There's a reason why Gwen Preston calls herself the Resource Maven. She's a believer in the long term viability of the mining industry. If you don't believe it, look around your home and think what would be left if we didn't have copper. While it's been trading below $3 a pound for quite a while, it can't stay that way, because demand will keep increasing and we will hit a supply shortage. New sources will have to be developed and that's a very capital intensive endeavor. So somewhere in the future is $4 and higher copper, economics will eventually dictate it. 

Gwen's expecting the usual seasonal bump for gold. After that it's anyone's guess. But don't worry too much about the Millennial generations inability to understand precious metals. They chased Bitcoin to the stratosphere and they'll eventually chase gold as well. 

Direct download: Gwen_Preston_03.Dec.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:05pm EST

President Donald J. Trump said he wants to “drain the swamp.” But is it a swamp or an ocean? It’s about time the American people had some hard facts regarding the federal bureaucracy.

In Operation Drain the Swamp, Adam exposes all of it. We showcase who receives how much, where they work, and what they do. Most importantly, he reveals how much these bureaucrats cost the American taxpayer.

During the 2016 presidential election, the supporters of Donald Trump on the right—and even those supporting Bernie Sanders on the left—felt that the “system was rigged” for insiders. Adam highlights the facts and stories to prove it. In Operation Drain the Swamp, there's also a step-by-step guide to civil service reforms.

Direct download: Adam_Andrzejewski_03.Dec.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EST

Just when you thought it was safe to go outside, there's major rioting in Paris and other European cities. Is this a case of they're mad as hell and not gonna take it any more or have we reached a tipping point. Elections seem to produce the most unlikely of candidates who say many things but do the same old stuff once they arrive in office. What's an Austrian Economist to do? And what about Trump and Xi, a match made in Hades. It's okay because as a charming economist once said, somewhat seriously, In the long run we're all dead. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_03.Dec.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:34pm EST

Major US stock markets were up with DJIA up 1.7%, S&P 1.8, NASDAQ up 0.3% and Russell 2000 up 1.5% . Emerging markets were up 4.5%. TSX reversed course up 1.2% and TSX-V down 8.0% due to end of the year tax loss selling. Bitcoin the always volatile digital currency was off a painful 37% last month. Gold was up 0.7% and Silver was off 0.5% . Pt keeps plunging ever lower off 4.6% and Pd was up 9.7% again nearing record highs. Copper was up 2.6%. Oil was a huge loser for the month off, with WTI down 21.2% and nearly the same with Brent down 21.1%. Natgas hit $4.65 up a whopping 43.0%. Uranium continues its rebound with a 1.8% gain and is up 30% for the past six months. Currencies saw the Greenback rise .1% and the Euro was flat for the month. Rate on the 10 year T Bond backed down to a 3.03% yield. Till next year!

Direct download: Mickey_Fulp_03.Dec.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:17am EST






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