Thu, 27 December 2018
It’s no secret that the nation’s healthcare system is loaded with criminal behavior and government rip-offs. And hospitals are perhaps the biggest culprit. They routinely charge $100 for two aspirin and there are government sanctioned middlemen who take in billions and legally pay kickbacks to hospital employees. But there’s big change coming. As of January 1, 2019, hospitals will be required to publish their price lists and justify their prices. Dr. George believes this could be a major step in an otherwise unaccountable system. |
Thu, 27 December 2018
According to Ned Schmidt gold was the best performing asset for 2018. Everything else was heading up until market realities asserted themselves. He believes that precious metals will become the logical choice for many newbies in the coming year. If that happens, who knows where the price could go. But this sector has become a dumping ground for broken hearts and broken dreams since 2011, so we'll believe it all when we see it. He's also got some pretty good info on ag commodities and stocks. After all, even if the world as we know it ends, people still have to eat. |
Thu, 27 December 2018
It's no secret that gold has been rallying for the past couple of weeks, coming in just in time for Eric Hadik's Q4 rally. For a while it looked unlikely, but the yellow metal looks like it's heading back towards $1300 and silver has broken $15. Eric is looking forward to a very rocky year ahead for 2019 where traders in many different markets, from stocks to oil to ag, will do best. That means volatility and much back and forth. Are you ready to succeed in 2019? |