Insider Trading on Capitol Hill, who would've thunk it.

Christopher Markowski is America’s Watchdog on Wall Street and Opens up Our Eyes to all Insider Trading Secrets and Stories that You can only hear here FIRST!

A few weeks before the government announced a funding cut for some home-health-care services in 2013, a player in Washington’s political-intelligence business tipped off a hedge-fund manager, according to public documents. 

The next day, the hedge fund signed a $100,000 annual contract with the alleged tipster in Washington. Who was it you ask? None other than health-care-policy expert David Blaszczak, who has regularly been ahead in foretelling moves by CMS, the world’s largest buyer of heart stents, hospital stays, arthritis pills, knee replacements and other medical care and services. Hedge funds routinely buy or sell stocks based on his predictions of political-intelligence

Mr. Blaszczak’s alleged tip is one spoke of a broad federal investigation and is becoming one of the most significant insider-trading investigations involving Washington’s political-intelligence industry.

Direct download: Chris_Markowsi_24.Aug.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:44pm EST

We connected with Dr. Elaina George to get updated on the latest Obamacare disaster. There's no good news coming out of the country's latest effort at socialized medicine. And there's nothing that can save it. The cooperatives are all failing and the largest health insurers are pulling out from the marketplaces. But there's hope. Liberty HealthShare is going like gangbusters. Dr. George also gave us a source for low cost blood tests and for discount drugs. 

Direct download: Dr._Elaina_George_24.Aug.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:06pm EST

Where's It Going Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman:

Per yesterday's article, "I've never been angrier - or less worried."
-This morning's COMEX opening smash symptomatic of Cartel desperation to slow PM sentiment, amidst ultra-thin holiday conditions
-Have no fear, we are WINNING - even though this week, it doesn't feel like it
Today's MUST READ article, NIRP vs. Gold, Pt. VIII
-insurance companies, pension plans, BOE QE failures, ECB QE deformations

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_24.Aug.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:04pm EST






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