Now is the time to be the most vigilant and think ahead about how you secure your personal data. Security expert Bryant Tow comes on the show to inform us about this. Oftentimes, people go as long as 100 days without knowing that an account of theirs has been hacked. How does this happen? Bryant explains the difference between open and closed operating systems and the risks to be aware of, but adequate cyber safety boils down to understanding what phishing looks like, looking for security measures (i.e. Captcha), and avoiding password reuse. Tune in for more insight from Bryant on how to protect your data.

-How do you know if you’re being hacked? It can take over a hundred days to even realize that you’ve been hacked
-Most adversaries establish command and control, and patch the vulnerability so that it will no longer show up in a scan but remain in your system
-The Mac OS is closed, meaning you have to go through the company to get your application out on their store
-Android is open, so anyone can develop an application. Adversaries are more likely to target these devices because it is easier
-Bryant talks about the importance of empowering users rather than treating them as the weakest link
-Even if all technical aspects are perfect, half of the attack surface is still open
-Technology can only function as well as your process. We have to build a culture of security and make it something that people think about on a day to day basis
-Bryant’s business offers training for phishing awareness—measuring how susceptible individuals are to phishing tactics
-Bryant discusses several types of phishing methods used by adversaries
-The most common hacking method is achieved through password reuse
-Online shopping sites report that 60% of people will abandon their cart if their are no security measures on the site (i.e. captcha)

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network

Direct download: Bryant_Tow_15.Dec.22.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST






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