Darryl R. Schoon believes that fiat money and the world financial system is nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme. It's unravelling very quickly and the world's central bankers are extremely frightened. There's nothing they can do to stop the destruction. If there was, they would have done it already. But Darryl says don't despair, this is a good thing. It will allow humanity to develop in a way never before dreamed of. It's an unimagined opportunity for the human race, to be embraced, not feared. 

Direct download: Darryl_Schoon_31.dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:39pm EST

Andrew G. Poulos – Tax and Financial Expert has appeared on FOX Business News. He's a Strategic Author, and Creative Entrepreneur. While the ball is about to drop, there's still time to save on your 2014 taxes and to planon how you'll manage your income in 2015.

Direct download: Andrew_Poulos_31.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EST

Paul Oster is a credit repair ace who knows how to raise your credit score and wipe out the negatives. While there's no replacement for paying your bills on time, there are things you can do to help erase the mistakes of the past. In addition, your family can help you regain your reputation and get back into the world of normalcy. You just have to take the necessary steps. 

Direct download: Paul_Oster_31.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:52pm EST

Wayne Allyn Root was on with us today. Turns out that the past year was a great one for a select few, those favored by the Obama Admin. But for the rest it was not so great, despite the wonderful sounding statistics that in Wayne's opinion are purely fraudulent. The middle class is getting murdered and it's by design. The big corporations support whatever government helps them get richer. It's a great system for the wealthy. But Wayne's an eternal optimist who believes that we'll even survive Obama. We can only hope that he's right. 

Direct download: Wayne_Allyn_Root_30.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:32pm EST

Bill writes, "Whether it is the Elliott Wave Theory, Kondratieff, 17-year cycle, or the Shemitah, 2015 is shaping up to be one for the record books. As much as each Country from the U.S. to Greece, Russia to Malaysia, sees itself as a unique and independent entity the reality is that the world has been united as one big Keynesian experiment."

Social media has taken significant events that normally would be continually discussed, analyzed and even become world altering and reduced them to tweets, blogs and yesterday’s news.

Such as:

  • The Hong Kong freedom demonstrations became just another footnote to be lumped with Egypt, Iran and Occupy Wall Street.
  • The Ukraine civil war is something most believe has already been settled.
  • The U.S. President’s abuse of executive orders continues unabated and the TBTFs (Too Big Too Fails) continue to run amok.  Nothing has been tweeted recently, therefore, out of sight out of mind.
  • Saudi Arabia and the U.S. made a deal for the continued bombing of Syria for lower oil prices and the American Shale oil industry is decimated.  Our only reminder is when we fill up our gas tank.
  • Cuba continues its Gestapo ways and becomes our newest best friend.  Cigars, of course, are not a continuing story.
  • SONY was hacked, says the FBI, by the North Koreans.  A big deal.  American citizens and world leaders are hacked.  Not a big deal.  Either way each is last week’s news.  On to the next.
  • Greece can’t elect a President after three bailouts and so a snap election will be held.  European markets shudder, the 1% lose millions, businesses are still closed, youths are still jobless and ordinary citizens still wonder where their next meal will come from.

Another few days and the next crisis will be front and center.

Direct download: Bill_Tatro_30.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:38am EST

Oil is tanking, gold and silver are getting attacked yet again, what's an investor to do? The dollar is riding high so we don't have to worry about Russia, Greece or the collapse that's taking place in much of the world. Then there's Comrade de Blasio who can't understand how when he was playing with dynamite and matches with his buddy Al Sharpton, it all just blew up in his face. It's amazing that we're dealing with politicians who possess this caliber of stupidity. 

Listen to tonight's Liberty Mastermind Webinar with David Morgan. 

Direct download: TLR_375.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm EST

Sandy Botkin, our expert CPA and Tax Attorney tells us the good news in the recently passed tax laws by Congress. Time to buy a truck and write it off. Or, business equipment can also be written off as well. If you're thinking of setting up a corporation, now's the time to do it. You'll be able to sell that company off in the future, tax free if you do it right. There's lot's more goodies, you just have to know where to look, and that's where Sandy excels. 

