Ned Schmidt has been warning us for years. We've seen gold and now silver break out of a 6 year long channel and Ned believes we've only just begun. The more things continue down the road of out of control debt/spending, the higher gold is going. Our money is on Ned, not the Fed. 

Direct download: Ned_Schmidt_22.Jul.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:03pm EST

For the past several months, Nick Santiago has been bullish on gold. Now that bullishness is expanding to silver, where he believes the returns will be severals times the eventual returns in gold. He believes that everyone needs to join this bandwagon now, before it's too late. Inflation is about to again rear its ugly head and those who don't prepare for it will face many difficulties. No one should be surprised. Nick also believes the stock market is close to a peak and oil is stuck at the current levels. Lot's more to digest here. 

Direct download: Nick_Santiago_22.Jul.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00pm EST

A debt deal was just reached today and almost no one cares. What has happened to the country? The debt limit used to be a big deal. How much debt can we produce before something happens to the global economic system? John and I agree that we're going to find out soon. People have finally rediscovered gold and silver. Unless something drastic happens, this only the beginning. Buckle your seatbelt now!



Direct download: John_Rubino_22.Jul.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:20pm EST

It's no secret that Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter among others have conspired to shut down conservative voices. In fact, President Trump just had a social medial summit to address this very issue. Herman Cain  was so upset about this trend that he joined which enables people to bypass the actual platforms to get the latest updates from their social medial voices. No longer will they be silenced. 

Direct download: Patrick_Brown_FF_19.Jul.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:16pm EST

Jason Cuzins may have found the holy grail of digital gold. Linking his Glint debit card with a bonded depositary holding audited and verified gold is a giant step forward. Once you possess a card, you can immediately load money into your account and purchase gold or other currencies or just leave it there. The fees to buy and sell gold are extremely low and easy. We'll a lot more information shortly.

Direct download: Jason_Cuzins_FF_19.JUL.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:15pm EST

Big data and big marketing are becoming one. What does that mean for your privacy? We're seeing advanced data modeling concepts applied to consumer databases, which provides companies with the ability to identify and expand their target markets. It also results in less junk mail, less spam and less telemarketing calls. Perhaps there is a bright side to this after all. 

Direct download: Craig_Huey_FF_19.Jul.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:14pm EST






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