Wed, 8 October 2014
Comrade DeBlasio has New York City on a race to the bottom and he's not going to let anyone or anything stop him. Hopefully gold and silver have beaten him there and are on their way up. We also cover basic Austrian Economics how regulations actually do cost jobs, $2 trillion worth every year! Also, we're looking a small winery in California that was put out of business by abusive regulation because of a horrible business practice called volunteers, the scourge of humanity. Oh the horror! And finally the long awaited Stockton CalPERS decision that sounds the death knell for public pensions and marks the golden age of municipal bankruptcy.
Wed, 8 October 2014
Arch Crawford joined us today for a look at the stars and their impact upon world events and markets. This morning was the latest Blood Moon, which bodes ill for mankind and world markets. There's still several more left before the last next fall. What are the stars and planets trying to tell us? According to Arch, be ready for more turmoil and civil unrest. It's all ready taking place and it's bound to get worse. Arch isn't to optimistic about gold and silver in the short term, until they start making higher highs. However, everyone should own an "insurance policy" against economic chaos. There's a lot more coming up in the months ahead, so be prepared.
Wed, 8 October 2014
Manipulation Monday becomes Manipulation Wednesday
Europe in full-free fall -Germany industrial production/factory orders/biz confidence -nearly all PMIs below 50
Japan collapse -industrial production, real wages freefall -debate about utility of Abenomics
"Deflation" -Tokyo/Osaka top two most expensive cities in 12-13, before Abenomics smashed yen by 45% -Europeans claim rising prices their biggest concern -the recent "strong dollar" is causing MASSIVE global inflation
PM attacks -way below cost of production -record pace of Oct. silver Eagle sales, for one month and the full year -nearly no silver inventory left in exchanges, backwardation in China, surging COMEX open interest -mining writeoffs at year end will be enormous - mining industry on verge of collapse -shortage coming
Stocks/bonds -PPT failing, as stocks clearly plunging. -half of all stocks in bear market, Russell 2000 plunging -rates down nearly to 52 week lows, after blatant Fed "tape painting" ahead of September FOMC meeting when they goosed rates higher
Tue, 7 October 2014
Tom Cloud has been selling precious metals for almost as long as he's been selling diamonds, 38 years! He's seen markets go up and down, several times. He's convinced that we'll soon see gold and silver put in their final lows and it will be all up from there. In the mean time, colored diamonds have been doing nothing but going up for the past decade, and that's with little interference from the cartel. So take your pick, but get ready, because fiat currencies are suspect and for good reason.
Tue, 7 October 2014
Danielle Park joined us today. Besides the rising dollar and the affects being felt around the globe, from declining profits of America's multi-nationals to investment flows finding their way to the States, there's going to be a new Sheriff in town soon. Mr. Too Big To Jail Eric Holder has resigned as attorney general. Will this clear the way for the return of the rule of law in America? Danielle thinks it might and we certainly are hopeful.
Tue, 7 October 2014
Ivan Eland believes that neither the Congress nor the Courts will ever limit the President's war powers, regardless what it may say in the Constitution. They're unwilling to risk the fallout of having troops in the battlefield being forced to return home because there's no funding available to keep them stationed there. So the President effectively can make war at will, just like the kings of yesteryear.
Tue, 7 October 2014
Former Dean Dob Neuman believes that college is still worth the time and expense if it's done properly. Properly means graduating is in 4 years or less if possible. That way you'll keep your debt to an absolute minimum. It also means getting the most in grants and scholarships and of course planning your major before you step foot on campus. Using this common sense approach will insure that your college education pays for itself, rather than you paying for it the rest of your life.
Fri, 3 October 2014
Nationally known radio personality James Lowe believes that legal pot is helping the homeless in Colorado. Is it possible that the homeless are finding jobs and improving their lives as a result of the legalization movement? Well the studies aren't in yet, so you'll have to make up your own mind on the subject.
Thu, 2 October 2014
What can you say about September that hasn't already been said? It was a horrible month for precious metals. Gold, silver, platinum and palladium were all down significantly. Same with energy except NatGas. Uranium was the stellar performer, up 26 percent for the quarter. All the stock markets started turning down with the TSX.V and the Emerging Markets really getting clobbered. The Dollar Index was a bigger winner for the month. Bitcoin got down 24%. Volatility was definitely the word for the month. Listen on for more details.
Thu, 2 October 2014
Dick Morris, well known political consultant and media personality has written a new book Power Grab: Obama's Dangerous Plan For A One Party Nation. In it, Dick outlines what he believes is Obama's shadowy plan to make the Republican Party irrelevant. Using the levers of government through immigration, the EPA, the IRS and other agencies, it will soon be impossible for the Republicans to win the presidency. Scary, but it still can be stopped. Listen to Dick give the details of what's taking place before our very eyes.
Thu, 2 October 2014
Frank Miniter, New Times Bestselling Author, debunks many gun control myths and explains how responsible gun owners make us all safer. The fact is that since the adoption of "shall-issue" carry permits, violent crime has greatly decreased across the country, despite what people like Nanny Bloomberg says. The statistics don't lie, unlike the many gun control advocates who refuse to honestly debate the issue.
Thu, 2 October 2014
Bob Ong, a long time Wall Street Insider is concerned about the coming retirement crisis and he's helping people do something about it. Rather than going for Wall Street's conventional retirement strategies, which just aren't going to do the trick for most people, he outlines several ways to get larger returns without adding tons of risk. He says you should be investing in businesses and life insurance settlements. But make sure you do your due diligence. You always need to know exactly what you're investing in, before you write your check.
Wed, 1 October 2014
J.V. Crum, III joined us today to discuss his work in helping people to discover their purpose, leading them to build a business based upon it. A recent Gallup polled shows that most people derive little or no satisfaction from their work, a situation that J.V. wants to change. The best way to remedy this situation is to find your passion and to start your own business. That's what we've done on FSN and that's what many thousands are doing around the world.
Wed, 1 October 2014
Chris Vermeulen, believes that we're getting very close to the bottom in gold and silver. When last we spoke, he said that he thought the weakness in precious metals was pointing to one more low before the trend reversed. Needless to say, Chris was right. Silver broke $18 the ounce yesterday and gold looks like it might break $1200. If that happens, even the most devout gold bulls might go running for the exits, in which case the low will be in and the bull will resume. Sounds logical to us.
Wed, 1 October 2014
Wayne Allyn Root believes that Obama and his gang is out to destroy America and turn it into another socialist republic. He thinks that if we don't start fighting back soon and get a Republican senate that is willing to fight, the country is finished. So far he sees much evidence that he's right. Look at the border, at the chaos in the Middle East and what's happening in Europe. However, the US has come back before and it can come back again.