Jordan Roy Byrne stopped by to bring us up to date on the precious metals bull market. As always, watch the Fed. When they change their policy from tight to more accommodative, watch out for gold/silver and mining stocks to go higher. The recession started in February, but it's going to be known as the Covid recession. We're seeing inflationary policies being implemented. Regional trade will become the norm and China will be cut out. Helicopter money is becoming the norm. This cycle we're going to see policy makers getting the money directly into the hands of the people. It appears that commodity prices are starting to go up. It's all pointing higher prices for hard assets and precious metals for years to come. 

Direct download: Jordan_Roy_Byrne_23.Sep.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Jim saw the decline coming a few weeks ago. The sentiment was so one-sided bullish that it was inevitable. The recovery was starting to plateau and was running out of steam. The combination of what's happening in the US and the virus and Europe, finally caught up with the market and thus the decline we're currently experiencing. The Fed easing off the monetary gas pedal is going to have major effects and we're seeing it now. Let's see how long it will last for and whether the President will take unilateral action. The Congress needs to act. 

Direct download: Jim_Welsh_22.Sep.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST






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