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Danielle Park of www.JugglingDynamite.com joined us for our bi-weekly journey into the economic realities now hitting every person on the planet. There's no easy way out and sticking with losing systems, just like losing investments, is your surefire ticket to the poorhouse! Danielle explored the current administration's unwillingness to hold the banksters accountable for the damage they've inflicted. While we were at it, we also discussed the fact that the government should finally own up to its major role in creating this ghastly state of affairs. After all, who created Fannie, Freddie, FHA, Sallie Mae and so many other ill-fated quasi-government schemes for inflating Wall Street profits?

Who came up with TARP, the Stimulus, and a host of other initiatives? All these were supposedly aimed at improving the economy, yet they have accomplished exactly the opposite. While it's true there's a chicken and egg relationship between DC and Wall Street, the reality is governmental corruption and intervention have done nothing good and left everyone all the poorer. People everywhere need to accept the fact that we're out of money and that the promises that were made in good faith cannot be kept and must be scaled down. Same with the bailouts, they have failed their purpose, and it's time to end them and come up with another method of addressing the collapsed financial system. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Danielle_Park_05-08-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:59pm EST

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Dudley Baker of PreciousMetalsWarrants.com and TheGreedyGuru.com joined us for another look at the recently decimated precious metals mining sector. While markets like we've had lately may try men's souls, he's confident sooner rather than later, this value and other economic factors will result in a swarm of investors gobbling up these shares. Insider buying, a crucial indicator for Dudley's model, has been trending up in a number of miners, and this is probably good news for investors.

Dudley gets up-to-the-minute updates on insiders purchases and sales and presents them regularly in his database, along with stocks that have Canadian warrants. This information is often difficult to come by, especially for Canadian mining companies, which is why Dudley's service has become so popular in recent years. I've even used it myself to make some oversized gains. Dudley looks at insider holding statistics because he never wants to own more of a company than the top management does--probably a wise move in these juniors. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Dudley_Baker_05-07-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:40pm EST

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"Ranting" Andy Hoffman was with us today to review the ever declining and disintegrating world economy and to offer us his weekly insight into the precious metals markets. While gold and silver prices have been under repeated attack, Spain, Portugal and Italy have become complete basket-cases. Add to that, the election of a socialist government over the weekend in France, declining support for Merkel in Germany, and Conservative Party losses in England, and you have the prescription for a hyper-inflationary bust. In Greece, the major parties only received 35 percent of the vote, with the majority being split between minor party candidates with off the wall agenda. All things considered, Andy was less than a breath of fresh air. Andy is never one to sugar coat the truth, especially now, when the pace of the decline is starting to speed up, which leaves only gold and silver for those seeking to protect their wealth. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_05-07-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

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Stefan Molyneux of www.FreeDomainRadio.com visited with us today. Stefan's an early pioneer in getting the freedom message out to the world; he's been doing it since 2005. Millions of people have visited his site and downloaded his numerous philosophical and economic discussions. Stefan and I talked about the proper role of a citizen and what types of powers the government should wield and why. We both agree the world is heading for an economic reset, voluntary or involuntarily; it's going to take place. You need to be prepared for this.

Stefan and I also discussed the administration's Julia ad, which is a shocking display of the government's attempt to make you more and more dependent. This type of thinking has led to the expansion and the ultimate failure of this socialistic, fascistic, and unjust system. The idea that most people cannot take care of themselves is anathema to the principles of the Founding Fathers. Eliminating the risk of failure means the ability to succeed will be greatly diminished. Free markets are the greatest guarantor of success the world has ever known. Therefore, governmental paternalism greatly undermines your ability to provide for yourself and your family, which is why its failure is assured. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Stefan_Molyneux_05-07-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:21pm EST

The Hard Assets Investment Conferences – New York, San Francisco, and Chicago – have been serving investors for more than 20 years. The conference differentiates itself from other investment conferences by delivering independent and credible content from natural resources expert investors and analysts. When investing in the resource sector, it is important to learn how to distinguish between the various categories of companies and make certain you select investments in the appropriate sector and risk category. The expert presenters at the Hard Assets Investment Conferences will provide you with the expertise and advice to help you best assess the opportunities.

FSN will be attending and exhibiting at the New York City conference held at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square on Monday, 5/14 and Tuesday, 5/15.

