Brian Leni started out life as a steel company engineer. His career was advancing nicely, but then in 2013 he got bitten by the resource stock bug. He sold his home and invested 2/3 of the proceeds into the sector. He got extremely lucky (or smart) and got out near the 2016 rally's peak, substantially increasing his capital in the process. Now he's publishing the Junior Stock Review and continuing on with his plan. With his profits, he was able to purchase an upgraded home. Now he sees the sector's future as extremely bright and he's ready for a repeat performance. Not too shabby and proof that it can be done. 

Subscribe to the Junior Stock Review Premium, and save 40% off the subscription price. Use the Promo Code: KERRY. Subscribe here... 

Direct download: Brian_Leni_25.Feb.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

Investor money ensnared in alleged Ponzi schemes has hit its highest level in a decade, leading to concern that a booming stock market and de-regulatory agenda are pushing more fraudsters to bilk unsuspecting investors.

State and federal authorities uncovered 60 alleged Ponzi schemes last year with a total of $3.25 billion in investor funds — the largest amount of money unearthed in these scams since 2010 and more than double the amount from 2018, according to data from the website Ponzitracker.

A Ponzi scheme is a type of fraud whereby crooks steal money from investors and mask the theft by funneling returns to clients from funds contributed by newer investors.

Bernard Madoff ran the largest Ponzi scheme in history, a $65 billion scam encompassing thousands of investors that was uncovered in 2008. Madoff, who is serving a 150-year sentence in federal prison, recently said he was dying from terminal kidney disease and asked a judge to grant him early release.

Ponzi schemes alleged by civil and criminal authorities last year pale in comparison to scams unearthed around the time of the 2008 financial crisis, such as Madoff's and those of other notorious criminals such as Thomas Petters and Allen Stanford, who ran respective $3.7 billion and $8 billion frauds.

In 2008, for example, authorities found 40 Ponzi schemes with a combined $23 billion of investor funds — roughly seven times the amount of funds from last year, according to Ponzitracker, data of which is compiled by Jordan Maglich, an attorney at Quarles & Brady.

While it's too soon to tell if last year's total was an anomaly, some experts fear it could herald a return to more sinister times.

"This is maybe not quite 2008 again, but the seeds are being planted for the next investor massacre," said Andrew Stoltmann, an investment fraud attorney based in Chicago.


A surging stock market, which may lead investors to lower their guard, and a de-regulatory environment at the federal level are two primary factors driving the growth in these frauds, Stoltmann said.

The stock market has been on its longest winning streak in history after emerging from the rubble of the Great Recession.

The S&P 500 stock market index was up 31.5% last year, when reinvested dividends are included, its best annual gain in six years. The only year that saw better annual performance over the past three decades was 1997, when the S&P 500 yielded 33.4%.

The Securities and Exchange Commission, the federal agency that polices investment fraud, has also been less aggressive under the Trump administration, Stoltmann said.




Direct download: Tom_Hardin_25.Feb.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST






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