Wed, 13 April 2016
Where Do We Go From Here Wednesdays with Andrew Hoffman: MAJOR EVENTS, PORTENDING CARTEL’S DEMISE -PSLV offering last Thursday night, per my “Admiral Sprott rides again!” and “PSLV secondary offering – a major blow to the Cartel” articles -exploding institutional demand, per my “institutional gold and silver demand, the final piece of the puzzle” article -silver COTs getting crushed, per my “COTs don’t matter, part II” and “about those COTs” articles -EMERGENCY MEETINGS amongst TPTB, like the FOMC and Yellen/Obama yesterday, per my “emergency meetings!” article Etc., etc. -AND Q&A EVENT/WEBCAST FROM Florida next week!
Wed, 13 April 2016
The attempted fixes by the Fed and the Treasury are now wearing thin. What's an ordinary person to do? And what will happen if you don't take measures now? Philip Kennedy author of Financial Judo examines these issues and presents fresh common sense alternatives for the average person.