Direct download: Sandy_Botkin_29.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:01pm EST

The Sony-North Korea hack is big news. The damages to Sony are near catastrophic. Movie production was halted and they were unable to make vendor payments. The movie that set it all off, The Interview will not be released in theaters either. Could this just be the beginning? So thinks terrorism expert Jack Duffy. He's concerned that the country and American business aren't ready for what's ahead. He hopes that the Defense Department is gearing up, but one can't be too sure. It all could be part of the new Cold War? 

Direct download: Jack_Duffy_24.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:16pm EST

According to Heather Wagenhals medical identity fraud is sweeping the country. Obamacare also isn't helping any. With electronic medical records, if someone else is using your health insurance, the results can be catastrophic, as demonstrated by the person who died as a result of a midagnosis due to incorrect records from a fraudulent user. It's going to get much worse before it gets bet, so beware. 

Direct download: Heather_Wagenhals_24.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:16pm EST

Craig Bergman is just off the successful release of his movie Unfair: Exposing The IRS. He's got two more movies scheduled that promise to be even bigger. The first deals with the militarization of police forces across America. Once upon a time, your local Sheriff kept order and was merely a night watchman. Now, the police force is under the control of corrupt politicians and is getting more militarized by the day. Their job has become one of subduing the population. Craig's movie will examine this trend and propose solutions to bring us back to the way things used to be. 

Direct download: Craig_Bergman_23.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:26pm EST

Steve Lord, publisher of The Modern Money Letter, is quite excited about bitcoin's many developments in 2014 and 2015. While it's opportunity as a speculative investment has cooled off, it's acceptance as a medium of exchange has picked up speed. Innovations are coming at a break neck pace. This means that bitcoin is going to have a place at the monetary table of the future. And it's getting much easier to use, which means many more people are going to start using it soon. Big things are ahead. 

Direct download: Steven_Lord_22.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:21pm EST

Eric Hadik, the master reader of cycles joins us again for a look at 2015-16. He sees more chaos and unrest in Europe as the Euro dips to 110. Gold and silver are headed for one last cycle low as well. King Dollar keeps up it's rally, for a while anyway. The Russian Bear is rising and that's bad for the Stock Market. Everything is connected for better or for worse. Just be prepared to avoid losses. 

Direct download: Eric_Hadick_23.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:17pm EST

When will precious metals prices start going up again? David Morgan doesn't know the exact date, but he suspects we're getting very close and that the bottom has been put in. Now it's just a matter of the fundamentals asserting themselves. He's putting together a list of high value mining stocks that should out perform all the others. He'll be talking about some of them at the webinar on December 29, 2014 @ 9pm est. We look forward to seeing you there. 

Direct download: David_Morgan_22.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:41pm EST

Manipulation Mondays with Andrew Hoffman:

FOMC meeting

                - per audioblog, "laughable FOMC statement sets new Central bank credibility lows, until SNB one-ups it" - Fed DID NOT take out "considerable time," yet MSM says it did!

                                -also, called oil price decline "and other factors" TRANSITORY

                                -not worried about anything, but still data dependent

                                -FOMC governors' avg expectation for Fed Funds rate at end of 2016 dropped from 2.9% at OCTOBER 29th MEETING to 2.5% today

                                -as meeting going on, SNB took deposit rates negative - just three weeks after referendum, and as Euro challenges "whatever it takes" July 2012 low!

                                                -per article, "end of the gold 'bear market'," gold up sharply in countless currencies - including Francs since the referendum

                                                                -on average, up 5% worldwide; yen gold 7% from all-time high, Ruble gold way above all-time high; rupee gold and others, on average, just 20% or so from all time high

                                                                                -and this, as 2014 ends with record demand


                - whilst FOMC going on, not only SNM madness, but oil at $54-$55/bbl; Greek snap elections favor Syriza; cratering U.S. economic data, nearly across the board.  Not to mention, dollar surges above 10-year range, causing massive                 currency plunges the world round (article - the "single most precious metal bullish factor imaginable")

                                -incredible to see the level of PM manipulation and stock support around the FOMC meeting, as powerful as around the Swiss referendum!  Gold capped at $1,200 35 times last week, and twice already today -                                                  DESPERATION

                                                -if it closes year above $1205, will be up in dollars, too, after all the smashing!



