Ace trader Nick Santiago nails it again! No more interest rate hikes and Nick is call for a September cut. Sounds like it's good for gold, which Nick believes is setting up a very bullish chart pattern. Stock market has probably peaked. Dollar to go higher and yield to fall on treasuries. Connect the dots and make money!

Direct download: Nick_Santiago_20.Mar.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:41pm EST

Craig and I discussed the then upcoming Fed Meeting. Craig believed they would do nothing, and they didn't disappoint. Rate hikes are off the table now, probably because the next recession is on its way. Was does that mean for you? Gold is likely getting ready to bust through the 1350-1380 major resistance point and you want to be on the right side of that trade. We've seen this before and we'll see it again soon. Craig also said that the Fed's asset disposition program would be tapered off. Right again, that's exactly what's in the cards. Sometimes all you need to do is tune into Craig's podcast and then  wait for the actual news to unfold. 

Direct download: Craig_Hempke_20.Mar.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:24pm EST

Buck Joffrey, MD turned real estate investor is bearish on gold. He sees much more potential in real estate than in the yellow metal. He doesn't believe all the doom and gloomers, of which he used to be one. Forget about hyperinflation and dollar collapse. Forget about cities and states ready to declare bankruptcy. It doesn't matter. And neither does the escalating debt. Real estate is still the place to be. 

Direct download: Buck_Joffrey_19.Mar.19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm EST






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