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Joe Deaux of TheStreet.com was back on FSN. We congratulated ourselves on our prescient call of Janet Yellen for Fed Chief. We went totally against the conventional wisdom and knocked it out of the park. We both agreed that there was no way that a default was going to be allowed to happen. No one wants to be the 21st century Nero. The bad news is that there's more slow growth ahead and there's not much the Fed or the Treasury can do about it. As usual, Joe is funny and engaging and a real pleasure to have on the show.  

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:50pm EST

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We caught up with our old friend David Gurwitz of Charles Nenner & Company Research today. The Shutdown has become the Shutup and now gold is having its predicted bounce. David says it won't last and he's expecting to see it drop to $1200 an ounce and retest it's old lows. He thinks the stock market is peaking and it's going to gradually fall off from here. Same with the bond market. More bad news ahead for the dollar as well. Listen up as he makes a lot of market calls. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:38am EST

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Joni Carley's passion has now been directed towards helping the world evolve towards a higher functioning order where things just seem to go right instead of wrong. She believes that focusing on doing the right thing and on harmonious interactions with others will go a long way towards curing what's wrong with the country and the world. But it must start with each individual and from there society will begin to improve almost immediately. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:45pm EST

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Dara Feldman's life-long goal is to transform our schools and the systems that support them into environments that embrace the love of learning with the recognition of self-worth. She believes that the key to making education effective is to make it joyful and fun and to teach virtues. It may sound idealistic, but Dara has proven her ideas in the trenches, teaching in the public schools with great success. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:56am EST

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We discuss the crowd-out effect of government spending and why this will inevitably make you poorer. It's economic common sense and as usual a group of academics has now proven it. Then we move on to the continuing saga of the Obamacare fail. It keeps on getting better and better. The GOP may cave on the shutdown and debt limit debates, but when the truth of the Obamacare online marketplace failure becomes widely known, along with the millions of people who lose their employer provided coverage as well as the doubling and tripling of insurance premiums-for greatly increased deductibles and diminished coverage, there's going to be holy hell to pay. And the democrats are going to the be the ones that pay it.  

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:30am EST

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Michelle Riklan is an expert resume writer and a career consultant. She understands that the things that employers are looking for today have no resemblance to what they wanted just a few short years ago. You need to totally change your approach. The tools are free and readily available. The virtual National Career Summit will have at least 25 speakers and run for several days. If you're in the job market you'll definitely want to check this out. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm EST

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Keving Drost of Owings Metals joined us again to discuss the horrible position that the US Government once again finds itself in. The country is heading down a very dangerous and precarious path and if nothing is done to reverse course, the country will lose its leadership position. It is inevitable that the dollar will shortly lose its reserve currency status as well. Therefore, purchasing gold and silver isn't an investment, it's an insurance policy that no one can afford to be without. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:05pm EST

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Phil Valentine has been a well known beacon of freedom and conservative radio for many years. He took on Al Gore and the Global Warming crowd last year with his documentary An Consistent Truth, where he proved categorically that cardon dioxide is not making the world warmer. In fact, there has been no change in termperatures for at least the past decade and perhaps longer. Rather, this is an effort to help depopulate the earth. There are those who believe that man is a threat to the planet and our numbers must be reduced to save earth from human destruction.  

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EST

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Michael Novak started out life as a liberal. He was an associate of the Kennedy's and spent a lot of time with the liberal establishment. But then he realized that none of the liberal theories or programs worked. Later he worked for the Reagan administration and helped work on freeing Eastern Europe. He wrote this book to help people understand that wealth springs forth from ideas. This background helped convince him that capitalism delivers the greatest benefits to the largest number of people.  

