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Judson Phillips, former prosecutor and Tea Party Leader wrote a useful column on The Drug War and its futility. He's been at the forefront for 25 years and understands that there is no way to stop people from doing drugs. He believes that all drug users should face mandatory registration and then be allowed to consume as much as they desire. While we agree with that people should not be stopped and that their bodies belong to them, we don't believe that they should be required to inform the state of these personal activities or anyone else. 

The $10,000 college degree program is coming. The governors of Florida and Texas have encouraged their state universities to make college affordable to all takers. These programs will combine live instruction with internet classes in a variety of disciplines. Hopefully, it will train a new generation of students in areas for which ample employment opportunities exist. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:54pm EST

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Happy 12-12-12. This day will never come again. Jonathan Burton has been writing personal finance articles for over a decade. With the voice of experience he put together a list of rules that help investors be happy and sleep at night. There's no substitute for peace of mind when it comes to having your porfolio safe and sound. You need to save regulary and review your investments on a regular basis. And always keep your emotions in check. Boring investments are generally the most reliable and yield the greatest long term profits. Don't let your friend's opinions influence your investment decisions. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:35pm EST

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Michael Krieger of www.libertyblitzkrieg.com joined us for a recap of today's emerging trends. The holidays are always a time when things slow down and people like to forget about what's really happening around them. It's exactly at this time that they should be examining things more closely. We see economic clouds coming in from every direction. Debt and spending are still increasing geometrically and the USA continues to further drift from its founding principals. Are we devolving towards another feudal era? That remains to be seen.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm EST

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Allen Hamm believes that people don't start saving early enough and that they lack the discipline to insure a quality retirement. While it often seems like the current financial system could collapse at any moment, it might wind up lasting much longer than we ever thought possible. So the consequences of failing to secure your retirement now could be devastating. While we'd like to opt-out of the financial system right now, as long as it continues, we're all a part of it. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:10pm EST

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Danielle Park joined us for a discussion of how the rich go broke. It's often the new rich, celebrities, lottery winners and rapidly successful business people. Unfortunately, there's no manual that explains how to hold on to your newly found wealth. But word of that wealth spreads remarkably fast. Relatives, charities and hangers-on quickly descend upon these fortunate souls and try to suck them dry. Learning how to say "no" is probably the most important skill they can acquire. And saying no to governments and other parasites that want to steal your wealth is always a good thing too.

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:37pm EST

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Dave Franzetta is a little bit of a financial analyst, management expert and pyschologist, which makes him ideally suited to help small businesses develop succession plans and exit strategies. As you might guess, when dealing with families and their businesses, it some times gets insane. But Dave is unflappable and does his best to get the parties to keep their eye on the ball and to focus on the bigger picture. Right now there's some 30 million small businesses owned by babyboomers who will retire within the next 17 years. Sounds like Dave will stay quite busy. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:46pm EST

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Mike Mish Shedlock is a long term critic of wasteful government spending, greedy public sector unions and the inability or unwillingness of any politician to bring it all under control. He believes that California ,or Taxifornia as he calls it, is about to implode. The effect of all those newly passed taxes will wind up with less taxes collected and more money spent. There's a huge sucking sound as small businessmen, millionaires and billionaires flee the state. California has truly killed the goose that once laid the golden eggs. The Country needs more right to work states. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 4:04pm EST

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When it comes to the precious metals marketplace, no one is more controversial than Jeffrey Christian. He is extremely bright and has an incredible grasp of the metals markets and economic history. When he's not duking it out with GATA or making predictions about the decline of gold and silver prices, he's running CPM Group, a large commodities operation in New York. Some people believe that he's the front man for the elites and others believe that he's part of the gold cartel. But as always the truth is much more complex. He makes a convincing case for why markets are behaving in very dysfunctional way, however, we take issue with his explanation of why precious metals get slammed every month around the time the Non-Farm Employment report is released. You be the judge. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm EST

