Our good friend Darryl R. Schoon joined us today. Darryl was way out in front of the Global Collapse of 2008-09. Now he's turned his sites to the next phase of the ongoing collapse. Inflation/deflation is the issue. Is there really anyway to stop deflation from happening? The central banks have tried everything including the kitchen sink and Darryl believes that when the stuff is going to hit the fan, they put a woman in there to take up the slack and the blame. Hello Ms. Yellen, this is your life! It's still a little too early to tell, but Darryl has some definite ideas. 

Direct download: Darryl_Schoon_13.Sep.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:34pm EST

Brexit rather than being the beginning of the end of the world has actually created numerous opportunities in the UK and Europe. Prices, which were near peak have receded and created better values. Kemi is also seeing opportunity on the other side of the Pond in some lesser loved US real estate markets, i.e. Texas and Ohio. Which is proof that Black Swans can be profitable birds of opportunity!

Direct download: Kemi_Egan_13.Sep.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:46pm EST

Danielle and I connected after a 1 month hiatus. Much has happened during that period. Wells Fargo just got nicked by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It came to light that Wells had fired 5300 employees for fraudulently opening new accounts without the depositor's permission. Clearly a symptom of the larger problem in today's Bankster dominated financial sector where the ills of cross-promotion have cost society dearly. But the end is coming and will happen in a burst of madness, perhaps will the coming demise of Deutsche Bank. If them, then someone else, but it going to happen. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_13.Sep.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:43pm EST






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