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm EST

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Andy Hoffman joined us for another session. EBT card glitches are popping up around the country. Is it a test run, or is it just an isolated case? You be the judge. Then we talked about the upcoming debt debacle. The odds are less than 5 percent that a default will be allowed to occur. No one is going to want their name to go down in history as the person who broke the system. The economy continues to sink. Employment, income and earnings are all hitting the skids. But the Dow keeps going up. So everything is fine and you don't need to worry. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:54pm EST

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Ned Schmidt rejoined the show again. His record on gold and comodities has been pretty remarkable. When Ned speaks I always listen. He says that gold has put in a 4 month base and that the complacency has set in. Once the debt deal is done, traders intend to buy stocks and sell gold. For the next three years, nothing will be done on spending. Washington is the best friend gold ever had. The Chinese have been complaining about the dollar for years. Now they're gettin extremely fed up and last week the Chinese Government said they're no longer going to acccumulate dollar denominated debt. Therefore, silver will be going up as well. We also discuss the agricultural commodities as well. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:56am EST

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Joseph Klein joined us to discuss the administration's support of the radical Islam cause. He is an author, political pundit and an attorney with a Harvard Law School degree as well as a United Nations correspondent. He writes for FrontPage Magazine and Canada Free Pressand many other sites on the Internet. In his book, Lethal Engagement: Barack Hussein Obama, The United Nations & Radical Islam, Klein takes a critical look at President Obama’s aggressive outreach to the Muslim world; his belief that the U.S. has a “moral responsibility” to lead the way toward a world without nuclear weapons even as he permits Iran to continue developing its nuclear arms capability; and his submission to the international consensus of the anti-Western United Nations. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:37am EST

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Nick Santiago has an uncanny sense of market timing. He sees the Dow and other stock indicies running out of steam very shortly. The Euro seems to be getting close to another top as well. He believes that gold and especially silver are poised for large increases. It's important to note that Nick is not a gold bug, but rather trades in any market where he believes that he can realize a profit. Combined with his prior calls, his forecasts carry added weight. We'll be watching them to see if Nick has call yet another one correctly.   

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Direct download: Nick_Santiago_10-11-2013_RA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:35pm EST

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The inmates are running the asylum and you should be happy that they're only taking 50-60 percent of your income, because you live in the greatest country in the world. And they're doing you a favor. Aren't they? Perhaps not. Maybe there's more going on here than meets the eye. At least that's why Karl Denninger has gone Gault and maybe you should too. And the online Obamacare Marketplaces still don't work and maybe they never will. But don't worry, the government is looking out for you, so everything will work out just fine, right?  

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Direct download: Triple_Lutz_Reort_311_10-11-2013_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:45pm EST

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Dave Bego has fought the union thugs and won. He sees a far greater threat coming from the Obama Administration. He believes that the plan is to deliberately collapse the economy and bring about "funadmental" change towards a socialist republic. The danger is there for all who will see it, unfortunately most people are too busy going about their daily business to recognize the threat. However, Dave is hopeful that things could be changing now. Traditional Obama allies, such as the media and unions are sensing betrayal and starting to react. Is it too late?

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Direct download: Dave_Bego_10-10-2013_RA_t.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:03pm EST

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Jimmy Slagle claims that by using his system that you can simply throw darts at the stock pages and pick any stock and make money. The key to it is using options to minimize risk. But you must stick to the system. That means properly classifying a stock, which will give you the proper strategy. You don't have to be a math genius to use it either. Instead, all you need to have is disclipline and the ability to make the right choices at the right time. Jimmy says that anyone can do it. Right now he loves Apple because its moves are so pronounced. Next time, we're going to pick a list of stocks and see what Jimmy suggests. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:57pm EST

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Obamacare.com has been a complete clusterf--k. The sites as of yesterday have been an epic fail. Now they're starting to work, but the reality of the high premiums and low subsidies will start to hit home for millions who were duped and bought in to the hollow promises. As one ardent socialist said, "I knew Obamacare was going to cost money, but I didn't think I was personally going to have to pay for it." Ain't collectivism a beautiful thing. Everyone can have whatever they want and no one has to pay for it. It worked so well in the former Soviet Union and it's going to work equally well in the USSA. Buckle your seatbelts and hold on to your wallets, it's going to be one hell of a ride.  

