Ross Beaty has a habit of being in the right place at exactly the right time.  In 2013 Beaty and his group perceived that in an effort to offset declining petroleum revenues, the Ecuadorian government was on the verge of liberalizing archaic mining laws and letting out extremely promising unexplored concessions.  

In 2018, predecessor company Lumina Gold was awarded 32 mining concessions. 2019 was a milestone year, which saw large scale projects Fruta Del Norte and Mirador come on line.               

The Company currently has 3 key assets and 2 world class partners: Condor which it is exploring iselft; and two separate earn-in agreements with BHP and Anglo American on its Tarqui, and Pegaus A&B concessions. Luminex also holds several other early-stage Ecuadorian exploration concessions.

In mining, management is always the key to increasing shareholder value. However, Luminex has something else that few if any mining concerns possess, long-term loyal committed   management. CEO Marshall Koval and SVP of Exploration Leo Hathaway have been working together since 2004 on a number of the Lumina Group's projects.

During this time, they've helped return over $1.6 billion to shareholders and judging from this interview they have many more successes ahead of them. It's always a good idea to bet on the winners. 

Company website:

Stock Ticker Symbols: TSX.V LR OTC:LUMIF 






Direct download: Luminex_Resources_08.May.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:35pm EST

The more things change the more they stay the same. There were 28 credit collapses in Mesopotamia and an early credit collapse in Greece. And thus the pattern was struck. Fast forward to present time and now we have the mother of all credit busts. Dan believes it was in the process of happening, back in September during the Repo crisis. There was too many assets floating around and too little cash to finance them. This led to the Fed to step up and prop up the markets with hundreds of billions. The Fed wasn’t going to let there be a deflationary depression. And there’s always one party who will borrow unlimited amounts of money and spend it as fast as possible, Uncle Sam. Dan likes junior miners because they generally have no debt. Their capital structures can be unbalanced but they aren’t generally debtors. 

Direct download: Dan_Oliver_07.May.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST






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