We sat down with our sponsor Lumina Gold's CEO, Marshall Koval. A company born of Ross Beaty's Lumina Group, things are looking up for its Ecuador Cangrejos project. With 16.7 million ounces of gold and 2.2 billion pounds of copper, there's no reason to believe that this endeavor won't be as successful as Lumina Group's others, which have returned over $1.6 billion to shareholders since 2004.

In fact, the story keeps improving and with the expected updated mine plan in Q1 2020 and updated PEA Study in Q2 2020, it should get even better. Add to that Ecuador's recently implemented mining friendly policies and laws, the project's closeness to a paved highway, two seaports, near proximity to the electrical grid and ample supplies of water, and it's no wonder that this project has garnered so much attention. But Marshall believes that the best is yet to come and if the past is any guide, he's probably correct.


Direct download: Marshall_Koval_10.Feb.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01am EST

George Leef is editor and George G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. A recent US District Court decision appears to have reopened the door for  students drowning in college debt to remove it in bankruptcy. Is that a good thing? One the one hand the $1.6 trillion education bubble needs to be addressed or we'll wind up with a generation of student loan debt slaves. However, is it really fair to let them off the hook and simply forgive their debts? What about those who have repaid their loans or didn't take any out? A difficult dilemma in search of a solution. 

Direct download: George_Leef_07.Feb.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am EST






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