Thu, 22 August 2019
Adam Andrzekewski of shows how the SBA (Small Business Administration) is becoming the Big Business Admin or the Swamp Business Administration. They're making billions in loans to Beverly Hills billionaires and country clubs. They're financing high end jewelry stores that sell rolexes to the wealthy. For some reason, this seems like a perversion of the SBA's role to help small businesses get financed and grow. And the default rate is through the roof.This can't continue on. |
Thu, 22 August 2019
The trade war continues. China and the US are at an impasse. Regardless who's right or wrong, a resolution is elusive. China is making a big bet that President Trump will be defeated. That's what their election analysis team is telling them. If Joe Biden's president they will obviously get a better deal. But this strategy comes with a risk, they may be wrong. And then the stakes will go much higher. Trump will up his demands and China will be left in a real pickle. Maybe the tariffs will go up to 50%. |