Wed, 22 August 2012 presents Gerald Celente, world known, well respected trend forecaster made his debut on FSN. World War Three could break out at any moment, but even if it doesn't you still need to prepare. Get into shape, buy healthy foods, stop buying at chain stores and support the shopkeepers of America. Start detaching from the false economy and the false political system, while you still have time. Gerald may not be perfect when it comes to exact timing, although he predicted the Crash of 1987 with amazing precision, but he knows that the Country has been lead down a dead end road and that the only way to come back from this awful fate is to to become aware and to prepare. Gerald's knowledge of history and his amazing ability to apply its lessons to today's world is extremely worthy of your consideration. Gerald will be coming back to FSN again and again, as we're both fellow New Yorkers. And as Gerald says, now is not the time to be running away, stay and fight for what you believe in. Taking up arms isn't the way to go, refusing to be controlled and living your own life are what's important. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Tue, 21 August 2012
Ranting Andy Hoffman joined us for a Tuesday rant. The situation is ugly and getting uglier. Treasuries are getting slammed and gold and silver are starting to rise. Who would have ever thought such a thing could happen? And yet, here it is larger than life. That's because the real economy continues to contract and there's no appetite for the powers that be-the global financial elite-to address the underlying problems. Government is the solution to all that ails man and nothing in their narrow world view is going to change that. Except the global financial cataclysm that's coming your way. Be prepared, both with precious metals and your personal survival plan. That's all you can do.
Tue, 21 August 2012
Triple Lutz Report--Gold and Silver Going Higher-Brandon Raub Patriot Is Arrested For Facebook Posts--Episode 204
Gold is trading over $1630 and silver broke $29. These are key resistance points and indicate that the short term trend is up. Like I've told you over and over again, I am awful at short term trading. I'm better at the casino, because at least then I can enjoy losing my money. But the trend certainly appears to have turned, although we could expect a minor pullback to the $1600 level just to shake off the few remaining weak players. Platinum has been on a major up cycle too. It was under $1400 last week, selling $200 the ounce less than gold. This was just too much for the value metals traders to leave alone. Now it's over $1500. Brandon Raub was a former marine engineer who served his country honorably. He was in Iraq and Afghanistan. He now finds himself committed to a mental hospital for 30 days, the result of being arrested by the FBI, Secret Service and local sheriff's deputies, all for anti-government Facebook posts. They were quite mild compared to a number of rants that have been recorded by the collectivists. He believes that 9/11 was an inside job, which we take issue with. But he is certainly entitled to his beliefs and to express them. And from what we've seen, none of them appeared to be incitements to violence, which we are completely opposed to. We wish Brandon the best and hope that this is not th beginning of the end of our few remaining rights.
Thu, 16 August 2012 presents Inflation has killed the middle class and provided a windfall to Wall Street. The financial sector has outgrown the real economy substantially over the past 30 years. The financial sector no longer exists to allocate capital but rather to act as the "house" in the largest casino that the world has ever known. This means that over time the sector will revert to the mean, which means that it is due for a large deflation. This means that geographical diversification is essential to preserving wealth. Real estate has a money-laundering component that makes it a magnet for black market income around the world. People don't trust the market any longer. Corzine and others have completely undermined the credibility of the system. And the debt collapse could occur at any time. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 16 August 2012 presents Francis Cianfrocca is a noted writer and financial authority. He feels that we are in for a very rough fall. Traditionally, most crashes occur in the fall and have been doing so for hundreds of years. It probably has something to do with the agricultural crop cycle, where loans get made earlier in the year and then the Autumnal harvest comes in. And bad harvests in our historic agricultural economy led to market crashes around the world. And even though the economy has evolved from its agricultural past, the cycle hasn't. Also, many people have started expecting the economy to crash in the fall. And Frances believes that 2012 could be a repeat performance of 2008, only worse. Either way, we'll find out soon. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 16 August 2012
Barry Stuppler--Gold Market Appears Ready To Breakout-But Watch Out For Chinese Counterfeits 16.Aug.12 presents Barry Stuppler is bullish on gold and he is trying to protect US buyers from a wave of Chinese counterfeit precious metals coins and bars. Barry always has his ear to the ground and his hand on the pulse of the precious metals markets around the world. He believes that the narrow sideways price channel that the metals have been trading in for the past year is ending. He bases this opinion on his knowledge of the markets and the fact that the Chinese and Asian demand has never been stronger. China is attempting to acquire the world’s largest gold hoard. There are over 2 million Chinese who are participating in private gold purchase programs. In addition, many nations, especially the BRICS have also been busy increasing their gold positions. And of course on the European and American fronts, money printing continues unabated. So based on all these factors, Barry believes the price can only increase in the long run. