Don Surber started out working in a factory, went to college and then became a newspaper man. After a long career, and with the dynamics of the newspaper industry in flux, he was shown the door. And his life has never been better. He writes his daily blog, and has several books to his credit, dealing with the Trump election and presidency. He sees the makings of a turnaround in his home state of West Virginia and is very hopeful. Read his work and let us know what you think.



Direct download: Don_Surber_10.Jul.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:16pm EST

Daniel McAdams is the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute. In that role they regularly review current news developments and comment accordingly. While many are excited by Trump's current supreme court nominee, the Institute takes a more worldly and grounded view. They're concerned about nominee Kavanaugh's ruling about mass data collection and his pro-state views. Where there's smoke...

Direct download: Daniel_McAdams_10.Jul.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40pm EST

The stock market hit its high in January of this year and doesn't seem able to budge. Millennials are near fully invested in this market and that can't be a good thing. At the same time gold is languishing, however the stocks are still performing well since February, with higher lows being made. Despite gold's current performance the GDX-J is still above its 200 day moving average. The GDX has performed similarly, but it's just below its 200 day moving average. 

Direct download: Ned_Schmidt_10.Jul.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:14pm EST

I published an article about privatizing border security and enforcement. The feedback has been amazing. So here we are again. Let's put a bounty on all illegals of $500-1000, with a bonus for felons and illegal multiple crossers. Coyotes are tops at $2500 per head. In no time at all, our southern border will be secure. 

Gorsuch was a more more pivotal and important pick than Kavanaugh will ever be. He took the swing out of Kennedy's swing vote. The past 19 5-4 SCOTUS decisions saw Kennedy side with the conservative block 100% of the time, including the pivotal immigrant ban case and the groundbreaking Janus v. AFSCME case. 

A little known factoid, Gorsuch was Justice Kennedy's law clerk. The two men have a very tight bond. Evidently, the presence of Gorsuch on the court led to a stiffening of Kennedy's conservative backbone. Was there a deal? We can only speculate and hope that in return for Gorsuch's elevation to the court, Kennedy agreed to return to his conservative roots for the remainder of his tenure. 

New York City is becoming the San Francisco of the East. Broken windows policing works in reverse as well. When government allows disorder and chaos to happen on its streets, with no fear of retribution, it will inevitably get more of it, as witnessed by the demise of these two once great cities. 

Direct download: TLR_457.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:58am EST






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