Seems like debt just isn't like it used to be. Governments spent a dollar and supposedly got three back in increased economic activity. One has to wonder whether that was every really true, however, now the opposite is certainly the case. The more debt we take on as a society and a world, the less activity results from it. The bill is coming due and there's no one left to pay it. 

Direct download: Danielle_Park_03.May.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm EDT

Our regular car expert Pam Oakes joined us to discuss what is going on with the car companies. Both VW and Mitsubishi have been caught cheating on their emissions ratings. VW will wind up paying billions for this serious ethical lapse and the jury is still out on Mitsubishi. Before this GM had a defective ignition switch that caused over 100 deaths. While its current CEO fessed up, it was long known to be an issue. How can these manufacturers believe that they'll actually get away with it? Eventually, they got caught and no doubt others will be as well, now that the scrutiny of their practices has been turned up. 

Direct download: Pam_Oakes_03.May.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT

It was a great month for Gold, Silver, Oil, Natgas, the TSX.V, Bitcoin, Platinum and Palladium. They were all up by double digits. Of course some markets like the Toronto Venture Exchange were at or near all time lows. Gold and Silver showed true strength and the Silver to Gold ratio looks like it's starting to come back down to earth. Oil and perhaps Natgas appear to have put in their cycle lows. How high will they go from here? Nat's hit a low of 1.66 in February and is now at 2.18. This in spite of the lack of demand for heating or AC around the country. Bitcoin is continuing its pattern of volatility but was still up nearly 10 percent for the month. 

Check out our previous monthly reviews. There's virtually no one else out there looking back at prior performance. The Wizards of Wall Street only look ahead. But those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat their market losses. 

Direct download: Mickey_Fulp_02.May.16.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:38pm EDT






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