For the month of August, the stock market was generally up with dips in a few areas. Dow was up 1.2% 35361 and S&P 500 added 2.9% to 4523, Nasdaq was up 4.7%. Russell 2000 was up 2.1% to 2273, TSX added 1.5%, and TSX.V slammed for 3.1% decline. VIX dropped to 16.5. The Dollar went up 0.5% to 92.66 and the Euro went down 0.5%. 10 Year yield went up 4% to 1.3. Bitcoin recovered 13.5% to 46957. Gold stayed right at 1814. Silver was off 6.1% to 23.9. Pt off 3.4% to 1008. Pd was down 7.4% for the month to 2406. Copper rose 4.29% to $4.29. WTI down 7% to 68.50. Brent down 4.2% to 72.88. Natgas shot up again adding 7.9% to bring it to 4.38. Uranium rose 6.8% to $34.63, again extending the up trend. 

Ratios:  Au:Ag rose to 75.9, Pt:Au .56, Pt:Pd .42. BRT:WTI 1.06, WTI:HH 15.6, and AU:WTI 26.5.  

Direct download: Mickey_Fulp_01.Sep.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:51pm EST


How do you get your digitally marketed business to stand out amongst thousands of others? Today, Kris Reid comes on the podcast to give us some strategies that utilize web dynamics and SEO optimization—ensuring your website will take off with the right approach. It is crucial to choose your market audience widely, and identify a valuable niche that makes your services stand out. Tune in today to get indispensable advice from Reid about marketing in the digital age, and how you can utilize these tools more effectively.


-How do you get your digitally marketed business to catch the attention of others?

-Riches are in the niches; the better you can serve a smaller group of customers, the better

-You have to choose your market wisely

-The more valuable a niche, the more people are going after it

-Once you identify your niche, you have to look at the entire segment of your niche. How will you add value to your client’s life?

-With digital marketing, it is very measurable and you can easily see your return

-A benefit of SEO is that it’s compounding—you keep getting paid on it

-Google continually produces the best search results

-If you tick all the boxes Googles is looking for, it will continue to reward you with great traffic

-People go directly to Google for services, which might be the one you provide

-You need a substantial amount of links leading back to your website, because it gives you domain authority

-You need to utilize key words with buyer intent or action intent—someone is actually going to take action and help you increase your revenue

-A good web designer understands marketing

-Back-links are critical—the bigger, the better

-Only 0.21% of internet content gets substantial traffic

-Niche-relevant back-links are most ideal to help you ranks

-Important to analyze which websites generate the right investors

Useful Links:

Financial Survival Network

Ardor SEO

Direct download: Kris_Reid_31.Aug.21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST

We sat down with Osino Resources' CEO Heye Daun for a sponsor update. Recent drill results, like those that came before, have been encouraging and the company recently released a highly anticipated updated PEA, showing a pre-tax Net Present Value of $579 million and an after-tax NPV of $377 million (5% discount rate) with a 2.3 year payback and an internal rate of return of 38% (based on $1700 gold).

Daun emphasized that during the current sector downturn, Osino has been focused on execution and delivery. He's been committed to building a top-notch team, keeping the company well-financed and pushing forward as the company grows and develops. With an aggressive drill program, the Twin Hills Project keeps getting bigger and bigger. This will eventually lead to a large shareholder payday (we own shares).

With its recent upgrade to the OTCQX, Osino should be well positioned to capture more investor attention and a higher valuation once the sector regains favor. And with all that's going on in the world and increasing financial instability, that should be sooner rather than later. Tune in to hear Heye Daun discuss Osino's potential.

Company Website:

Ticker Symbols: OTCQX: OSIIF - TSXV: OSI


Direct download: 032_Osino_Resources_FSN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:16pm EST






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