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Ranting Andy Hoffman joined us today for a dismal look at the state of the world's economy. Not much good news to be had in Europe, certainly very little in the US and it's a bit discouraging that Communist China has become the hope of the free world. There's a massive race to the bottom in Europe and there's nothing that can be done about it. The US is in complete denial over its own dire financial situation. 46% of every federal dollar spent is borrowed. The US's deficit is coming in around $5 billion per day in Fiscal Year 2013. When will financial sanity happen? The only sanity left in the world is buying gold and silver. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:10pm EST

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John Jamieson had trouble getting through high school and dropped out of college. No one who knew him then would have ever expected him to become the success that he eventually did. Then the financial collapse hit in 2008 and his finances were greatly impacted. But rather than waiting for the economy to turn around, he developed his own system for creating wealth. Centered around intelligent use of insurance and his belief that real estate was selling at near depressionary lows, John has come back big time. And now he's sharing his secrets with you. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:46pm EST

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Tim Levy helps CEO's rediscover their passion and expand their businesses. His course, The Life Summit, helps people connect with their passions and then puts them on the road to monetization and success. Tim believes that money is simply energy and if you want to get more money, you need to invest more of your personal energy doing so. Without effort and determination, you're not going to get very far. So it's simply a matter of finding your passion and investing as much effort as you possibly can. Best of all, Tim's methods don't requre a huge financial investment. It's like we've been telling you for a long time, your destiny is in your hands. 

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Direct download: Tim_Levy_12-10-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:53am EST

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 I was telling a friend that I could buy silver at 6 percent below spot right then and there. He didn't believe me, so I went on eBay! and purchased around 56 ounces at $105 under the then spot price. You can still do it today. Wanna know how, listen to this report and find out how simple it really is.

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Direct download: Triple_Lutz_Report_224_12-9-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:48am EST

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If you had a nickel for every time someone said “money is the root of all evil,” you’d be a pretty rich person, wouldn’t you? Daniel Arthur Nelson says accumulating all of that wealth might actually be a good thing. Daniel is a college dropout, but went back and finished. He's had a diverse career and believes that money can be a source for positive change and results, both personally and societally. It all depends upon your moral core and your motivation, something that no government has any control over at all. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:09pm EST

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Frank Curzio, fellow radio guy and New Yorker, as well as a small cap stock picker extraordinaire joined us for a session about the nascent US energy boom and what it means to you and Obama. It's really must listening because unlike yours truly, Frank has figured out how to make money off this super trend. His boss, the erstwhile Porter Stansberry believes it will lead to an Obama third term. I wouldn't bet the ranch or the White House on that one; however, I have learned that when it comes to the fickleness and credulousness of the average voter you never can tell. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 1:40pm EST

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According to Karen Schoen there's a UN inspired movement that aims to take away your property and to destroy capitalism. This group believes that man is destroying the earth and that drastic actions must be taken. They've enlisted many officials from both parties. Their agenda is most obvious when zoning and land use issues arise. Man made climate change is another area where they're always trying to sway the debate. Fortunately people like Karen are actively engaged and fighting back with a vengeance. This is a war against truth and everyone needs to be involved in it. 

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Direct download: Karen_Schoen_12-7-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:29pm EST

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Dont worry about tax increases, keep working your ass off and hope for the best. There's really not much more that you can. If you're going to start a business or expand one, then this could actually be a great time. So many people have been scared out of the market that you'll have less competition and a greater ability to expand market share. It sounds almost counterintuitive, but more people became millionaires during the last Great Depression than at any other time in history. And don't forget, there are certain tax advantages to having your own business that you can't get anywhere else. 

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Direct download: Stephanie_Skaggs_12-7-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:08am EST

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Evan J. Segal has worked in business, government and philanthropy. He likes helping people raise the bar as he did when he was a manager. One of his major accomplishments was actually exporting finished American made goods to China. The Chinese told him that US companies should be flattered that the Chinese chose to copy their designs and appropriate their IP, as this was a sign that the company was on the right track. With these kind of compliments, how long can any business survive? But Evan figured out the special sauce and now he teaches others the correct way of competing internationally. 