                -per tomorrow's article, "a major silver shortage must, and will, occur", global supply will be up no more than 2% or so in 2014 - and set to plunge; whilst demand at record levels - up 7% in 2014 for maples/eagles/indian imports                 alone, and new research says indsustrial demand set to grow whilst production declines

                -if ends year around $16, massive write-downs, losses, capex cuts, paralyzing mergers - gold, too, at $1,200; 2015 will be year of paralyzing PM mergers


OIL prices!

                -3/4 or more of all Shale uneconomic at current prices; not to mention, other high cost production the world round

                -Saudi and other low-cost producers will smoke them all out

                -$500 billion of junk bonds/leveraged loans will collapse (already are), per article "2015 shale oil = 2008 subprime mortgages"

                -crashing commodity currencies the world round will have horrific consequences


Horrible holiday season likely to be far worse than last year's post-2008 crisis lows, and with GOOD WEATHER to boot

                -Amazon slashed prices on kindles this weekend, and free shipping across the board

                -retail armageddon in 2015, especially as more sales on line

                                -gee, I wonder when the government will impose an online retail sales tax


2015, the year of, per article, the "re-emergence of real money"

                -record demand now, accelerated money printing/currency crashes

                -repatriation wave

                -Euro collapse?



Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_22.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:34am EST

Megan Megale of Megale Public Relations started the Minnow Project to helping small companies master the art of getting needed media attention. And best of all it works. The companies that Megan has been working with have been experiencing much needed success in social media and other Internet PR. It's easy when you learn from the experts.

Direct download: Megan_Megale_19.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EST

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Don Mazzella about the end of the Cuba Embargo, the State of the Union and Small Business in America today. It was a real pleasure. I'm fully in favor of ending the Cuban Embargo. Clearly if it ever was effective, it's become counter-effective now. While the US can't yet be accused of having a murderous regime like the Castros, it has lost much of its moral high ground with its non-stop drift towards collectivism. Who are we trying to kid? Besides, I'm ready for Christmas in Havana. As far as small business in America today, it's never been harder to start and succeed at this daunting challenge. But there's nothing else I'd rather be doing. The corporate life just has never been for me. Make sure you sign up for the next Liberty Mastermind Webinar with David Morgan giving his precious metals 2015 forecast. Not to be missed. 

Direct download: Don_Mazzella_19.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:20pm EST

Pam Oakes of Car Care for the Clueless has valuable advice for the motoring public this winter: It pays to be a prepper! Take a look at what Pam wrote and follow it closely. 

You should have all your severe storm preparations completed at least 24 hours before the snow hits the area.

For those who procrastinate, it may be too late. Supplies at the stores will be minimalized, fuel probably scarce. My advice – stay put! But, for those who just have to travel for one reason or another, I have a bit of advice for you.

First - other than your Facebook buddies – your “new” best friend is going to be your emergency roadside kit. If you get stuck in a traffic jam or snow drift, this is what is going to see you through the storm. Most of these items you can find in your garage or basement. Gather these items into a box or duffle bag and place it into your trunk or backseat.

  • Extra cell phone battery or power cord adaptor (keep your cell phone on…
  • Paper towels
  • Half dozen cloth towels
  • Sealed snacks (like crackers, peanut butter)
  • First aid kit
  • Clear painter’s tarp
  • A couple of bungee cords
  • Thermal blanket
  • Duct tape
  • Shovel
  • 2, 10lb bags of sand, potting soil or (clean) kitty litter
  • Deck of playing cards
  • Magazine or two
  • Flashlight
  • Extra car key (if possible)
  • Screwdriver, pair of pliers
  • Favorite short stories book
  • Red cloth or clothing to mark your vehicle (if you get stuck)
  • There's lots more you can find on Pam's website. 
Direct download: Pam_Oakes_12-18-14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:25pm EST


Aaron Clarey a/k/a Captain Capitalism has found his calling. From blogger, author and internet personality, he's become a consultant and goto guy to the lost and helpless generation known as the Millennials. Often without fathers and constructive role models, more and more of these young adults are turning to Aaron to help them resolve problems that their fathers would have been there for. Have a problem attracting women, Aaron will let you know if you're too fat or you don't dress properly. Thinking of starting a business, Aaron is there to let you know that you need to set up an LLC and bank account. There's much more that you can count on Aaron for, you just need to check out AssHoleCounsulting.com.

