Tue, 30 May 2017
It appears that one of FSN's biggest fans, at least where Wayne Allyn Root is concerned is the left wing organization RightWinWatch.Org. Wayne says their mission in life is to constantly monitor conservative interviews and quote them out of context. Who has the time for such a questionable activity? You guessed, unemployed Democrats with way too much time on their hands. Good to know they possess such dedication to such a wonderful cause. Wayne also mentioned that the Republicans need to start investigation the Democrats. Seth Rich, the stolen election from Bernie, among other issues. We all agree that there's no such things as coincidences in politics, so now's the time to clear the air. |
Tue, 30 May 2017
Hollywood is bombing and this is especially true of the latest bomb, the remake of Baywatch with top start Dwayne Johnson. Johnson is interested in running for president and the media is thrilled, however the real world isn't. Hard to take him seriously, but the media has pretended to. The lesson here is that politics of any kind has no place in Hollywood, at least as far as their work-product is concerned. They can do whatever they want in their spare time, but don't sully your workplace. Keep politics out of award shows and any other non-politically related entertainment medium. Otherwise, the only thing you succeed in doing is destroying your brand and your ability to make a living. |
Tue, 30 May 2017
The Next 100 Days Could Mark a Return to Reality for the Financial Markets With the "Honeymoon" Over, the Next 100 Days Could Mark a Return to Reality for the Financial Markets |
Tue, 30 May 2017
Have you dreamed for years of having your own business? But you never did anything about it. There are many reasons we allow ourselves to dream for years without actually taking any tangible action: it feels safe, daydreaming is fun, it's a form of escapism, or it gives us hope. |