First, to all FSN Community Members, Happy Thanksgiving! While we are certainly living through unsettled times, there are many reasons to be thankful and banish despair from our lives. Years later when I look back at this time, it will have proven to be an amazing time of growth on many fronts. Spiritually, emotionally and materially.

Human growth and potential are harder to realize during the easy times. As I have repeatedly told my children over the course of their lives, you learn way more from failure than from success. I also want to share with you a recent discovery. I just came across the work of YouTube sensation Wim Hof. I have found his breathing exercises, when combined with my meditation practice, to be of immense benefit. It has revealed to me that in order to find true happiness, we must always focus within and act to lessen the impact of external affairs upon our lives. In other words, who is President should have no effect upon your internal state of joy. 

That’s a little more philosophical than I usually indulge in, but during these unprecedented times, there’s every reason to hope for and expect better times ahead. But as always, it must begin with a transition from within. 

Direct download: TLR_485_25.Nov.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EDT






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