Wed, 9 October 2013 presents Mike Maloney joined us on FSN and it was one of the highlights of my brief radio career. I've followed his work very closely and he is one of the powerhouses in the sound money camp. He's prolific and his site is must reading. He believes we're getting ever closer to the inevitable monetary realignment that takes place every 40 years or so. He believes that hyper-inflation is inevitable, especially when all those dollars overseas attempt to find their way home. But you can prepare for it now. Just start buying gold and silver now. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 9 October 2013 presents Michelle Seiler-Tucker had a nice comfortable job with Xerox complete with bebefits and security. But the entrepreneurial spirit was burning deep inside her. Now she's selling businesses and she's never looked back. Thousands of people looking to buy businesses look to Michelle to help them find the right opportunity. She actually helps people sell their businesses for more than they're worth. She has a proven formula and a team of professionals to help back her up. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
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Category:general -- posted at: 12:54pm EST
Wed, 9 October 2013 presents
We caught up with Jeffrey Christian today. He's irked by the shutdown, but is particularly concerned about the potential US default. He believes that it will throw the country into an instant recession and it will have world wide reprecussions. He's pleased about the choice of Jane Yellen for Fed Chief. He's expecting gold to take another hit and go below $1300 and then recover and probably increase into December. He's convinced we will see another worldwide economic crisis because there have been no economic reforms since the 2008 economic collapse. The global debt bubble has only gotten worse and there haven't been any serious efforts to address the problem. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 8 October 2013 presents
Jim Delvecchio is up over 20 percent so far this year in the stock market. For years, he's been one of the best performers around. Consistent profits are seldom the result of just throwing darts. He knows when to take profits and when to take losses. One of his best performers this year was miner Freeport McMoran. Right now he's bullish on energy. He thinks there's a number of bargains in the sector. He's loading up and believes that it will be the place to be. But buyer beware, he sees a pull back starting shortly. Could be in the 10 to 20 percent range, so be careful. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 8 October 2013 presents
Danielle Park and I got together for another session. We were talking about the botched Obamacare implementation and how the US government can no longer get things done anymore. The US spends more of its GDP on healthcare/sickcare than any other nation on earth and it gets less back in return. Obviously it's doing something wrong. Perhaps concentrating on symptoms is not the way to cure the disease. Same thing with the government shutdown and the emerging debate on the debt limit. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 8 October 2013 presents
The Value Guys are back in town. They've been gone for quite a while, Vern was travelling and climbing mountains in an undisclosed location. But the stock market has been soaring to new levels so they had to come back. They covered three stocks CBB-Cincinnati Bell, MED-Medifast and OUTR-Outerwall. Join them for a hilarious mix of alcohol fueled stock market and economic commentary. When your blood alcohol content is three times the legal limit, even this awful economy looks pretty good. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 8 October 2013 presents
Jim Skinner is an expert on health benefits. He sold health insurance and then became an expert from the inside out when he suffered from brain cancer. But this put him on a mission to educate patients and he found He's applied his extensive knowledge to the Obamacare implementation and has developed a number of strategies to help you maximize your benefits and minimize your out of pocket expenditures. If you don't do it right, you'll wind up spending thousands of dollars needlessly. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 8 October 2013 presents Keane Bhatt is the Community Development Associate at the Democracy Collaborative. He believes that the solution to the concentration of wealth is for communities to organize at the local level, without the helping hand of the federal government. This can be done on a number of levels, including utilizing credit unions, patronizing local merchants and more. In the end, if people don't take control of their destinies, they will keep on being exploited by the large trans-national corporations. While it may sound at times idealistic, it does work. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 7 October 2013 presents
Andy Hoffman joins us for his Monday rant with more good cheer on the rapidly collapsing fiat currency system. You just can't keep a good currency down, unfortunately there aren't any good fiat currencies left. That leaves very few options available for the little guy. He suggests that you follow Vladimir Putin's financial advisor's advice and put your wealth into precious metals before it's too late. Don't worry about government non-shutdowns, or fake deals about fake debt limits or about anything else. Pretty soon none of it's going to matter anyway. Oh and those mining companies who are always promising higher earnings that are just around the corner, don't hold your breath for them either. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Mon, 7 October 2013 presents We told you it was going to happen. The online health insurance exchanges have been a complete failure. Very few people have been able to register let alone purchase their health insurance at these online marketplaces. No surprise here. Everytime the government does something that the private sector should have, the results are totally predictable. What did you expect for $4.4 billion anyway? Will they ever work? And how many people will never return for the meager subsidies that they would have received? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Direct download: Triple_Lutz_Report_309_10-7-2013_RA_PBL_AD.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:53pm EST
Mon, 7 October 2013 presents Rick Ruiz says you're either a wisher, a washer or wishy-washy. Look at Steve Jobs. who said it best, "Do what you love." Jobs once said, "People with passion can change the world for the better." Asked about the advice he would offer would-be entrepreneurs, he said, "I'd get a job as a busboy or something until I figured out what I was really passionate about." That's how much it meant to him. Passion is everything. With passion you can move mountains and overcome any obstacle in your path.
