Today is Brexit vote day. Will The Powers That Be manage to fix yet another election or will the will of the people prevail. This is not your grandfather's UK. Dumbed down, over immigrated and worse. But perhaps there is some hope left. Either way the current system is going down and there's nothing that can be done about it. Commercial Signal Fail on the way in precious metals? 

Direct download: Andy_Hoffman_22.Jun.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:35pm EST

Ned sees bull markets all over, prosperity is no longer just around the corner. Prices in commodities, gold, agriculture commodities are all in bull formations. The Dollar Index is off 5 percent. What happened to all the raging dollar bulls who were claiming the dollar was heading to the moon. Ned doesn't believe that Brexit makes much different. But Ned believes that all the short term signals will all turn positive, but that won't last. Opportunity for gold and silver. What will sustain the bull market in PM's is the Fed!Ned would prefer the next president be chosen randomly from the first 19 Uber/Lyft Drivers on your smart phone app than the choices we're faced with. There is no rational central bank in the entire world giving gold and silver a free ride. 

Direct download: Ned_Schmidt_22.Jun.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:33pm EST

Noted ENT Doctor Elaina George explains the upcoming catastrophe that is Obamacare. Premiums are rising by 60 percent. The drive is on to sign up enroll illegal aliens to make up for the shortfall of citizen enrollees. But you can take matters into your own hands by opting out. Go to JoinLHS and sign up today. It's worked out extremely well for  Dr. George and for myself. Dr. George has been able to provide coverage to her valued employees that she would otherwise not be able to provide for. Truly a win all the way around. 

Direct download: Elaine_George_22.Jun.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm EST

Trace Mayer has been in on the Bitcoin band wagon since its inception. He's seen it go to $1200 and then back down to $187 and now it's headed back up. A few days ago it was trading at nearly $800 and now it's just below $700. What should you make of all this volatility? Is it just another example of China's emergence and growing instability. Yes, but it's also Bitcoin's growing acceptance as a medium of exchange. And that perhaps is the most exciting aspect of the this emerging story. Perhaps we're witnessing the birth of the world's next reserve currency!

Direct download: Trace_Mayer_21.Jun.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:55am EST






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