Wed, 7 September 2016
While Laurence Kotlikoff's chances of being elected president on a write-in campaign are quite slim, he has by far the best platform of any announced campaign. But he's an economist, so what do you expect? Economists always know what's best, unfortunately, they're never in a position to actually implement their ideas. Thus, we're left with politicians who sell the country down the river. If Trump is elected, perhaps the Professor would consider a high ranking cabinet position. His ideas are first rate, from Social Security, to Taxation, to Defense, we haven't heard anyone come close. We wish you the best Professor K!
Wed, 7 September 2016
We finally caught up with Wayne Allyn Root. He's been hot on the Trump Campaign Trial. He just released his new book Angry White Men: How the Donald Trump Phenomenon is Changing America--and What We Can All Do to Save the Middle Class. Wayne has been on a non-stop crusade to help get the Donald elected. He's been appearing on TV, Radio and in Newspaper interviews regularly. We hadn't talked with him in months. He still believes that Trump is the One. We will find out soon enough if he's right.