Thu, 25 May 2023
Michael Pento believes that the Fed's rapid rate increases have caused a banking crisis, and that the Fed's actions have created an artificial construct that will lead to a deflationary recession/depression followed by runaway inflation. He predicts a 30-50% drop in equity averages and suggests investors play it safe by collecting dividends in a safe manner. Michael discussed the unsustainable levels of global debt and the potential for deflation and a depression if the Fed does not take action to reduce debt levels. He believes that inflation is not the answer and that the middle class will suffer if it continues. He suggests that the Fed should reduce the balance sheet and remove the gamblers from Wall Street in order to create a healthy economy. Key Topics discussed:
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Thu, 25 May 2023
John Rubino is concerned that automation and government debt will lead to a collapse of the current system, and suggests that people should move their money into assets that cannot be inflated away. He also suggests shorting certain stocks and buying long-term options as a way to make money from the collapse. Kerry Lutz suggests using inverse ETFs and buying puts on the Housing Homebuilders ETF as other ways to make money. He also mentions a drug, Amg tide, that could help people with addictions to consumerism. John Rubino and Kerry Lutz discuss the potential implications of a drug that could cure addiction, including the potential for a global depression, a universal basic income, and a civil war between the boomers and the millennials. They also discuss the Bilderberg Group and the possibility of Elon Musk being co-opted or assassinated. John Rubino believes that leading economic indicators are flashing red, predicting a major recession coming, and that commercial real estate is a mess. He also believes that China's Belt and Road initiative has resulted in them taking over infrastructure in the developing world, and that the US has a history of exploitation and economic imperialism. Debt limit drama is ridiculous. They do this every time. The ultimate Kabuki. The limit has been raised 78 times by both parties. Lots of signs of a slowing economy -- Leading indicators index is in pre-recession territory. -- Commercial real estate continues to crater. -- Home sales are down 23% year over year. -- Home Depot just reported really bad numbers.
US might send fighter jets to Ukraine. Major escalation. Gold and silver are down. Is this the end of the run or just a correction NYC lost 5.3% of its population — nearly a half-million people — since COVID, with most heading South Bilderberg Group meeting underway in Lisbon includes heads of ChatGPT creator OpenAI, Pfizer, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs and… Stacy Abrams Overseas, China springs the debt trap on loans to a dozen countries a dozen countries most indebted to China — including Pakistan, Kenya, Zambia, Laos and Mongolia are finding out there China is a very unforgiving lender. Read John’s work at: Visit us at |