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Mon, 7 October 2013 presents Dan Caramanico has managed sales people throughout his career. External factors are always important but never determinative. Rather it's what you believe about your self and your ability to achieve the goals that you set for yourself that makes all the difference. If you decide that you're going to face these beliefs head on, then start by making an inventory of them, and tackle them one by one. Then, nothing will stop you from success, and that's guaranteed. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 3 October 2013 presents You've seen him for years on Fox News. We discussed his new book, Shaping Our Nation: How Surges of Migration Transformed America and Its Politics. American immigation has always been controversial and unpredictable. In the end, it has been beneficial and has helped the country prosper. The question is where do we go from here? Reforming outdated laws to attract better educated and more skilled immigrants should be a priority. So too, reforming entitlements, to insure that the newly arrived citizens are here to work. Michael Barone is a one man encyclopedia of demographics and we can all learn much from his viewpoint.
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Thu, 3 October 2013 presents Bix Weir joined us for a fun interview. We talked about the shutdown and Bix believes it's Congress's effort to destroy the fiat system once and for all. In addition, the new $100 bill is slated for release next week on October 8, and it carries the following quote from the Declaration of Independence, "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." He believes that it's more than a coincidence. Do you? Read more at Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 3 October 2013 presents John Manfreda joined us today to discuss the lies behind the great Taper Caper. The fact was that the Fed was never going to taper, never could taper and never would taper. It was just a meme used to cover up the truth that they were really increasing the purchase of bonds to help support the banks, which are just waiting for the next real estate collapse to occur. Then we went on to discuss energy and where prices are heading. The US could be energy self-sufficient within a short period of time, with an investment in natural gas infrastructure and conversion of autos to compressed natural gas, but there's a complete lack of political will to get it done. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Thu, 3 October 2013 presents October 1 and the government shuts down and Obamacare begins. Why is this day different than all the others? No one could sign up for Obamacare even if they wanted to. The Federal Government's site that covers 36 states crashed early on with just 4.7 million visitors and the 14 states that maintain their own sites followed suit shortly thereafter. So much for affordable coverage. Then we go on to another story about militarization of the police, who's purpose used to be to protect and serve. Does your local police department have a swat team? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Direct download: Triple_Lutz_Report_308_10-3-2013_PW_T_AD_RA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:55am EST
Wed, 2 October 2013 presents Wayne Allyn Root, author of the best selling book about surviving Obama has come up with a unique plan for the House Republicans to win the Obamacare debate. It's simple and brilliant at the same time. The Republicans simply agree to fund Obamacare in exchange for the White House agreeing to waive all exemptions to it. Thereafter, all unions, congressman, their staff and the White House will be covered by Obamacare. After all, if it's so wonderful, why shouldn't everyone be covered by it? Imagine the President's delight at his latest victory. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 2 October 2013 presents Ross Hansen owns the largest private mint in North America. He sees the current government shutdown as merely a sideshow. The real issue is that the government is broke. The money isn't there to pay for the promises that have been made. The day will soon come when everyone gets it. There will be much suffering, but eventually the government will revert back to gold; there won't be any choice. All the efforts to fix the problems that have resulted from past government interventions have cost trillions and produced nothing. In the end, you can only rely upon yourself. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 2 October 2013 presents has been fighting a decade long battle against the Gold Cartel. Recently the CFTC declared that there was no evidence of a conspiracy to fix silver prices. That decision left Bill Murphy dumfounded but not surprised. After all, who do you think they've been busy fixing precious metals prices for anyway. But eventually their luck is going to run out and judging from the Comex inventories that day is getting ever closer. The real question is what market is going to be left standing once the inevitable event occurs? Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Wed, 2 October 2013 presents
Stocks were up in September, metals were down, oil was as well. Uranium had a bounce as did copper and palladium. The 10 year settled down a bit and the dollar was decidedly down, which meant the Euro went up. Market volatility appears to be edging up. The emerging markets to a nice jump thanks to China. We're going to be doing a special energy report mid month, where we'll address concerns about uranium, oil and natural gas. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 1 October 2013 presents Douglas M. Johnston is president and founder of the International Center for Religion & Diplomacy. Johnston's experience led to the ICRD’s unconventional approach to conflict resolution can be found in (1) Religion, the Missing Dimension of Statecraft; (2) Faith-based Diplomacy: Trumping Realpolitik; and (3) Religion, Terror, and Error: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Challenge of Spiritual Engagement. These books collectively explore the positive role that religious or spiritual factors can play in preventing or resolving conflict, while advancing social change based on justice and reconciliation. They also make a strong case for incorporating religious considerations into the practice of international politics and provide a blueprint for doing so. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 1 October 2013 presents
James Hirsen joins us, talking about what's really going on in Hollywood. James thinks that it could be the one place that's even more ruthless and potentially hazardous to one's career than even Washington DC. But that doesn't seem to be enough to stop Christian filmaker Kirk Cameron's wildly successful career from becoming even more successful. He's found a way to bypass the established distribution system and even improve upon it. His latest film Unstoppable is aptly named and Hollywood is definitely feeling that way about it. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets
Tue, 1 October 2013 presents Jim founded Conscience International in 1991. He doesn't just talk humanitarian relief, he actually does it. He personally delivered aid during the Siege of Beirut in 1982 and subsequently led medical teams to treat victims in active war zones in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Gaza, among other places. He also organized and led rapid medical/surgical responses to major earthquakes in Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Haiti, Indonesia, and Peru. In Haiti, Conscience International has built 140 permanent seismic-resistant homes from earthquake rubble with the aid of nearly 100 volunteer teams. Jim has demonstrated conscience in action by responding to emergency humanitarian needs in more than thirty countries. Conscience International is now active on three continents, channeling volunteers and resources into places that are the among the world’s most needy, where conditions and access are the most challenging, and sometimes the most dangerous.
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