he's always been his own person. When the US Government demanded he turn over his software he refused, much to his detriment. The rest is history that is finally being told in the movie The Forecaster, the story of his life and eventual incarceration. But Martin is anything but bitter. He just wants the truth to come out, which is why it's a European production. It's coming to the US in April. Check his site, for the dates and times. Not to be missed. Neither is his forecast for the Euro and the rest of the economy. He's sticking to his forecast of vastly higher stock prices, although the timetable is perhaps a little longer than initially predicted. Either way, we're in for one hell of a party starting in the third quarter of this year. Don't believe it, look at the price of the Euro, which broke the critical 1.10 support level on 3-10-15, all of which Martin forecast long ago.
Tue, 10 March 2015
Bob Hoye, esteemed economic historian, gives us a wide ranging review of what's happening now and what will happen next in the world economy. There's more good news for the US Dollar and more bad news for the rest of the world's currencies. Further contraction in the world economy, the world's stock markets and more bad news for the world's governments. Prices of most commodities will keep going down, but that's good for mining profits as the key components for production will keep going down. Bob believes that Central Banking is pure folly, much like Daylight Savings Time.
Tue, 10 March 2015
Danielle Park joined us to discuss the futility of QE in the EU and Daylight Savings Time around the world. While the governments try to jump start the economy with a premature implementation of Daylight Savings Time, nothing is going to save the lagging world economy. Consumption continues to decline and little can be done to bring it back. While car sales are booming its completely debt fed and will eventually crash. Investment professionals urging the unsuspecting masses to leverage your vehicle and invest in the stock is just insanity, but all too typical.
Tue, 10 March 2015
Contrary to what AG Eric Holder says, Dr. John Lott doesn't buy that the Ferguson PD is racist and he shows that the stats don't prove it either. Rather, it's the Holder's DOJ that wanted to prove it's conclusion without looking at the facts or the truth. Yet another case of the teapot calling the kettle black. Not that there aren't problems in Ferguson, but they have nothing to do with racism and everything to do with PC run amok.
Tue, 10 March 2015
Jim Rogers says things are upside and hopefully not worse than that. We've got a giant artificial wave of liquidity floating about which must come to an end. There's going to be an event that's going to happen which will end it all. Central Bankers aren't going to come to their senses, they are simply bureaucrats and politicians who have never had a real job and don't really know what they're doing. The Swiss Central Bank was forced into breaking the peg because they would have gone bankrupt otherwise. It's all about the folly of man and governments, which never changes.
Tue, 10 March 2015
Grant Williams says we're reaching the acceleration phase of the crisis and that the central banks are running out of ammunition. Are we approaching a Minsky Moment? What we've seen since 2008 is that central banks have corrupted the natural order of events and reflated the world's stock markets. Unfortunately, this will make it all the more painful when reversion to the mean occurs. This time really isn't different, so get ready because the business cycle hasn't been repealed.
Mon, 9 March 2015
Joe Messina of joined us today. Seems like everytime you turn around there's a scandal revolving around the Clintons. This time it seems that Hillary Clinton wanted to control her email server so that she could pick and choose what got archived, in direct contravention of the law. The result is that none of her email from her tenure as Secretary of State has been archived by the Library of Congress. Will it cost her the candidacy? It's definitely costing her on Saturday Night Live. We also talked about UC Irvine's effort to ban the American Flag and lots more.
Mon, 9 March 2015
With collapse the Austrian Bank Heta and the decision of the ECB and the Austrian Government to let the bail-in to let it take its course, one would think instability would be rising, but au contraire, all is well. But how long can it continue on for, that's the real question and of course no one knows the answer to it.
Fri, 6 March 2015
Daniel Greenfield writes for the Sultan Knish Blog and his work is found on Front Magazine and other conservative venues around the web. He's a scathing critic of the current administration as well as previous occupants of the White House. He's hoping that the current crop of Republican wannabes will start shaping up and thinning out. He believes that Hillary Clinton will be forgiven for her current scandal(s) as there's really no one else to take her place. The Republicans need to learn how to start fighting and controlling their message in the media. Use of humor, anger and other tools is a must. Is Scott Walker the one, that remains to be seen.
Thu, 5 March 2015
Professor Laurence Kotlikoff was on discussing his best selling book Get What's Your, The Secrets To Maxing Out Your Social Security. He shows how taking simple steps can get you hundreds of thousands in benefits that you would have never gotten. It's all legal and you paid for them. Why leave anything on the table? You're going to get short-changed anyway, so get all you can, you paid in a fortune!
Thu, 5 March 2015
For Dr. Elena George the patient always comes first and that's why she's opted out of Obamacare. Obamacare is quick to condemn patients to hospice end of life care instead of making the effort to treat their difficulties. Dr. George refuses to abide by this treatment. Instead she encourages patients to become self-pay or to join organizations such as Liberty Share. That way patient too can opt out of Obamacare and get the care and attention they deserve and require.
Thu, 5 March 2015
Yesterday the Euro hit 110 and the Grexit looks to be getting closer and closer. Precious metals production is hitting new lows. Currencies around the world are collapsing. ECB QE is starting next week, but there's hope because the new Apple iWatch is coming soon. However, they'll be consuming 30 percent of the world's gold production. Perhaps they can produce them in silver, platinum and palladium and thereby singlehandedly rescue the precious metals markets.
Tue, 3 March 2015
Eric Hadik previously forecast that the Euro would hit 110 during the year. Little did he expect it would happen so quickly. He's still thinking that 2016 will be the year when gold starts taking off. The stock market is getting close to its peak and he doesn't see much more mileage left there. Instability ahead as the Russian Bear flexes its muscles. Be prepared for what's ahead. Greek instability is also a further indication of what's ahead.
Tue, 3 March 2015
Wayne Allyn Root joined us today for a review of the Netanyahu address to Congress. It wasn't pretty. Unlike the Republicans, Netanyahu knows how to fight. The Republicans complete their complete capitulation to Obama and the Media. They are truly clueless and hopeless.
Tue, 3 March 2015
February 2015 continued the trend of increasing volatility across most major markets. Stock markets started going up again after a brief one month hiatus on the downside. Metals were down, oil rallied, Natgas notched up slightly, Uranium was up, so were interest rates on the 10 year. Bitcoin was up finally. The Dollar was up as well. Dr. Copper seems to have found a low at $2.50. Markets have gotten a whole lot interesting lately.