Direct download: Aaron_Clarey_12-17-14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:08pm EST

We've been speaking with Danielle Park for over three years now. In the beginning we were skeptical of her forecasts for the future. Now, to our surprise, we're seeing them unfold much as Danielle predicted. How did this come this come pass? How did she perceive the Black Swans when they were circling off so far in the distant gloom? That's a discussion in its own right, but for now Danielle tells us what she sees coming next and how you can profit from it. Lower oil and commodity prices, a lower Canadian Dollar and a higher US Dollar to name just a few.  An interview you don't want to miss. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_12-16-14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:49pm EST

We talk again with Steven John our expat day trading fan in sunny Mexico. He's seeing more choppiness for gold and silver ahead, but the long term charts are still quite bullish. We'll see if he can beat the pros. 

Direct download: Steve_John_16.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:31pm EST

We look at the non-stop antics of New York's born again communist mayor. He's anti-cop, pro-tax, pro-big government. He's now in the process of suing a cigarette shop in Virginia for selling tax-free smokes, while he's upset over the death of Eric Gardner for dying during his run in with cops for selling untaxed cigarettes. The cops are hating on the Comrade for his less than enthusiastic support for their cause. Seems that a couple of NYPD Brass were attacked by Peaceful Demonstrators and the Mayor referred to the alleged attack. Problem is he never refers to alleged crimes when he talks about his police force. Face it, Comrade is losing his street cred faster than Obama running from a stop cessation program. 

Direct download: TLR_374.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm EST

Dave Bego tells us about the latest Obama scheme to help out organized labor. The rule, which if allowed to go into effect, would give businesses just 21 days from being noticed by unions till a vote takes place. Under some circumstances that time period could be cut to as little as 10 days. This will allow the unions a huge advantage over businesses around the country. They need time to present their case and educate their workers on what unionization will mean to their futures. Hopefully the court challenges will make a difference. 

Direct download: Dave_Bego_16.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:11pm EST

Manipulation Mondays with Andrew Hoffman:


                - 1/3 of capex

                - historic Baker Hughes rig count drop last week

                -heavy crude, Bakken and lesser grades down far more than oil prices

                -exotic derivative securities being exposed

                -UAE minister says $40 likely

                -Saudi WAR on low cost production worldwide, which became a massive bubble due to money printing and rate suppression

                                -ARTICLE - "2015 Shale oil = 2008 subrprime mortgages"


Japan snap elections

                -Abe landslide victory, Japan mindset dangerously like 1930s Germany 

                                -more than ever, believe Japan will be first "first world" economy to experience 21st century hyperinflation


Greek snap elections

                -last will be 12/29, could pave way to inevitable GrExit and end of Euro

                                -gee, I wonder why Draghi leaking that he wants to leave

                                -ARTICLE "revenge of the people" - whole world, via "pen" and shortly, "sword" rebelling against economic destruction of Central banks      

                                -ARTICLE (to be published today) "the re-emergence of real money"

                                                -NY Times article, "Golden Age"

                                                -gold repatriation wave - now Belgium and Austria


FOMC meeting Wednesday

                                -ARTICLE "six days and counting"

                                                -could very well be the inevitable "Yellen Reversal" we have written of for months, which will end the orchestrated PM bear permanently.

                                                -then again, today's article ("end of the PM 'bear market'") shows how gold has been soaring in most currencies already

                                -U.S. economic data collapsing

                                                -Empire State today, Black Friday sales, etc.


That's enough for now.

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_15.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:05pm EST

If there was one part of Dodd-Frank that was effective and needed, it was the part that required Too Big To Fail Banks to eat their derivatives losses. Your Congress, a fully owned subsidiary of Wall Street, just eliminated that provision, so get ready to bail them out yet again. The result, losses in the trillions, absorbed by you taxpayer is a foregone conclusion. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_15.Dec.14.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:35am EST

Kyle Olson says if you're expecting change from the Republicans, think again. They couldn't get the guts up to repeal the ridiculous school food standards that were imposed by Michelle Obama. The changes appeared in a draft of the continuing budget resolution, but were no where to be found in the final bill that passed the House. So the next time your child has to sneak a Twinkie into school for a little nourishment, you can thank John Boehner. But at least Rudy Giuliani has the guts to stand up and point the finger of blame at Al Sharpton and the Teachers' Unions for the failure that passes for education in America today. A rare show of honesty by any standard. 

Direct download: Kyle_Olson_12.Dec.12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm EST





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