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Direct download: Triple_Lutz_Report_310_10-9-2013.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:45pm EST

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Mike Maloney joined us on FSN and it was one of the highlights of my brief radio career. I've followed his work very closely and he is one of the powerhouses in the sound money camp. He's prolific and his site www.GoldSilver.com is must reading. He believes we're getting ever closer to the inevitable monetary realignment that takes place every 40 years or so. He believes that hyper-inflation is inevitable, especially when all those dollars overseas attempt to find their way home. But you can prepare for it now. Just start buying gold and silver now.  

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:09pm EST

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Michelle Seiler-Tucker had a nice comfortable job with Xerox complete with bebefits and security. But the entrepreneurial spirit was burning deep inside her. Now she's selling businesses and she's never looked back. Thousands of people looking to buy businesses look to Michelle to help them find the right opportunity. She actually helps people sell their businesses for more than they're worth. She has a proven formula and a team of professionals to help back her up. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:54pm EST

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We caught up with Jeffrey Christian today. He's irked by the shutdown, but is particularly concerned about the potential US default. He believes that it will throw the country into an instant recession and it will have world wide reprecussions. He's pleased about the choice of Jane Yellen for Fed Chief. He's expecting gold to take another hit and go below $1300 and then recover and probably increase into December. He's convinced we will see another worldwide economic crisis because there have been no economic reforms since the 2008 economic collapse. The global debt bubble has only gotten worse and there haven't been any serious efforts to address the problem.  

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:13pm EST

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Jim Delvecchio is up over 20 percent so far this year in the stock market. For years, he's been one of the best performers around. Consistent profits are seldom the result of just throwing darts. He knows when to take profits and when to take losses. One of his best performers this year was miner Freeport McMoran. Right now he's bullish on energy. He thinks there's a number of bargains in the sector. He's loading up and believes that it will be the place to be. But buyer beware, he sees a pull back starting shortly. Could be in the 10 to 20 percent range, so be careful.   

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Jim_Delvecchio_10-8-2013_PBL_RA_PW.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:52pm EST

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Danielle Park and I got together for another session. We were talking about the botched Obamacare implementation and how the US government can no longer get things done anymore. The US spends more of its GDP on healthcare/sickcare than any other nation on earth and it gets less back in return. Obviously it's doing something wrong. Perhaps concentrating on symptoms is not the way to cure the disease. Same thing with the government shutdown and the emerging debate on the debt limit. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:05pm EST

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The Value Guys are back in town. They've been gone for quite a while, Vern was travelling and climbing mountains in an undisclosed location. But the stock market has been soaring to new levels so they had to come back. They covered three stocks CBB-Cincinnati Bell, MED-Medifast and OUTR-Outerwall. Join them for a hilarious mix of alcohol fueled stock market and economic commentary. When your blood alcohol content is three times the legal limit, even this awful economy looks pretty good.  

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:55pm EST

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Jim Skinner is an expert on health benefits. He sold health insurance and then became an expert from the inside out when he suffered from brain cancer. But this put him on a mission to educate patients and he found www.SmartPatientAcademy.com. He's applied his extensive knowledge to the Obamacare implementation and has developed a number of strategies to help you maximize your benefits and minimize your out of pocket expenditures. If you don't do it right, you'll wind up spending thousands of dollars needlessly.  

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Jim_Skinner_10-8-2013_RA_T.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:14pm EST

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Keane Bhatt is the Community Development Associate at the Democracy Collaborative. He believes that the solution to the concentration of wealth is for communities to organize at the local level, without the helping hand of the federal government. This can be done on a number of levels, including utilizing credit unions, patronizing local merchants and more. In the end, if people don't take control of their destinies, they will keep on being exploited by the large trans-national corporations. While it may sound at times idealistic, it does work. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Kheane_Bhatt__10-8-2013_AD_RA_ed.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:56am EST





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