Tue, 21 August 2018
Is it better to right too early or be wrong too late. If you've been listening to Danielle Park for any length of time then you know she believes that it's the former, not the latter. While she's been sitting on the sidelines for quite a while, the market has done nothing but go up. But at some point it's going to revert to the mean and that means a potentially huge correction that could potentially wipe out years of paper gains. Better to be proactive and avoid potentially devastating losses, even if it means missing out on large temporary gains. |
Tue, 21 August 2018
The jurors keep deliberating on the fate of former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort. Was he just a plant as Q anon claims and this is his rightful reward for screwing things up and allowing Trump to get the Republican nomination? Or is he just trying to squeeze Manafort into dropping the dime on Trump? In this case a tie is a win for Manafort. Let's face it, everyone knows that the Mueller Probe is just a pile of Muler Dung. It's clear that politicization has hit the judicial system, like it ever left, as a result of the national split resulting from the Trump Presidency. Is it any surprise that even in Alexandria Virginia there's a few latent Trumpers who are out to see that justice is done? There are probably 2-3 seemingly apolitical types who've infiltrated the jury and are casting their votes for Manafort's innocence. Jury nullification at its finest! |