Fri, 28 April 2017
Bryan Slusarchuk is a director of First Cobalt (TSXV: FCC & US: FTSSF). We used to think that adequate supplies of Lithium were required to power the growing numbers of electric vehicles. And while at the present time Lithium is the preferred energy storage battery component, Cobalt is every bit as important. The supplies are rapidly shrinking and what we do get is often the product child mining slaves. As with many vital minerals and elements, Cobalt is often a bi-product of base metal mines. When the underlying metal becomes uneconomical to mine, Cobalt products stops as well. First Cobalt is out to change all that. They've got an amazing project in Canada - Keeley Frontier that has yielded large amounts of Cobalt and Silver in the past. Now restarting it is a major goal. It's blue skies ahead for the blue metal. |
Fri, 28 April 2017
There's a new computer security hack that uses your children to open the door to wholesale data theft your data. The kids believe they're downloading a Nintendo Emulator that will allow them to play unlimited games on their computer. Instead they're allowing a trojan virus to get in and cause all sorts of havoc with your data, identity and files. Warn your children about this exploit before it's too late. |
Fri, 28 April 2017
Joe Park is a leading Cyber Security Analyst and Author of |
Fri, 28 April 2017
What's Happing Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman: -Historically cheap PMs prices, amidst the "PiMBEEB-a-looza" of (PM bullish, everything-else-bearish) headlines; -GDP plunge, government shutdown?, French election, debt ceiling, North Korea; -gold STILL well above its 200 WMA; -record Bitcoin prices - and Miles Franklin NOW ACCEPTING BITCOIN AS PAYMENT; - an "historically unsustainable " environment, of "dotcom valuations in a Great Depression Era" Etc. |