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EST

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Today is a very special day at the Financial Survival Network. 79 years ago today, the 21st Amendment was passed, which repealed the 18th Amendment that commenced the war on alcohol. Of course warriors are always looking for other wars to fight and no sooner was booze legal than they went after marijuana, cocaine, opium and heroin. The rest is history. The wreckage, both economic and human that has been left in the war's wake is beyond terrible. Thousands of deaths, new home grown and foreign "Al Capone's" have been spawned and hundreds of thousands of souls are wasting away in prison. You and I deserve better. We must demand that this insanity be stopped and these draconian policies be done away with once and for all. 

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Direct download: Triple_Lutz_Report_12-6-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:28pm EST

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Mickey Fulp and I reviewed market performance for November in stocks, precious metals, energy and currencies. And the inescapable conclusion is that not much happened in November or 2012 for that and not much is happening right now. But don't be fooled by the inevitable lull before the storm. There's a lot going on under the surface, so you need to be ready and not get taken in by a false sense of security. These periods of heightened volatility are usually where the real money gets made, so get ready now because this boredom is not going to last. 

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Direct download: Mickey_Fulp_12-05-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:38am EST

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Dan Caramanico has been training successful sales people for decades. He's written two books about what it takes to be a great salesman. Being great at any profession is a challenge that few rise to. And Dan stated that no matter how you make your living, you're always selling;especially yourself and your personal brand. That's why it's extremely important to learn these new skills and up your game. The New Economy means that the rules have changed and if you want to do more than just survive, it's time to start learning again and optimize your communication skills. 

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Direct download: Dan_Caramanico_12-5-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:55pm EST

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Death, taxes and inflation, are three constants in life. As long as we breath and have a government, they will remain so. 2012-2013 will be particularly hazardous to your wealth. Taxes are going higher and there's nothing you can do about it. Therefore, if you haven't started already, it's a good idea to get your planning done now. There's still a number of ways to minimize your tax liability for this year and in succeeding years as well. And while you're at it, you need to figure out what to do with your IRA too. Tax law changes mean that your current investment strategy might not be effective in the future. 

to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Michael_Gray_21-5-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:54pm EST

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We finally caught up with our old friend David Morgan. He's upbeat about the price of silver and believes that the powers cannot keep the price down for much longer. After all, if they had complete control over precious metals prices, gold would still be at $250 and silver  at $4. The shot in the arm may come after the Fed's December 12 meeting where QE something or other is introduced or it may come after the election, but make no mistake, silver and gold are due for a breakout. You may not be able to buy at the bottom, but you certainly can buy close to it. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

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Category:general -- posted at: 12:47pm EST

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Jeff Wilson has hit the nail on the head, education is doing a woefully inadequate job in modern America, especially in light of the drastic economic changes that have occurred since the financial collapse of 2008-09. Many of the skills being taught in K-12 and the college campuses across the nation are useless in helping young people develop satisfying and profitable occupations and careers. Jeff's has written three books to address this problem and he's going on the road to get his message across and it can't come soon enough!

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Category:general -- posted at: 11:53am EST

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Alan Newman has had a diverse career, acting, real estate, computer programming and game design. Now he writes an investment newsletter, centered around gold and gold stocks. He believes that the price of gold is heading towards $2500 and will be there shortly. His favorite stock is Newmont Mining, which he believes will eventually pay a 9 percent dividend. He has a stable of other stocks he follows. Interestingly, he doesn't follow silver or any other metals. He just doesn't have the time for it. Which is okay, because an investment in gold a decade ago would have provided spectacular returns. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Alan_Newman_12-4-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:15am EST

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Dave Lavinsky was finishing up business school when he got the news. His wife was pregant and she wanted to be a stay at home mom. Faced with this dilemma, Dave decided to follow his passion, writing business plans for start-up entrepreneurs. It worked and today Dave has written over 100 business plans and has helped many entrepreneurs to realize their dreams. It's given him the freedom to spend more of his time with his family and to contribute to the creation of thousands of jobs. His new book shows you exactly how to succeed, you just have to have the motivation and the desire. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets

Direct download: Dave_Lavinsky_12-4-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:09pm EST





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