Admission is free with pre-registration and includes presentations by rising producers and promising explorers, stock picks and strategies by global economists and market analysts, and interactive workshops by the leading financial newsletter editors.

Keynote Speakers include:

  • Gordon Chang
  • Forbes.com
  • Author 

  • Dennis Gartman
  • The Gartman Letter
  • Editor/Publisher 

  • Frank Holmes
  • U.S. Global Investors, Inc.
  • CEO and CIO
  • Rick Rule
  • Global Resource Investments, Inc. a member of the Sprott Group of Companies
  • Founder
  • Eric Sprott
  • Sprott, Inc
  • Chairman

  • Frank Trotter
  • EverBank Direct
  • President
  • Paul van Eeden
  • Cranberry Capital, Inc.
  • President
Direct download: Hard_Assets_05-05-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:46pm EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

At the Financial Survival Network we're always looking for entertaining unique sources of financial information, to help you survive and thrive in the new economy. Val Hughes and Mo Mentum are 30+ year veteran stock analysts. They've been through bull and bear markets and have still managed to keep their sense of humor, if not their sobriety. Always remember that any advice they offer has a certain alcoholic flavor to it. So do your due dililgence and remember that this show is for entertainment purposes only(although that's not a guaranteed). 

With those caveats in mind, the Val and Mo have a knack for finding those undervalued overlooked stocks that have often provided big gains in the past. Check out NSU from last week's show. While FSN always suggests keeping a core holding of metals, value stocks, especially those that pay dividends can be right for your investment strategy. And while we can't guarantee that you will make money off their advice, we can assure you that you'll enjoy listening to them weekly on FSN. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Value_Guys_05-04-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:56pm EST

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David Morgan is one of the world's leading authorities on silver, from how it's mined, to how the price is manipulated on the relatively minuscule Comex Silver Futures. David has had an affinity for the shiny metal since he was a toddler; he's also old enough to have lived through the prior boom and bust that took place in the 70's and 80's. Armed with this historic perspective, he sees exactly what is taking place now, and while appalled by the blatant price suppression, he's not surprised at all. 

David is joining us today for the latest update, and why the only thing you need to fear, is fear itself. Fear inevitably leads to making the wrong decision at the wrong time, and then you miss the next move, and invariably you'll buy at the higher prices. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: David_Morgan_05-04-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:09am EST

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Today I appeared on Andrew Horowitz's show, The Disciplined Investor. We discussed survival investing, which I define as allocating your assets in a way that will protect your wealth in the event of a dollar collapse or the event when major inflation besets the world financial system. While Andrew isn't a big fan of precious metals, especially silver, he did see some logic in acquiring assets that could potentially protect us again major systemic disruptions. While I wouldn't classify myself as an extreme financial-prepper, I would say my confidence, in the ability of men like the Ben Bernank and Tiny Timmy Geithner to look out for my economic well being, has been greatly shaken. 

After being forced to bailout the Too Big To Fails, I have come to the belief government is not only the problem, but it can never be the solution to the problems that it's already created. Rather, the likelihood of a global financial cataclysm increases by the day; and the gold and silver, along with certain commodities, may well be the only things left standing. So if that makes me a financial-prepper, so be it. It's a risk that I'm more than willing to take. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Andrew_Horowitz_05-03-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:16pm EST

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John Butler, author of The Golden Revolution, has been getting a lot of publicity and has made numerous appearances around the media circuit since our last interview. FSN can proudly take credit for being one of the first to recognize John's tremendous contribution to the gold standard debate. As John said, "This book begins where Jim Rickard's Currency Wars ends." John also had much to discuss about who's reading his book and what people are saying.

When you write a book, or reach out to the public to try to explain complicated economic and political issues, you're never sure if you're going to have an impact. However, when the Chairman of the Fed, The Ben Bernank, takes time out from his busy day to blast the gold standard, something is happening, and that something is a debate. When Nixon closed the Gold Window in 1971, there was never a debate about the possible impact of such a move. Rather, just like gold confiscation, it was done by executive fiat. This failure to debate the consequences of such hasty, pragmatic actions, has done untold damage to the world financial system and the US dollar and standard of living. 