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 16 August 2012 presents Diana Zoppa and I discussed the importance being a lifelong learner and thereby an informed citizen, which is something that governments the world over dread. There's nothing more threatening to a self-serving politician than an informed electorate. Something we used to have in America, but seems to have fallen victim to our dumbed down schools and corrupt educational establishment. But the internet and alternative new media have been fighting the ignorance trend and it appears that this movement is picking up steam. Of course there will always be a portion of the population that prefers ignorance to enlightenment. Which is why the battle to inform minds is really where all positive change and evolution of the human race and its condition must be fought. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Wed, 15 August 2012 presents Jeffrey A. Tucker was with us today to discuss a problem that all regular air travelers must confront, the TSA. There is no other governmental interaction that is quite so dehumanizing and aggravating. While most of us agree on the need for airport and aircraft security, there is a debate on the proper methods for assuring safety. Government service seems to bring out the worst in people and the TSA is no exception. And many people question whether they provide real security or simply security theater. And who's ever in charge of staff scheduling really doesn't have a clue. Often there's too many workers during slow periods and not enough during high more active times. Jeff believes that the TSA and the government could learn a lot from the way Tiffany's Jewelry Stores provide seemless, professional and friendly security at their many locations around the world. He may just have a point. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Wed, 15 August 2012 presents Gary Gibson, our old friend has joined a new site. He's working with another friend, Jeff Berwick of This is an ideal match. They're both practicing anarchists who have an inate distrust of all things government. And who can blame them? The way things are starting to disintegrate around the globe, the latest phase of the global economic cataclysm is starting to pick up speed. And Gary's planning to stay out of the US for the indefinite future, if at all possible. We wish him well in his new work arrangment and we expect to hear Gary unplugged, with no external limits on his writing and other works. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Tue, 14 August 2012 presents Arch Crawford is convinced that the stars and planets do influence economic and political events here on earth. He's studied their effects for over 40 years and his record of calling the important events has been impressive, if not perfect. And he's extremely troubled by the election charts. He believes that it may be delayed or cancelled and that martial law might be in effect. He thinks mid September to the end of the month will be very chaotic and tumultuous times. He's recommending that people stock up on food and consider the virtues of acquiring firearms. Of course we have no way of knowing whether he will be right or wrong, but we certainly can't just dismiss his projections out of hand. Going back to the 2000 elections, the chart foreshadowed some extremely strange and weird events and we wound up with Bush v. Gore. While no one knows exactly what the future will bring, anything is certainly possible. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Tue, 14 August 2012 presents Danielle Park is back from vacation and joined us today to talk about the coming end of the Great Recession. While some call it a Depression, Danielle believes that the realities of the situation will have to be faced and that politicians will no longer be able to hide from them or to put them off indefinitely. This could be good news for the middle class who have suffered far worse than those in the upper and lower economic strata. Hopefully it's not just positive thinking and it will lead to real systemic reform and the minimization of debt in our society. Debt is the great economic killer and the inability of the government and individuals to reign it in has had and continues to have disastorous effects. So any improvement is a welcome one. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Tue, 14 August 2012 presents Michael Krieger, frequent Zero Hedge contributor and proprietor of is extremely concerned over the individual's loss of rights and the expansion of the surveillance state. He's not happy with the election choices, but believes that Romney offers Fascism-Lite and Obama is implementing Fascism-Heavy. If Romney gets in perhaps we'll have the opportunity to further educate the sleeping masses and we'll be able to avoid the inevitable civil and class warfare that now seems inevitable. Once the genie is out of the bottle, there's no putting it back in. The day they come for everyone's guns, is the day that people will say Enough! But Michael and I are both hopeful that this fate can be averted. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Mon, 13 August 2012 presents Regal Assets is located in the People's Republic of California. But don't let the location fool you. They're big believers in gold and silver because of these metals' ability to protect and preserve your wealth. Tyler Gallagher is the CEO and he specializes in helping you get physical metal into your retirement account. He's also a show sponsor and we partnered because his record is impeccable (BBB A+ Rating) and the unparalleled level of support and communication Every order gets shipped within 7 days. And you always have a personal contact to connect to handle any questions or concerns. In fact, I’m in the process now of getting my retirement account into gold and you know who I’ll be using. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Mon, 13 August 2012 presents Ann Barnhardt was living her dream. She had a successul commodities firm, helping farmers across the US and Canada to hedge their crop risks. Then MF Global blew up and Ann realized that no matter how carefully she invested her clients' money, it could always be stolen right out from underneath them. Therefore, in good conscience she couldn't continue the business, so she liquidated the assets and paid off her clients in full, so that they would never have to suffer an MF Global meltdown. She has mixed thoughts about it to this day, but she's absolutely certain she did the morally correct act. And while Ann's business ethics are very much intertwined with her religious beliefs, she's decided that she cannot liver her life any other way. And we have to admit, there's something nice about being able to sleep at night, regardless what your religious beliefs may be. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Mon, 13 August 2012 presents Ranting Andy Hoffman the ace observer of gold price manipulation and a perpetual thorn in the cartel's backside joined us for the Monday Rant. While we were watching, gold got hammered and at one point was over $12 in the red. As a wise man said, we no longer have markets, just a series of ongoing governmental interventions. And if you don't believe it, just look at the price charts. They tell the whole story and it's not a pretty one at that. In the Elite's effort to prop up the markets and give the appearance of normalcy, they regularly manipulate the markets, all in the name of economic stability. But what we will wind up with is far from stability. Instead, they will cause the mother of all crashes. And us average Americans will be left to pick up the pieces and pay the piper. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Fri, 10 August 2012 presents David Morgan joined us again, after last week's interview from the road. It's amazing what a brief vacation can do for the mind, body and soul. David's back and he's seeing renewed strength in the metals markets. The ability of silver to consistently stay above the $26 level and now above the $28, level is an indicator of underlying strength. And the same with gold. While both metals appeared ready to go parabolic last summer, they both wound up in one year corrections. And like all corrections, these too will end and the long term trend will assert itself. And for those of you who haven't been watching, that trend is up, up and away. But always remember that the tree does not grow to the sky and that once the excess debt and speculation has been wrung out of the system and the public and financial sectors of the economy have been drastically scaled back, then other more favorable investments may start to appear. But until that time, the metals are probably the place to be. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 9 August 2012 presents Diana Zoppa and I got together for our weekly show. We talked a lot about these uncertain and somewhat scary times. It's amazing how a little thing like losing all your wealth can make you very spiritual. And Diana's 12 and 13 year old nieces are visiting her this week. Unlike many kids of that age, they actually seem to be concerned about the global economy and sound money. How did that ever happen? Perhaps it's because Diana's father has been giving them silver coins too. They've been learning about silver since the time they were in diapers. I guess the moral of the story is that if you want your kids to understand what real honest money is all about, you should start getting the real thing into their hands as soon as possible. There's lots more in our conversation. Diana's got an incredible conference coming up in October in Vancouver, which you can find out more about at Lots of incredible speakers and some great info on how to survive and thrive in the New Economy. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 9 August 2012 presents Diana Zoppa and I got together for our weekly show. We talked a lot about these uncertain and somewhat scary times. It's amazing how a little thing like losing all your wealth can make you very spiritual. And Diana's 12 and 13 year old nieces are visiting her this week. Unlike many kids of that age, they actually seem to be concerned about the global economy and sound money. How did that ever happen? Perhaps it's because Diana's father has been giving them silver coins too. They've been learning about silver since the time they were in diapers. I guess the moral of the story is that if you want your kids to understand what real honest money is all about, you should start getting the real thing into their hands as soon as possible. There's lots more in our conversation. Diana's got an incredible conference coming up in October in Vancouver, which you can find out more about at Lots of incredible speakers and some great info on how to survive and thrive in the New Economy. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 9 August 2012 presents Victor Sperandeo is a master trader who's affectionately referred to as Trader Vic. He's run up spectacular gains on the Street and he’s been warning about the potential for hyperinflation for over a year. He's done the research on every great hyperinflation in history and sees no way for the US to escape, unless it massively reforms its fiscal and monetary systems. And he sees very little chance of that happening, without forced discipline of a major meltdown. Like we've said many times on FSN, with the exception of Dr. Ron Paul, there's not a politician alive who has the stones to take on the financial elite. And unfortunately, one man, no matter how honest and intelligent cannot change a nation over night. Vic says to diversify your holdings, if you have any left. But one thing is certain, gold and silver are the backbone of any portfolio whose goal is to protect your remaining wealth. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 9 August 2012 presents Martin Armstrong the legendary cycle investor shared his thoughts on where the world economy is heading, and it ain't pretty. The good news is that he doesn't believe that hyperinflation is possible within the US. The bad news is that the current system is spinning out of control and there's no one watching the store, especially when it comes to the real money supply. Banks and financial institutions use the ever increasing supply of sovereign debt to further inflate the supply of money. And it all comes back to the US, where it faithfully earns interest and further depletes the supply of real wealth. Unfortunately, there's no solution that any politician who's concerned about re-election is willing to embrace. So that means that the final collapse is just a not so Black Swan away. It's either that or another Bretton Woods type conference where world economic leaders meet and cobble together a new monetary system. Martin's interviews are always compelling and thought provoking and this one is no different. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 9 August 2012 presents Chris Duane was in the People's Cesspit, otherwise known as Washington, DC. He had the honor of meeting Dr. Ron Paul and discussing monetary policy and sound money with the good Doctor, who's been a 40 year proponent of it. And while Dr. Paul's is on his way towards a much deserved retirement, he has many followers who are only two happy to pick up the cause and fight for giving the people control over their money. Short of a revolution in how we define and treat money, the global economy will continue its death spiral for many years to come. And there's nothing the Ben Barnank and all of his cronies can do to save the system. It's broken beyond repair. So get ready. The mathematical facts will soon assert themselves with a vengeance. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 9 August 2012 presents Rick's an acknowledged tech investing expert. I've watched him correctly call the market's short term direction over and over again using his Hidden Pivot System. Even in these uncertain markets, Rick always seems to come out ahead. Right now he likes corporate bonds and stocks of companies that deal in life's essentials, like food and supermarkets. And of course you need to have 10-15 percent of your wealth in gold and silver and just keep it there as an insurance policy against economic collapse and governmental blunders-of which there's never a shortage of. And for your risk capital, invest in emerging companies that you understand. Look for companies that treat their customers right and are in it for the long haul. And for the record, Rick doesn't believe that gold and silver are in the process of resuming their upward ascent. He thinks that eventually they are sure to, but for right now, the short and intermediate trends call for more sideways action. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 9 August 2012 presents Martin Armstrong the legendary cycle investor shared his thoughts on where the world economy is heading, and it ain't pretty. The good news is that he doesn't believe that hyperinflation is possible within the US. The bad news is that the current system is spinning out of control and there's no one watching the store, especially when it comes to the real money supply. Banks and financial institutions use the ever increasing supply of sovereign debt to further inflate the supply of money. And it all comes back to the US, where it faithfully earns interest and further depletes the supply of real wealth. Unfortunately, there's no solution that any politician who's concerned about re-election is willing to embrace. So that means that the final collapse is just a not so Black Swan away. It's either that or another Bretton Woods type conference where world economic leaders meet and cobble together a new monetary system. Martin's interviews are always compelling and thought provoking and this one is no different. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Thu, 9 August 2012 presents Victor Sperandeo is a master trader who's affectionately referred to as Trader Vic. He's run up spectacular gains on the Street and he’s been warning about the potential for hyperinflation for over a year. He's done the research on every great hyperinflation in history and sees no way for the US to escape, unless it massively reforms its fiscal and monetary systems. And he sees very little chance of that happening, without forced discipline of a major meltdown. Like we've said many times on FSN, with the exception of Dr. Ron Paul, there's not a politician alive who has the stones to take on the financial elite. And unfortunately, one man, no matter how honest and intelligent cannot change a nation over night. Vic says to diversify your holdings, if you have any left. But one thing is certain, gold and silver are the backbone of any portfolio whose goal is to protect your remaining wealth. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.
Tue, 7 August 2012 presents Charles Biderman is one of the savviest investors we've come across in a very long time. He's long gold and inflation protected securities as well as being short a number of sectors that he believes will be the next crash victims. We asked him frankly if there was a market in the world that was not rigged and was functioning as it was intended. His answer was an unhesitating and resounding NO! The unabated flow of free money given out to the favored Too Big To Fails and other financial institutions has completely corrupted the financial system. It's no longer a place where capital gets allocated and growing businesses get needed financing. Which is why companies use the free money to buy back their stock instead of expansion. And until the government lets it all fail, nothing can change. Go to for the latest info on the economy and precious metals markets.