Fri, 21 June 2019
Everett Millman is a precious metals analyst for Florida based Gainesville Coins that also has a strong foothold in the cryptocurrency space.He believes the financial system is heading for a painful transformation; precious metals and cryptos are likely the best assets for financial survival; "goldbugs" and "hodlers" should cooperate and collaborate since their common enemies are the banks and central planners. Everett offers a useful perspective on these topics. He'll be a show regular soon. |
Fri, 21 June 2019
Nick has been bullish on gold for quite a while. Rate cuts are on the way and fear is prevalent. Markets are at all time highs and yet the world's central banks are cutting rates, in the midst of a so-called recovery? It's an effort to salvage Europe and Japan. They have no choice but to cut. Draghi says more stimulus is needed. There's no turning back. |