The debate, while long in coming, will soon be fully engaged. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: John_Butler.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm EST

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Markets and financial reporting were virtually flat in April. The only bright spot on the horizon was natural gas prices, which were up 16 percent, probably a dead cat bounce. The Dow, Nasdaq, Oil and metals prices were channel trading, but these directionless markets are usually short lived. As Mickey and I spoke, gold and silver were getting raided as usual. Employment numbers were released, and they pointed to a slight decrease in new filings. However, these monthly numbers have been shown to be completely unreliable and inaccurate; wait for the inevitable revisions to kick in. 

In other precious metals news, Copper is showing great stability, while platinum got kicked in the teeth and fell bellow gold once again. But, history shows such instances to be short-lived, and this will no doubt follow the pattern. So we'll see if the old saw, Sell in May and go away holds true this year like it has in previous ones. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Mikcey_Fulp_05-03-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:31pm EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

David Quintieri has written a new book entitled The Money GPS, which is intended to help Americans wakeup to the impending dangers of ceaseless money printing and the collapse that it will eventually bring about. All empires inevitably collapse, and it's difficult to tell whether they were brought down by poor economic policies or other factors. But, it is undeniable that monetary debasement has always helped exacerbate the collapse. Government officials, since time immemorial, always try to get something for nothing and always try to give more and more people a free lunch. But in the end, the results are always the same. Collapse! This time will be no different than the others. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: David_Quintieri_05-02-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:09pm EST

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Only in Illinois, Ronald Reagan's birth place, would the comptroller of a small city steal funds for 23 years, undetected. Rita Crundwell, 59, took more than $53 million over the past two decades from the city of Dixon, Ill.; among her ill begotten acquisitions were:

  • $2,500,000 in personal American Express charges, including over $339,000 in charges for jewelry.
  • $2,108,000 for a 2009 Liberty Coach Motor Home.
  • $450,000 horse farming operations expenses.
  • $258,698 for a 2009 Featherlite Horse Trailer
  • $146,787 for a 2009 Kenworth T800 Tractor Truck.
  • $140,000 for a 2009 Freightliner Truck.
  • $56,646 for a 2009 Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck.

The amazing thing is the city only has a budget of $8-9 million or perhaps $20 million. This means somewhere around 10 to 20 percent of the budget was stolen each year, and no one noticed! The City never saw fit to post their financial documents on their website, which virtually every other municipal government in the nation does. In my small town in Westchester County, NY, there would be an immediate rebellion over such an omission. This is shocking in-and-of itself and should have sent off alarm bells long ago. 

The New York Times is very alarmed over Apple's strategy in avoiding the taxman by a variety of creative strategies. That this type of behavior would be found objectionable by the Gray Lady is not surprising, because it's been years since they experienced anything resembling a profit. Then there's the former Fed Official Warsh, who's alarmed about the too big to fail banks but believes the solution is better disclosure. In this case, better disclosure would no doubt result in bank runs and lynchings. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: TLR_185.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:26pm EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

Bob Chapman, the international Forecaster, is back with us to answer these major questions: Is there any hope for Spain? Is Italy next? What happens after Spain blows up? Should Europe add Apple as a member of the EU and change the currency from the Euro to the Apple? While we can dream about white knights and Hollywood finishes, there's really no one out there who can save the EU from itself. The manipulation of the financial system continues unabated with no end in sight. The more markets are undermined by government schemes, the less they perform their essential functions. This will result in larger cataclysm when these actions finally fail. Which leaves only one investment class available to protect your wealth and your family. If you've been listening to this show for any length of time, you know exactly what that is: PRECIOUS METALS!

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Bob_Chapman_05-02-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:48am EST

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Ron Hera joined us on FSN yesterday to recount a recent recommendation, which he provided on the last show. The stock we spoke of is being acquired at a substantial premium, but that certainly isn't the end of the story. Ron believes the miners hit a bottom on April 23 of this year, and by virtue of the economic realities currently taking place, they have no where to go but up. But then, there's the dividend story; so many of these stocks are raking in huge profits. With metals prices so high, even if they're not at their honest valuation, well positioned juniors are scoring big. By instituting dividends, the market will eventually have no choice but to award the proper earnings multiple. It all comes down to a waiting game, for which savvy investors will be greatly rewarded.

