The Fed seems to be doubling up on their tapering—but what is going on behind the scenes? I sit down and chat with John Rubino, who breaks down what is happening with inflation and how different economical components and markets are being affected. We’re seeing massively negative interest rates, and we’re merely dumping less dollars into the new market; buying government bonds with newly created currency. Additionally, we see gold as a barometer within the economy, and automobile companies/other commodities seem to be doing well in these conditions. Tune in for more.

The Fed is doubling up on their tapering
-They planned to buy fewer government bonds going forward (even though they still are)
-We are seeing massively negative interest rates
-They’re just dumping less dollars into the market going forward
-They’re buying government bonds with newly created currency
-Gold is the perfect barometer
-Used cars are going for more than they would new
-Car companies (and commodities in a similar boat) benefit from inflation
-Automobile inventories are getting more valuable
-This has been a great environment for the gold miners, but costs are inevitably rising
-Buying out houses and renting them out to the masses has been part of the inflationary play
-In any crisis, there are winners and losers; if you get ahead of the trends, you can be a winner
-Shorting something has unlimited risk—you have to get the timing right

Useful Links:
Financial Survival Network
Dollar Collapse
All Your Stimmies Belong to Us, and More Black Friday Insights with John Rubino
Here’s What Will Spook Markets | John Rubino

Direct download: John_Rubino_15.Dec.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:26pm EST

FPX Nickel’s CEO Martin Turenne joined us for a sponsor update and to discuss the company’s new major nickel discovery at the Van Target. So far, each hole drilled has shown significant mineralization and there are more drill results on the way. They’ve scored some of the strongest nickel intercepts ever found in the Decar District. Their Baptiste Project is already the world's third largest undeveloped nickel project and as Martin has stated before, Van could be bigger, much bigger.

Like copper, the price of nickel has been strong. Supplies are diminishing, while demand has been increasing. Nickel is an essential component in EV batteries as well as production of stainless steel. Martin makes a compelling case that the political will now exists to exploit these much-needed resources. They’re essential for the furtherance of governments’ low carbon ambitions.

Presently, Indonesia is the Saudi Arabia of nickel and it's all going to China. It’s not clean nickel, which companies like Tesla are prioritizing. The West requires its own supplies and there’s no better place to start producing than in Canada. While global investors have been giving resource stocks the cold-shoulder, Martin is unperturbed and believes that the tide will soon turn. And he intends to see FPX take a leadership role in the sector’s resurgence.

Company website:

Ticker Symbols – OTC: FPOCF – TSX.V: FPX

Direct download: 047_FPX_Nickel_FSN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:33pm EST






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