Recent Fed figures show that Millennials are using less credit than ever before, but is this a good trend? Maybe not. Paul Oster says that judicious use of credit actually can help Millennials achieve their life goals, such as purchasing autos and homes. When you're just using cash and debit cards, you're not building you're credit score and then when you go to make a purchase that requires credit, it's often too late. The key is to use credit sparingly, but enough to build a good score that's there when you need it. Just go over to Paul's site and see how it's done. 

Direct download: Paul_Oster_22.Aug.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:42pm EDT

Josh Bernstein joined us for a look at the Obamacare implosion. The non-profit Obamacare coops are all quickly biting the dust. The private insurance companies are all withdrawing from the Obamacare insurance marketplace. What's a socialized medicine advocate to do? Well they haven't figured that out quite yet, but give them time. No doubt the solution will involve lots of government money and restricting your freedoms, like they always do. So get ready, the worst is about to happen. 

Direct download: Josh_Bernstein_22.Aug.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:06pm EDT

Fossil fuels are bad. Illegal immigration is necessary for the economy. Free markets are arbitrary and cruel. Christians are intolerant. Men and women are exactly the same. 

The dogma preached by the far left has gone mainstream and the results are frightening: Most of what you hear these days is flat-out wrong. Mark Davis, widely heard talk show host, columnist and author, pulls apart the tenets of liberal dogma in Upside Down, a right-side-up correction of everything that's wrong with today's topsy-turvy world.

Direct download: Mark_Davis_22.Aug.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:02pm EDT

The Fed's having their annual shindig in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. While no doubt the champagne and caviar are flowing, the American Economy isn't. And while Trump is out there trying to "Make America Great Again," all Yellen can do is kick the can down the road some more. But how much longer will it work. Confidence in central banks is at an all time low and continues to flag. Remember the good old days when the Maestro Alan Greenspan could move markets with just a few carefully chosen obtuse words. Gone are the days. Poor Janet!

Direct download: John_Rubino_22.Aug.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:43am EDT






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