The Wrap with Ty Andros--Greek Servitude, S&P Breakout, Bond Bombs--03-16-2012

Ty Andros of was here for our Friday special, The Wrap. There's so much happening in the world right now that it is impossible to keep track of. Many of us just throw up our hands and just ignore. But ignore the world financial crisis at your own financial peril. Things are happening now that will have a tremendous affect upon you and your family. It is extremely important to get an accurate picture of the world financial chaos so that you can preserve your wealth and even increase it. 

The banksters got paid by Greece, and everyone else wound up taking it the hard way. This cycle is going to be repeated over and over until there's no one left standing. The precious metals are getting a lot of unwanted attention and selling pressure from parties who are, charitably termed, non-profit sellers, i.e. the elites. Don't be deceived, you need to keep your core metal holdings safe. Ty recommends dumping cash and putting as much as possible into the precious metals. While this may seem a bit extreme, who out there predicted the financial crisis would reach the epic proportions that it has?

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Direct download: Ty_Andros_03-16-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:48pm EST

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