We're now living in the Post-Brexit Era or PB and Jason's biggest problem is not enough quality product. We're talking single family homes in landlord friendly jurisdictions at the right price. Mortgage rates continue to stay low and have even declined slightly. Jason believes that this is a case where debt actually becomes an asset, which actually makes quite a bit of sense when you take a closer look at it. Undervalued debt on an income producing asset actually increases your return. It also has the negative effect of making investments that would otherwise not be viable, appear to be so. But that's living life under government control and the Fed. 

Direct download: Jason_Hartman_11.Jul.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:19pm EDT

What's next with Brexit? All the world's markets fell initially and then a miracle, the markets recouped their losses and then some. Bond yields are falling like a stone! Precious metals a booming, so what does it all mean? People are looking for safety at all costs. What's an investor to do? Vix is looking bad. Jordan still likes commercial real estate bridge loans and domestic US companies like Home Depot and Utilities. But be careful at all costs. 

Direct download: Jordan_Goodman_11.Jul.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:55pm EDT

What was bad news just one week ago is now good news. That was a crazy world we're living through. But gold seems to be seeing through this charade. We've never been in this situation before. 5 countries with negative interest rates. Will gold and silver keep going up? John thinks it will? He'll be writing about it in his next book due out in the Fall and about the investment opportunities that will be available when the system resets itself. 

Direct download: John_Rubino_11.Jul.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:27pm EDT






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