Tue, 11 April 2017
It's no secret that massive financial fraud has been taking place in the US, Canada and the rest of the globe. What's surprising is how the cancer has spread. From shady reverse mortgages, to subprime mortgages, to sub-sub-subprime auto loans. We recently learned the truth about garbage student loans that are designed to fail. Imagine taking on $150,000 in student loans to become a failed photographer? This example is by no means unique. It's happened 10's of thousands of times. Promise them the moon and exact a pound flesh in return. Modern day banking, something to really be ashamed of. A recent NY Times story blows the lid off of yet another scandal. Read it here! |
Tue, 11 April 2017
Mish was on talking about the impending GDP numbers, coming out April 28th. While guesstimates are all over the board, most likely it will be closer to Mish's .6 percent than the 4 percent that more optimistic analysts are forecasting. Earnings are down and eventually that should bring the stock market down, at least it always has, eventually. It's certainly bad news for the nation's pension funds. They're behind the 8 ball to the tune of trillions. What's going to blow the lid off this sad state of affairs and who's going to bail them out? |
Tue, 11 April 2017
Chris Vermeullen, one of the savviest market technicians around, is bullish about gold, but not too bullish this time. He's seen this pattern many times before. Last week it broke the $1260 resistance point intra-day, only to retreat back before the close. Today, it's over $1270, but will lose momentum once again? While the long term chart is bullish, he believes that gold will truly shine in the 2nd half of the year. The stock market is due for a breather and this may very well be the time. Oil is poised to go higher. The VIX while shooting higher will pull back shortly and provide and excellent short. Much more here in this interview. Don't be fooled by the headlines. |
Tue, 11 April 2017
While the Left’s power to attack and block President Trump might seem formidable at the moment, look closer and you will see that it’s about to collapse. In fact, later this year, you can expect the Left’s power to shrivel up to a more typical level of opposition seen during other administrations. You probably will ask: Why will the Left’s power collapse? The truth is President Trump won the election fairly in the Electoral College. And it’s within the realm of possibility that Trump also won the popular vote because there might have been millions of votes cast for Clinton that were questionable. And the truth is coming out about Obama's surveillance of Trump. The recent Syrian Missile attack should convince everyone but the most hardcore conspiracy theorist, of which the left has more than its share, that Trump is not Putin's pawn. |