It's no secret that equities prices are off the chart. They appear to be at their second highest levels ever. How much longer can the madness go on for? Until it reverts back to mean. When that will happen is an open question. I guess we'll know it when we see it. But stocks have been going up for more than 9 years now. Is this time really going to be different? Danielle suspects not. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_02.Jan.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:02pm EDT

Gold has broken the $1300 resistance point. How much higher will it go? We've been at this point several time, however, this could be the one that propels gold much higher. The cycles guys have been saying it for a while. But it might just be a seasonal bounce. The key is if it breaks last year's monthly high of $1350. In other news, debt continues to climb higher around the globe and military tensions are heating up. Need any more explanations?  

Direct download: John_Rubino_02.Jan.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:59pm EDT

Look what's happening around the world. Iran and Venezuela look like they're getting ready to collapse. Can Cuba be far behind? North Korea could be approaching the end as well. 2018 looks like a great year economically speaking. Higher dollar as a result of increased overseas investment and interest rate hikes. It's very likely we'll see inflation begin to pick steam as well. You'll know at Thanksgiving.

Gold broke $1300 and silver broke $17. Now that's change we can all believe in. Bitcoin hit nearly $20k and pulled back. It's future is bright but that doesn't mean its not a bubble. People have got to get their dopamine from whatever source. What's better, narcotics or Bitcoin Bubbles? You decide. 

We're loving what's happening so far. Watch out for quakes and legal pot in Cali. Happy New Year to all!

Direct download: TRL_437_02.Jan.18.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:15am EDT






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