Mon, 23 March 2015
My Recent Trip To New York City And Uber Experience I hadn't been in New York in over one year. While Comrade DeBlasio is doing his best to bankrupt the place there are good things happening there now. Uber has improved taxi service dramatically. Clean efficient service from clean cut well mannered drivers. No wonder the price of a taxi medallion is plunging. Use this code to save $20 anywhere in the world. I love Uber and you will too!
PS 106, that epicenter of public educational failure in New York City is back in the news. Seems that the new principal is cleaning house of all the "troublemakers" from her predecessor's reign of terror. And the place is just as chaotic and troubled as ever, according to the NY Post. When will the City learn that Johnny can't read because they can't manage a hotdog stand let alone a public school? Get government out of the business of educating our youth, it's just far too important.