Greg Crowe was enjoying a peaceful retirement and was in the middle of a bike ride through Vancouver's Stanley Park, when he got the call to take over the helm at Silver One Resources. Dressed in his bike garb, he rode over to the recruitment meeting and was immediately offered the position. Now he's biking less, as he's totally committed to building Silver One Resources. The Nevada Candelaria Project had a remarkable run as a high grade silver producer. It shut down in the late '90's when $5 silver made it uneconomical.

There's likely to be at least 50 million ounces sitting on the leach pads alone and Greg's working over-time to recover it. In addition, the project also has great potential as numerous resources were identified by a prior owner but followed up on. Numerous historic mines there also show promise. That's why the Company has been further expanding its land package as well.

As if all that wasn't enough, the Company staked out a new claim in Eastern Nevada - Cherokee - located near a historic mine. It appears to have numerous veins that have never been drilled upon. Near the northern part of the historic mine, they've found extremely high grade veins of 1900 grams per ton. As we speak, there's a crew on site doing more mapping and a geophysical survey along with drilling is in the offing. Greg is still amazed to have found a property of this caliber that was open to staking, a true rarity in modern Nevada. 

Direct download: Greg_Crowe_Ver_B.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:23pm EDT

We’re truly in Bizarro Land. Negative interest rates are the death knell of a financial system. In Sweden they’re giving negative rate mortgages. The system cannot function for long in this current state. A breakdown is inevitable. It’s just a matter of when. It’s a page right out of 1984. Ignorance is strength. You can’t reward savers with negative rates and not expect extremely anomalous behavior to emerge. When debtors get paid to borrow and savers get charged to save, the system is stood up on its head. The end is nigh. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_10.Sep.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am EDT






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