Ron Hera, the well respected and highly regarded proprietor of explains what 2012 will look like. And it ain't pretty. The governments of the world seem hell bent into leading us all into a financial dark ages. Ever expanding debt and currency units cannot end well. It never has and never will. Until policy makers are willing to face the facts that the financial system is not facing a liquidity crisis, but rather a insolvency crash, nothing can change. It's as if you went to the Doctor and he treated you for a common cold, when you were really suffering from pneumonia. You might feel better for a little while, but the disease could wind up killing you.

We are witnessing the death throws of the current financial system. A new system will be born from the ashes of the old one, but there will be much suffering and pain until it happens. You need to prepare for 2012, because while the world might not end on December 21, 2012 (It better not because that's my wife's birthday), we could be facing a new financial world order in 2013.

Please send your questions to or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.

Direct download: Ron_Hera_01-02-12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:21pm EDT

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