Recently a hedge fund Sunvest admitted to making $700 going long on Gamestop GME. They just happened to be shouting from the rooftops what a great company it was, back in September. Did they have anything to do with Reddit Wall Street Bets Board starting a frenzy? Perhaps, but they managed to get out with $700 million while the Redditors if luck broke, most of them. If you really want to understand what happened, watch the hit show Billions. This one is right out of super-duper hedge fund god Bobby Axelrod's portfolio of dirty tricks and criminal pranks.

Covid 19 update. I've been out of the hospital 5 weeks now and am in much better health than before I got the virus. 10 pounds lighter, lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar and my knees feel a whole lot better. I don't recommend the Covid Weight Reduction Program for you out there. There are much easier and safer ways to lose weight than this. However, I'm taking advantage of my experience to focus on my health, keep my weight down, keep carbs low and do intermittent fasting. And I'm feeling great as a result. Weight has continued to stay down. My goal is to get my Hemoglobin A1C - a blood sugar indicator - down to 5.5 within 3 months. A definitely doable goal. 

That's it for now. Stay healthy and sane! Kerry


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