Chris Martenson joined us again today. He's been waiting for China to unravel and now the signs are getting clearer and harder to ignore. As Chris explains, "In the U.S., analysts and policy makers can draw upon a long history of economic policies and debate their applicability to the present.  Rising income disparity, for example, is often compared to the Gilded Age of the late 19th century. The financial crisis of 2008 is often viewed as an analog of the 1929 crash that triggered the Great Depression.

China’s recorded history stretches back thousands of years, but in terms of applicable financial and economic parallels to the current economy, there is no precedent.  China’s leadership is truly in uncharted waters.  This in itself heightens the risk of miscalculation and basing policies on faulty premises."

Direct download: Chris_Martenson_11.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:04pm EST

Heather Wagenhals joined us today to discuss how women can better invest their savings. Generally, women invest every bit as shrewdly as men, despite some self-imposed handicaps, such as believing that finance is men’s work. Conventional wisdom holds that men have a lock on math know-how and business savvy – and if you believe that, you probably also think you can guess precisely where the Dow Jones industrial average will finish tomorrow. Studies consistently reveal that women take charge of buying decisions; budgeting and daily spending plans yet claim to lack clarity about how to build wealth.


Direct download: Heather_Wagenhals_10.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:55pm EST

Wayne released his new book today, The Power of Relentless: 7 Secrets to Achieving Mega-Success, Financial Freedom and the Life of Your Dreams. Wayne has used these secrets to achieve success in his life and he sees many of the same traits in Donald Trump. Not caring what people say, learning from failure and moving ahead no matter what, are just some of the factors that help people achieve their dreams. Whether Donald Trump is eventually elected or not, no one can challenge his ability to capture the public's eye and set the agenda. We're very excited for Wayne's release and look forward to reading the book and discussing it in future interviews. 

Direct download: Wayne_Allyn_Root_10.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:44pm EST

Fabia Calvo believes that the US Economy isn't going to crash this year, but look out for next year. Eventually the cycle is going to end and won't end well. Flight capital from Europe and China is flowing into the US real estate and share markets, keeping them  stable for a while. But eventually, it's going to catch up to the US as well and then look out below. It will either happen over a period of time and in a major crash, but it's going to happen. So get ready now. 

Direct download: Fabian_Calvo_10.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:05pm EST

John writes, "Any discussion of China has to open with the now-widely-understood fact that the numbers it reports are not to be trusted. Knowing this makes it easy to dismiss claims of high and consistently-on-target GDP growth, for instance, as a combination of government-directed borrowing and spending, and simple fabrication.

But how to handle negative numbers? When a serial fabricator admits that things are bad and getting worse, that would seem to imply that someone at or near the top has concluded that either the facts can no longer be obscured or that there’s an advantage in creating negative expectations.


Whatever the purpose, the most recent batch of stories is both strange and scary."

Direct download: John_Rubino_10.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:52am EST

Woody O'Brien joined us today to discuss the state of the economy and the state of the markets. The cost of many commodities is now below their cost of production. This will inevitably lead to supply crunches and market disruptions, whether it's oil or precious metals. When will the big major banks decide to reverse the flow and take the metals higher? When does the manipulation end, because Woody says it is going to end. That's a certainty. 

Direct download: Woody_OBrien_05.AUG.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:34pm EST

From tornadoes, hurricanes and floods to fires, earthquakes and more, no one knows when or where a disaster might strike. Natural disasters can cripple cities and towns in their wake, leaving homeowners and businesses to clean up the mess for months – and sometimes – years to come.


While no one thinks or wants a disaster to strike close to home, businesses that are prepared beforehand have a better chance of surviving the damage that occurs afterwards.


Direct download: Anthony_Kovic_05.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:53am EST

What's Imploding Next Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:


U.S. economy collapsing!

                -factory orders, trade deficit, ADP, consumer confidence, etc.

                -yet, fever pitch "misdirection" by Fed, Wall St., etc., of the recovery no one anywhere believes anymore


Commodities collapsing (as I predicted), and dollar soaring (as I predicted)

                -CRB breached 2008 lows this week, getting ready to breach 40 year lows

                -unprecedented carnage



                -Grexit coming!



                -market crash


Puerto Rico

                -defualted, tip of iceberg


Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_05.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53am EST

Dr. Swain writes, "In the first few days following the shooting deaths of the five servicemen in Chattanooga, investigating officials say they were stumped in seeking a motive to explain the murders apparently committed by Abdulazeez, the 24-year-old son of an immigrant Muslim family. Descriptive reactions to what took place, as reported in the media, have ranged from "ruthless" and "deranged" to "senseless" and "unfathomable."Ruthless for certain, but unfathomable? Has anyone been paying attention to what's been going on in the world lately? Meanwhile, investigators are attempting to piece together a working hypothesis that might explain what happened and why, in trying to trace, as Hoffer might say, Abdulazeez's genesis and outline his nature. Investigators make it sound like this is just another crime scene investigation – CSI: Chattanooga, while the media focuses on his alleged depression and drug use as if those two factors alone explain or justify his heinous acts."


Direct download: Carol_Swain_04.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32pm EST

Our foreclosure expert Jason K. Roberts was back with us today. Florida's real estate market is holding strong, in the face of what's going on in the rest of the country. The opprotunity is still there and it translates into high cash-on-cash returns on rental properties. Nearly two thrids of Florida's RE sales are cash transactions. And the population of the third most populous state continues to increase. 

Direct download: Jason_Roberts_04.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:04pm EST

Geoff Shepard reveals never-before-seen Watergate materials exposing the complete breakdown of the legal system


Shocking violations of ethical and legal standards colored the proceedings of the Watergate trial. Watergate’s judges and prosecutors were supposed to be unbiased mediators and protectors of the Constitution. Instead they were highly partisan Democrats who criminalized politics and went after Nixon “at all costs.” Carl Bernstein famously said of the Watergate trial: “The system worked.” New discoveries by Geoff Shepard, once the youngest lawyer of Nixon’s defense team, show how the prosecutors abused the system to rig the outcome.


Direct download: Geoff_Shepard_03.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm EST

July was an extremely volatile month for Energy, Metals and everything else but the US Stock Markets. We all know about the hit precious metals tooks, especially gold and silver. WIT was down even more. Bitcoin has been up 10 percent for two months in a row. Copper was killed falling to levels not seen in years. There's no reason to panic, but remain cautious and ready for opportunities that may rapidly emerge. Mickey doesn't see another 2009 Crash happening, but prices have gone down considerably, with WTI breaking $50 per barrel. The Shanghai Correction has investors acting very scared. If it continues, then we'll have to change our assessment. 

Direct download: Mickey_Fulp_03.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm EST

Bo Polny was back explaining why the recent lows in precious metals will have no affect upon the longer trend which is determinedly headed higher. The stock market and the dollar will eventually tell the story of gold and silver. Bo says there's a very important shorting point coming up later this year. So in conclusion, don't lose hope, gold and silver are headed much higher. The low appears to be in and now it's just sit back and wait for higher prices. 

Direct download: Bo_Polny__03.Aug.15.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:06am EST





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