Aaron is fed up with high tax states, especially when they have bad weather too. So his intention is to flee the People's Republic of Al Franken, otherwise known as Minnesota. He advises all young people to give up any attachment they may have to their native city or state and seek greener financial pastures elsewhere. There's plenty of low tax states and countries that will welcome you with open arms. Start thinking about it now, before you're the last one left to turn out the lights. 

Direct download: Aaron_Clarey_13.Nov.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:03pm EDT

Danielle joined us to discuss peak interest rates and the impending economic slow down. This might not be the beginning of the long awaited recession, but it certainly means that we're getting closer. The problem is that you never know you're in a recession until you look back a couple of years. Then it's very easy to see, but it's too late to do anything about it. Will this time really be different. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_13.Nov.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:25pm EDT

Jeff writes, "Three Internet security experts have accused state-owned telecom giant China Telecom of diverting internal U.S. Internet traffic through China. The purpose, apparently, was corporate espionage."
According to Doug Madory, an expert on Internet traffic at Silicon Valley software maker Oracle, China Telecom’s network sent out false signals that diverted Internet traffic supposedly bound for the Verizon network onto the China Telecom network. The traffic passed through Hangzhou and other Chinese cities, and this went on undetected for an incredible 30 months, from late 2015 through 2017, according to Madory.

Direct download: Jeff_Ferry_13.Nov.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:29am EDT






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