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Ron_Hera_05-01-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:40am EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

Peter Grandich is probably the best mining analyst around; mainly because he's been following mining stocks for the past 30 years. Peter has a unique understanding of the mining sector, and he doesn't hesitate to state these stocks are currently in one of the worst bear markets in history. There are many reasons why, but they really defy credulity. These stocks are trading around the same level as they were when gold was selling for hundreds less per ounce. Consequently, many investors have either thrown in the towel or will shortly; this is the stuff that bottoms are made of. 

One stock I came across, which I do not own, is selling for just 1.1 time EBITDA and has a three percent dividend. Companies in productions are scoring huge profits. And the companies about to commence production are being valued as if they were beginning stage exploration plays. Every dog has its day, and these stocks will have theirs, probably sooner rather than later. After all, how much lower can they go? Every time we say this, somehow they figure out a way to go lower, but only to a point. Peter thinks that point has been reached, and we will see a turnaround sooner rather than later. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Peter_Grandich_05-01-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:24pm EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

Chris Duane and I talked about YouTube and personal brand building. As we discussed, neither of us is doing our shows to get rich quickly. Rather, we enjoy getting the information out. Our ultimate goal is to help you understand the current economic climate. It is truly astounding there's so many people strolling along life with absolutely no comprehension of where the economy and the world are heading.

Today, YouTube/Google took down a Ron Paul channel for specious copyright infringement allegations. Google is the Federal Reserve of the internet. Without their blessing, it can quickly become impossible for any company to conduct business. How this matter eventually gets resolved will have a large impact on internet free speech, which the elitists are still trying to get control over. They've been trying to control people's driving habits for a hundred years and that hasn't worked out too well, and neither will their efforts at internet dictatorship.

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Chris_Duane_05-01-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:15pm EST

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The former manager of Clark County Nevada has written a book Rethinking Public Sector Compensation, which chronicles the ills that thousands of municipalities across the country now find themselves in. Bankruptcy is the only option for a system that has become unsustainable and corrupt to the core. Clark County Firefighters are pulling down $175,000 per year in salary alone, not to mention their exorbitant pensions and free tax-payer-funded lifetime health insurance. No wonder everyone is going Galt. Who can afford this burden?Eventually the promises will be defaulted upon, the sooner the better. Kudos to Mr. Reilly for finally telling the truth that has been hidden for so long. He has an open invitation to the show. We'll be trying to track him down to get an exclusive interview. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals. 

Direct download: TLR_184.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

Andy Hoffman is here for his Monday Rant. Seems the worldwide economy is sinking faster than the standard of living of the average American worker. There's nothing else to blame but the collapsing dollar and the fiat currency based world economy. It is appearing more and more likely there will be nothing left standing in its path, except perhaps the few people that had the foresight to purchase gold and silver. Certainly, if you have any chance of surviving at all, precious metals are the road to salvation. Bu then again, maybe governments will become honest and banks will become non-profit organizations so we can all go back to buying stuff we didn't need anyway, but then again, probably not. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_04-30-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

We sat down with Ty Andros today. We're both travelling so forgive the less than stellar audio quality. Even though the government would like you to believe there's nothing's happening here, just move along please. First, and most importantly, when Congress last moved to increase the deficit, they thought it would carry them till after the election. However, they were off by several months, so around 60 days before the election, they'll have to go back to an issue that is as radioactive as Fukushima. We'll see if they can put the genie back in the bottle till after the election, but it's doubtful. The implosion of Europe is moving right along and picking up steam as we speak. Freedom continues to be abolished in the US with the nearing passage of the internet security act, which of course is all for your benefit and safety. The charts continue to tell the true story of the economy, gold, and the dollar. Ignore them at your peril and always remember that with every crisis comes great opportunity. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Ty_Andros_04-27-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:13am EST

www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com presents:

Yesterday, on April 26, 2012, I was flying from New York to Florida. I always like to get a window seat so I can watch the "action." It was a very uneventful flight, calm smooth skies; just the way you want a flight to be. Periodically, I looked out the window to see if I could recognize any landmarks and to watch the planes heading in the opposite direction. About 2 hours into the flight, near the Georgia-South Carolina border, I look out my window, and there's a predator drone, presumably unarmed. At least I didn't see any missiles, but that's probably next! 

We are now living in the surveillance state. Inevitably, the surveillance state becomes the police state, where you can be detained without any probable cause that you've committed a criminal act. We've been losing our freedoms for the past 100 years and now the pace is accelerating. Think about that when you tuck your child in at night!

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: EDIT183Mixdown_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:09am EST

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Although we really don't tend to discuss politics at FSN, Dr. Yaron Brook joins us today to discuss the American Motors of Presidential candidates we've got on the ticket for this year's election. Americans seem ready to vote Obama out, but are we as a nation really embracing the freedom that limited government can provide? Dr. Yaron Brook thinks the Obama healthcare plan is a diaster, but will the Supreme Court repeal it and put it out of Obama's misery?

Clearly, the courts lack a basic understanding of what the constitution means and what its purpose is. The courts have completely misinterpreted the founding document, which outlines a limitation on the role of government such that every law passed by the legislature is supposed to be qualified by its consistency with the constitution. Our government has abandoned the limiting principle that is the Constitution all together. However, Obamacare provides an opportunity for Da Boyz to say that the Constitution doesn't allow the federal government to mandate healthcare. The problem is the Fed has 100 years of precedence suggesting the government has no limits. We have a government out of control, and it will be really interesting to see how this continues to pan out during the election.

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Yaron.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:56pm EST

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Trace Mayer and I sat down for lunch together in Manhattan today. We discussed the impending collapse, how governments will sustain themselves, and why it all means bad news for you. Trace, an author and proprietor of www.RunToGold.com, believes the current dollar/currency crisis could go on for many more years. My personal opinion is we're a lot closer to the end, than the beginning; perhaps, we're just one Black Swan away.

In any event, there are many strategies available for you to avoid suffering a disastrous fate, but you must act soon. The government, with its insatiable demand for cash to fund its overblown and inefficient operations, is going to be eliminating many of the techniques that you can now use. So, better to do it soon than to see all your options get cancelled out. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Trace_Mayer_4-26-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:04pm EST

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I trekked from New York to Philadelphia this past weekend to check out the End the Fed Rally and Dr. Ron Paul's Rally at the Independence Mall. It was very fitting that the birth place of the Constitution and individual liberty would be the venue for over 4,500 people seeking to restore freedom and cut back an increasingly powerful and intrusive government. From the interviews I conducted, it is obvious the "average" person has figured out the governmental scam and is appalled by it. We want our freedom back, and we want the government drastically reduced in size, power and expense. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: End_the_Fed_04-22-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:44pm EST

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Nick Santiago of www.InTheMoneyStocks.com joined us again for a wide ranging discussion about making money in the stock market. According to Nick's methodology, increased volatility is good for increasing investment returns. This means being able to follow the Fed's shadowy hand when they buy bonds and distort the market. Accurate charting is the key to following the moves. Buying gold, silver and perhaps some well valued real estate with your trading profits will help you go a long way towards the gold. Trading is not for everybody, or even most people, but if you have the right temperament it's a great way to make excellent returns. More importantly, use the current low interest rates and low real estate as well as metals prices to accumulate positions that will later allow you to profit or, at the very least, protect your wealth. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Nick_Santiago_04-24-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:52pm EST

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Danielle Park, proprietress of www.JugglingDynamite.com joined FSN today for another far-ranging discussion of what's wrong with the global financial system. It seems not a lot has changed since the Great Depression, and the lessons which were learned during that debacle were slowly forgotten. As a result, limitations on banking activity and financial instruments gradually gave way to a climate of cowboy, crony capitalism. The banks, while receiving extremely generous privileges from the government were able to avoid all limitations on their behavior and business practices. After the passage of Glass-Steagall, commercial banks were prohibited from engaging in risky banking activity. They weren't allowed to expand to other states and could only engage in sound lending. Throughout the years, that all changed and eventually the banks became the masters of their own destiny, as well as everyone else's. Yet again, we now see how this science experiment has wound up. It's time to restructure the entire financial industry, get rid of the zombie banks, and the performance of basic function of capital allocation and character based lending. 

Go to www.FinancialSurvivalNetwork.com for the latest info on the Economy, Markets and Precious Metals.

Direct download: Danielle_Park_04-24-2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:05pm EST





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